Mysterious Heavenly Dao Exposure: My Dual Pupils Can't Be Hidden

Chapter 696 Double pupils radiate all worlds, admiration for Emperor Haotian!

in this picture.

The darkest areas seem to have living beings. They are extremely powerful and evil, and they are born with the power to destroy everything. Each of them is extremely terrifying.

Rao is so.

Liu Xian in the picture also shot at them without hesitation, and launched an amazing fight and shopping with them!

Until the end, it even almost bleeds into the void!

The screen ends here.

However, the emotions in people's hearts are like sparks being ignited, and they cannot be stopped at all.

"Where no one knows, there must be unimaginable disasters, and the group of people who disappeared may be pacifying the chaos there! 557

"The enemies they face are so terrifying, even if this is just a picture shown by the Huigen Golden List, I can feel my heart palpitations."

A strong man spoke.

Among them, there was even an ordinary priest who felt boundless fear from the picture. This was definitely an unimaginable powerful creature. How did those people in the past compete?

How did Emperor Wu Tian defeat the catastrophe by himself, and even enter the opponent's homeland?

Nobody knows.

Because in the past, there was no living being that could compete with Emperor Haotian, and no one was qualified to fight side by side with him.

(acfb) So he had to kill the catastrophe alone, and finally calm down some, so that the real place survives to this day!

Somewhere in the terrifying void of the real land.

Jiang Chen is preparing to break through the cultivation level of the eighth-layer sacrificial Dao realm. The terrifying power in his body is surging, which is enough to turn thousands of universes into powder. Such terrifying power is condensed in his limbs and bones, and even in every cell.

at this time.

He also raised his eyes slightly and saw Liu Xian's ranking.

"The eighth place is expected, but where are they now? 99

Jiang Chen was also very different, but he actually tried to find the trace of Wu Tiandi.

His heavy pupils are about to reach the highest level.

After Chong Tong is promoted to this realm, he will have a terrifying power, radiating all the heavens and the world!

In fact, Jiang Chen also had some guesses.

He has had contact and confrontation with the terrifying creatures of the plateau.

Know the power and strangeness of those creatures.

They have been spying on everything in the real place, but they have never made a move, as if they are afraid of something and seem to be waiting for something.

"Is it all related to Emperor Haotian?"

Jiang Chen whispered, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this possibility was very high.


It is impossible for those creatures in the plateau to be very responsible so far, and they only dare to make some small moves. They obviously have the ability to tear apart the boundary barrier of the real land, and it is very simple to invade the real land.

"Perhaps, it's really as everyone said."

"Wu Tiandi's group of people are fighting a difficult battle that no one can imagine!"

Jiang Chen let out a long breath.

He has an invincible heart, and believes that he is not weaker than anyone, nor any worse than others.

But he was against Emperor Haotian.

There is also some admiration.

In fact, not only Jiang Chen, but almost all the strong people at that time admired Wu Tiandi very much.

Of course, they didn't think that they would be worse than Emperor Haotian.

Covering Heaven.

Here, Qionglou Yuyu seems to stand above all living beings. At first glance, it looks like a magnificent palace group standing above the clouds. The huge immortal halls stand together, with double images, extending to the end of the sky.

Ye Di was full of breath, and when he saw Liu Xian on the list, his mind was also slightly moved, and he was very concerned about this!

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