Mysterious Heavenly Dao Exposure: My Dual Pupils Can't Be Hidden

Chapter 675 With the luck of a family, he is a madman and a madman!

Even if it is in a downhill stage now, the heaven and earth it carries are far beyond imagination.

At this moment these lucks are sacrificed.

The burst of energy is undoubtedly unimaginable.

Lingzu only felt that his own strength was extremely surging, and terrifying power was surging all over his body.

At this moment, even if he has not broken through to the eighth-level sacrificial Dao realm.

It also already has the power of the eight-fold sacrificial Dao realm.

Depleting the luck of an immortal clan to forcibly pile it up, even a pig can enter the realm of sacrificial Dao and become a rare powerhouse in the world.

Not to mention the ancestors.

He was already amazing and brilliant, and possessed a wisdom root that was close to the eight-fold sacrificial Dao realm.

"Open it for me!"

Ancestor Ling stepped out of the sky, and the terrifying power supported him like an unparalleled demon god, and the breath it emitted was enough to shatter thousands of universes. 500

At this moment, there seems to be a golden avenue under his feet. The avenue seems to be engraved with his life, and countless fragments are emerging.

More are boundless avenue lines, at this moment turned into thousands of runes emerging on the avenues, each rune contains surging energy, like the stars in the universe twinkling.

This avenue is his avenue of practice.

The avenue is incomparably long, and the place that can be reached is extremely far away, which is already a distant place that all living beings can't reach.

But no matter how far this road is, it has come to an end.

There is a break at the end of the avenue.

Immortal Master Tailing can only advance here, and after that, he cannot advance, not even one step.

Because one more step is a terrifying abyss.

If he continues to move forward, the whole person will inevitably fall into the abyss, and various unexpected situations will occur.

However, the ancestors did not believe in evil.

He originally came to extend the road and break the limitations in the dark.

For this reason, he even sacrificed the heritage of the entire ethnic group!

After a lot of gas transport burns.

Lingzu only felt that his body was filled with incomparable power.

He looked at the nothingness ahead and took a firm step slowly.

I saw that the power of endless luck seemed to be forging the road ahead for him.

Although the process is extremely difficult and slow.

But it works.

Spirit Ancestor is the ultimate potential (acfb) power of the seventh-level sacrificial Dao realm, and the next step is the eighth-level sacrificial Dao realm.

As long as Dao Dao can take another step, then he will usher in a sublimation again.

"Is Lingzu going to succeed?"

"The possibility of exchanging one's luck for one's own further, this is a lunatic!

"Since then, the decline of the spiritual clan has become a foregone conclusion, but the spiritual ancestor may become stronger and stand in the forefront of the immortal masters, making it impossible to see."

Many of the strong onlookers spoke up one after another.

They felt that the ancestor might be successful.

Because that step has been taken a little.

At the end of the broken avenue, the power of luck after burning turned into bits and pieces and condensed there, and his eyes still showed a little way.

If you have to describe it.

That is, the ancestors now have the potential of half-step eighth-level sacrifice to the Taoist realm!

The distance from Huigen, who truly possesses the eight-fold sacrificial Dao state.

Not far.

Almost everyone in the world thinks that the ancestors can succeed, because although the sky has put down boundless resistance, it seems that it can't resist the mighty power of luck that can't see the edge.

And at this moment, the foot of the ancestors is indeed extending the road, which everyone can clearly see.

But they were rather regretful.

Shaking his head at the sentient beings in the Spiritual Race,

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