At the same time, he also felt tired. Along the way, the successive appraisals consumed a lot of spiritual energy in his body. He needed to restore his own spirituality before he could continue to conduct appraisals.

Wang Xiaoming rubbed his eyebrows and said calmly: "Let's find a place to rest for a while!"

Hou Cuijiao hurriedly said: "There happens to be a coffee shop here, should we go there to sit for a while?"

Cao Yang had long felt tired and exhausted. He had been walking around various exhibition halls in the museum, which was boring and boring. After hearing that he could rest, he naturally clapped his hands in approval: "Okay! I just feel a little thirsty."

Wang Xiaoming naturally had no reason to refuse, and it was the same for him wherever he rested.

After agreeing, the three of them went to the cafe inside the museum. The environment here was surprisingly good, and there were not many people. After they found an empty seat, they each ordered a cup of coffee.

After sitting down, Wang Xiaoming told Hou Cuijiao and Cao Yang that he needed to close his eyes and rest his mind, and not to disturb him unless there was anything special.

By the time Wang Xiaoming felt that his spirituality was completely restored and he quit meditation, nearly an hour had passed.

Cao Yang was the first to notice and said, "Have you rested, Professor?"

"Okay, how are you doing? You followed me all the way, it was quite painful." Looking at the two people, Wang Xiaoming asked.

"I have no problem." Cao Yang said lazily, leaning on his chair.

"I don't have any problem either." Hou Cuijiao nodded immediately.

Wang Xiaoming lowered his head and looked at the time. It was already past three o'clock. There was still time before the museum closed, and he could still look for any cultural relics related to the supernatural.

He reached out and picked up the coffee on the table, ready to finish it and go to the exhibition hall for another walk.



Hou Cuijiao said hurriedly: "This coffee is already cold, so you'd better ask the waiter to change it for you!"

As she spoke, she took the coffee cup from Wang Xiaoming, but as soon as she took it, she discovered that the coffee cup was actually hot.

"How is this possible?" Hou Cuijiao asked in surprise.

This is incredible, the coffee has been here for almost an hour and it's still warm.

"There is nothing impossible about this. Have you forgotten what we encountered last time?" Wang Xiaoming stood up and Feng Qingyun said calmly: "There are things in this world that science cannot explain."

It wasn't until they returned to the exhibition area that Hou Cuijiao gradually accepted that Professor Wang was a person with special abilities and that the world was really different.

Wang Xiaoming didn't know about Hou Cuijiao's psychological changes. He simply used spiritual friction to generate heat to heat the coffee. Because he was too lazy to explain, he attributed the reason to the supernatural events he encountered that day.

After returning to the exhibition hall, Wang Xiaoming began to identify and search again. In a flash, it was five o'clock in the afternoon, which was already closing time.

Wang Xiaoming finally discovered two supernaturally invalid cultural relics in the Three Kingdoms District and the Qinhan District, both of which were discovered during the time period he deduced.

This trip to the museum was fruitful. Not only did I digest a small portion of the magic potion, but I also found four ineffective supernatural items.

After walking out of the Renguo Museum, it was still bright outside.

Just when Wang Xiaoming was about to say goodbye to Hou Cuijiao, he saw the other party saying somewhat mysteriously:

"Professor Wang, I need to ask you something."

"Say!" Wang Xiaoming said a little strangely.

"Didn't you ask me before if any strange events happened in the Ming Tombs?" Hou Cuijiao moved her hair with her hands and continued: "There are strange things happening there every night these days."

"What's weird?"

Wang Xiaoming became interested and asked, "Can you tell me more about it?"

Hou Cuijiao nodded and recalled: "It should have appeared three days ago. At that time, the security guard of the cemetery reported that someone was wandering around the cemetery at night with a flashlight, but when he got close and wanted to check, the person disappeared."

After listening on the side, Cao Yang said: "This alone shouldn't be too weird, right? It's probably a thief or something?"

"Of course we know, but late at night for the next two days, security guards saw a figure wandering around the cemetery with a flashlight. But as soon as the person approached, the flashlight went out and the figure disappeared."

Hou Cuijiao continued: "When I discovered it again, the figure had appeared in another direction of the cemetery and was seen by other security guards. Now everyone thinks that the cemetery is haunted."

"Did you call the police?" Wang Xiaoming asked.

Hou Cuijiao nodded and said, "The police have been called, but the police failed to arrest anyone."

"Since the police have been called, there is no need to worry." Wang Xiaoming said, "If it is really a special case and the police cannot handle it, they will report the incident and there will be specialized personnel to deal with it."

"That's good."

After hearing Wang Xiaoming's explanation, Hou Cuijiao felt relieved: "Professor, do you think this is a special incident?"

Wang Xiaoming pondered: "There is too little information, so it's hard to say. Have any of your people gone missing recently? Or died unexpectedly?"


"Generally speaking, the occurrence of special events will be accompanied by death. However, there are currently no deaths there. It is probably a human prank."


Wang Xiaoming's voice changed; "We cannot rule out the possibility that it is a special incident. You should not go to the Ming Tombs in the past few days. I will have someone go there to check and solve the problem after I return."

Amid Hou Cuijiao's thanks, Wang Xiaoming got into the car at the headquarters. The driver had been waiting nearby for orders.

On the way back, Cao Yang started to gossip: "Professor, when did you and Hou Cuijiao meet?"

Wang Xiaoming leaned back on his seat and closed his eyes to rest, and said calmly: "What? Are you starting to investigate me?"

"You're kidding, Professor, how dare I investigate you?" Cao Yang waved his hands repeatedly, "I just feel that Hou Cuijiao is treating you a little differently."

"Why is it unusual?"

"She must have fallen in love with you. When we were in the cafe, I noticed Hou Cuijiao peeking at you from time to time." Cao Yangyan said firmly.

As he said that, he looked at Wang Xiaoming, hoping to see different changes, but to his disappointment, Wang Xiaoming still had a dull expression.

Ever since he mastered the Leaf Ghost, Wang Xiaoming has been very sensitive to sight. As long as someone looks at him, he can detect it. He will naturally feel Hou Cuijiao's peek, so he is not surprised.

Cao Yang's nonsense made Wang Xiaoming miss Li Jun a little. At least when Li Jun was around, even if he had questions, Li Jun rarely asked.

Thinking of what he had promised Hou Cuijiao just now, Wang Xiaoming dialed Zhao Jianguo's phone number in the car and told him about the Ming Tombs and asked him to arrange for a ghost controller to deal with it today.

At the same time, he asked him to contact the people in the museum and send these four cultural relics to the headquarters.

By the time they returned to the headquarters, it was already after six o'clock and it was getting late. As soon as Cao Yang got off the car, he was called away by Zhao Jianguo. Wang Xiaoming had dinner by himself and returned to his residence to start a day of study.

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