Mysterious Heavenly Dao Exposure: My Dual Pupils Can't Be Hidden

Chapter 723 Attack the Heaven-covering Immortal Court, Ye Di fights, and the giant pressure formatio

With a wave of his hand, all the evil races closed their mouths and looked at their king quietly.

"Little ones! It's been too long!"

"Is your body rusted!

"Come and move with me!

The evil master grinned wildly, and as soon as his big hand crossed the void in front of him, a black hole appeared, and then led the team to fly into the black hole in front of him.

Behind him there was a cloud of darkness.

Countless evil races!

"Five Seven Three" was accompanied by a terrifying sound and the sound of countless flesh slaps, and they flew towards the Heavenly Covering Celestial Court.

Covering Heaven.

Ye Di, who was in retreat and practiced, suddenly felt a palpitation in his heart.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked towards the place where the evil race was.

Yuantian Divine Eyes penetrated countless realities, and at a glance, he saw the figure of the evil race, and when he saw the dark evil race, Ye Di's face sank.

The evil master who was flying towards this side also seemed to have seen Ye Di.

A wicked smile appeared on the corner of the Evil Lord's mouth, and he spoke in the direction of Emperor Ye.

"Ye Di, I'm here."

Seeing the appearance of the evil master, Emperor Ye frowned.

There was doubt in his heart, and he wanted to find the source, but the next moment he sighed again.

No matter why the evil master came or why he went.

These cannot affect the fact that the evil race is coming.

Taking these to the bottom of his heart, Ye Di understood that he was going to fight.

The next moment, his heart is together.

An alarm sounded in the Heavenly Covering Immortal Court.

The alarm bell that hadn't sounded for many years was ringing.

It rang eighteen times in a row.

Hearing the sound of the alarm, all the people in the Heavenly Covering Immortal Court opened their eyes one after another, and panic appeared on their faces.

Many young people have never heard the siren at all.

But those old people who have been there since the existence of Xiantian Courtyard, they silently stood up.

Hearing the questions of the juniors, these old people just said lightly.

"Going to fight.

In the atrium of the Immortal Court, countless figures rushed towards here.

When everyone saw that the Twelve Saints had arrived, they couldn't help but ask questions.

However, the Twelve Saints did not speak, and just stared at the throne quietly.

As everyone's eyes looked.

A figure appeared on the throne.

The moment Ye Di appeared, all the voices in the field disappeared.

All the people of the Heavenly Climbing Fairy looked at their emperor.

Ye Di!

Everyone looking down, saw that the Twelve Saints had arrived, and other important people had almost arrived, so Ye Di said 0..

"The evil lord led the evil race to invade our homeland!

"The people of the Heaven-covering Immortal Court!

"Is it because we haven't moved for too long!"

"People in this world think we've become soft persimmons!

Come on"! Take up arms and let them know who we are!

Ye Di's voice resounded throughout the entire Heaven-covering Immortal Court.

All the citizens of the Heavenly Covering Immortal Court were boiling.

The title of the most powerful force in the real land has always been on their heads.

Over the years, they have long been used to the title of the strongest.

But today there were people who wanted to attack their Heaven-covering Immortal Court.

this moment.

In the Heaven-covering Immortal Court, only 5.1 was left to respond to Emperor Ye.

Picking up the weapon in his hand, the fear of the unknown in his heart has disappeared.

With the backbone, they, the people of the Heaven-covering Immortal Court, will make the invaders pay the price of flesh and blood.

Emperor Ye took the lead and sacrificed a nine-colored giant cauldron.

The giant cauldron was suppressed on the Celestial Court.

Dozens of cauldrons stood up and kept the sky above Immortal Court, leaving only twelve entrances.

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