Mysterious Heavenly Dao Exposure: My Dual Pupils Can't Be Hidden

Chapter 742 Heaven and earth are shattered, the sea is withered and rocks are rotten, and loyalty wi

"Heaven and earth are shattered, the sea is withered and the rocks are rotten, but loyalty will not change!"

Looking at the Lord of the Wilderness who bowed his head, Jiang Chen's expectations for him were actually higher than those of the ancestors.

To understand.

At the beginning, there were three kinds of power in Lingzu's body, and these three forces had a strange balance in his body, but that balance also made it difficult for Lingzu to take this step.

The strength of the Golden List is more to solve the situation of his physical strength, in fact, the help for other aspects is less after all.

But now the situation of the Lord of the Wilderness is completely different.

His own potential can reach the ninth level of the sacrificial Dao, and his body is still at its peak, and he himself has reached the half-step sacrificial Dao.

Therefore, in addition to taking him to a higher level, the power of the Golden List should also greatly improve his potential.

With anticipation for the Lord of the Wild, Jiang Chen said, saying:

"You will definitely become a legend between heaven and earth."

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Chen turned his hands gently, and the power of the golden list that he had mastered was mobilized.

Although the spiritual ancestor on the side saw the power of this golden list again, his eyes still showed excitement.

After all, such a magical power, no matter how many times you see it, you will only be surprised.

The power of this golden list seemed invisible and intangible when it was first formed, but as long as you have experienced it, you will understand the greatness of it, the convincing vibration. Even more people could not help but kneel to worship.

And Jiang Chen, who can control the power of this golden list, is full of silent coercion, which makes people unconsciously admire and even worship.

Unconsciously, the Immortal Master Taihuang was already on his knees.

The power of this golden list made him, the master of the court, unable to help but surrender.

The longing eyes never moved.

The power of Jinbang has changed from invisible and passive to a golden lunch box, and hundreds of millions of brilliance are lingering on it. At a glance, it seems to hide the mystery of opening the sky, and countless stars swim in it, as if it will become a universe.

Jiang Chen controlled the power of the Ten Thousand Worlds Gold List and slowly penetrated it into the body of the Taihuang Immortal Lord.

The power of the gold list enters the body!

The eyes of the Immortal Master Taihuang shot thousands of feet of golden light. The golden light has brought countless wonderful accomplishments. The power of the golden list is helping him to take that step, and the body that has been darkly injured in the previous war is also healing!

There seemed to be a heavy door in front of him.

Countless years ago, Immortal Master Taihuang saw this door blocking him, and as the years passed, this door was slowly being pushed open by him.

It's just that this speed is too slow and too slow. According to his previous speed, it will take another billions of years to open the door.

The appearance of the power of Jinbang allowed him to see the most wonderful scene in the world.

This power does not directly help him open the door, but decomposes the door into countless transparent.

He could see the truth in it at a glance.

Knowing that this will be the biggest opportunity in his life, the Immortal Master Taihuang also became nervous.

", "Relax a little, you have already opened half the door, your heart is ready for all this, just take one step forward, you will see a new world (Li Qianhao)",

Jiang Chen's voice resounded in his ears, listening to this relaxed tone, the last obstacle in the heart of the Lord of the Wilderness no longer existed.

An invisible shackle seemed to be broken and fell to the ground.

The Lord of Great Desolation seemed to be in the Milky Way, looking at the gate in front of him, he slowly pushed it up.

Sure enough, as Jiang Chen said.


The door fell to the ground, turned into countless truths, and flew into the main body of the Taihuang Immortal,

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