Mysterious Heavenly Dao Exposure: My Dual Pupils Can't Be Hidden

Chapter 667 The ancestors are crazy, go against the way of heaven, and overthrow the golden list!

this era.

The appearance of the Huigen Golden List has greatly changed the pattern of the real place. The whole real place is like a storm, while the Huigen Golden List is located in the center of the storm.

It's on the list for every release.

It will bring a lot of sensation, and even lead to many unpredictable things.

Just like the Immortal Master Taixuan.

If it wasn't for the Huigen Golden List revealing his upper limit of potential, I'm afraid he would still have a fluke mentality "four nines three" in his heart, and he would not directly surrender to An Xian.


An Xian merged with the other two immortal courtyards, the power is extremely large, and it has greatly replaced the sky-covering immortal courtyard and has become the number one force in the world.

And the opponent's next target is the Taihuang Xianting!

The Lord of Great Desolation sneered, he did not have the habit of subservient to others, and now he has not yet entered the Golden List of Wisdom Roots, which means that he has the potential of the eight-fold sacrificial Dao realm.

With such potential, why bother to be a dog?

"If I remember correctly, Lingzu and Immortal Master Taixuan have fought for a long time, forging a lot of hatred, maybe I can invite him to come and help me fight."

The Lord of Great Desolation whispered.

Although he is also very confident in himself, he has already touched the category of the eight-fold sacrificial Dao realm in half a step, far exceeding the creatures of the ordinary fairy master level.

But now he has to face more than just the ancient immortal court.

It is the Taikoo Immortal Court after the merger of the three immortal gardens!

Therefore, he doesn't actually have much confidence, even if he is confident, he can't be confident to that level.


He quickly ordered to let the people in Xianting try to get in touch with the Spiritual Race to see if they could get the support of the Spiritual Race, or simply get the support of the Spiritual Ancestor.

As for himself.

Is in a closed state, really can't get out of it.


The idea that he was going to seek help from the ancestors was doomed to be empty.

I saw the Spirit Race forbidden area.

Ling Zu looks like a madman, and he is completely mad who has no chance of being in the eighth-layer sacrificial Taoist realm, and he doesn't believe what the Huigen Golden List said at all.

He is the ancestor of the dignified Spirit Race.

Beings who were enlightened billions of years ago.

How is it possible that the potential is only the seventh-level sacrificial Dao realm?

He couldn't accept it, he must know how high-spirited he was in the past, and even had the idea of ​​unifying the real land, otherwise he would not have fought with Taixuan Xianting for so many years.

Although things changed later.

He had to change his mind 0..

But he never denied himself in his heart, and always felt that he was a hero.

In fact, he is indeed a hero.

Before his birth, the Spirit Race could only be regarded as an ordinary big clan in the real land, far less powerful than it is now, and has the title of one of the eleven major forces in the real land.

"I am the ancestor, how can my potential be only the seventh-level sacrificial Dao realm? 99

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it!

Lingzu roared, and a crazy idea gradually flashed in his mind, and once that idea was born, it would linger like a bone maggot.

"What about the Golden List of Wisdom Roots? My cultivator's life is up to me. If you say that I only have the upper limit of the potential of the seventh-level sacrificial Taoist realm, then I don't believe it!"

5.1 Ling Zu roared and decided to do that.

There was no way anyone could stop him.

He must break the so-called potential boundary and forcibly enter the Eightfold Sacrificial Dao Realm.

As for the Huigen Gold List.

He has stopped looking.

He never believed that he could only go to the seventh-level sacrificial realm at the end of his life.

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