Mysterious Heavenly Dao Exposure: My Dual Pupils Can't Be Hidden

Chapter 273 The new emperor Jiang Chen, will he stop at the emperor realm?

This time, Long Yuan's heart completely settled down.

Long Yuan's eyes were determined, looking in the direction of the human race, full of awe.

At this moment, the ancestor of the dragon race made the heaviest decision in hundreds of millions of years, that is, to follow the human race completely, no matter if the road ahead is bright or full of thorns.

The dragons will no longer have any intention of retreating, and will always be the best ally of the human race.

The reason why Long Yuan was able to make up his mind was related to the strength of the human race. In the past, he thought he knew the human race. It was not until the appearance of the Tianji Tower that Long Yuan understood that the human race is unfathomable, and the human race is far from the surface. It's that simple.

When Long Yuan made up his mind, the Phoenix Clan was also not calm.

"The first ancestor, the strength of the human power Tianjilou is beyond the expectations of all living beings. Tianjilou has two immortal emperors, which is no weaker than any race!

The woman in the phoenix robe said in surprise.

She is the current patriarch of the Phoenix Clan, and the only people who can face her with such a low profile are the Phoenix Clan's first ancestor, the Immortal Emperor, and Feng Jiuyu.

The first ancestor of the Phoenix Clan, Immortal Emperor and Feng Jiuyu, bathed in divine fire, like a fire god, illuminating the void, she was also extremely happy.

With a smile, he said: "In the future, the Phoenix family should be with the human race in life and death, and it will be inseparable from the human race alliance."

The Phoenix Clan's patriarch nodded again and again, the alliance became stronger, and the Phoenix Clan could suffer less in it. After all, war would kill people.

Seeing that the ancestor was no longer speaking, the Phoenix Clan Patriarch quietly retreated, leaving only a phoenix body ashes in the void.

The first ancestor of the phoenix, Immortal Emperor Feng Jiuyu looked at the ancestral land of the human race from a distance, surrounded by undead gods, flowing slowly, revealing the color of reminiscence.

"Is the legend of the human race going to reappear today, and the human race will usher in glory again..."

at the same time.

In the depths of the distant starry sky, a powerful breath also bloomed at the moment when the golden list shook. The human race immortal emperor Jie Ming wore a white Taoist robe and stepped on the void alone, looking at the golden list of all realms.

The wind in the depths of the void is like a sharp knife. Even the Taoist ancestors have to be blown away. Huo Ming doesn't care, only the robes are hunting.

Ming was very happy to see Jiang Chen ranked in the top ten of the Taoist Gold List, and couldn't help but think of the scene when he and Jiang first met.

0··For flowers……

That young man was full of vigor, and he was still dazzling among the many arrogances, and there were countless stars, but he was like a vast sun, hanging high in the sky, and everyone had to be eclipsed in front of him.

But in the eyes of Huo Ming at that time, he could only be regarded as a more brilliant evildoer.

After all, he is an Immortal Emperor-level existence!


There are countless evildoers that I have seen in hundreds of millions of years. It is the limit to give Jiang Chen such a high evaluation with just one glance.

In the end, what struck Huo Ming was the incident that once happened. Jiang Chen completely shocked him.

In the cycle of reincarnation, chaotic yin and yang, breaking the rules, and forcibly pulling him back from the god of death, ask the heavens and the world, who else can do it except Jiang Chen!

Who has the ability to do it!

At that time, the stern old man was completely convinced, and now the elder who sits in the Tianji Tower, Ming never felt that he was condescending.

In his opinion, Jiang Chen, the new emperor of the human race, will not stop at the emperor realm!

The scenery above the emperor's realm, he is the only one who can appreciate the heavens and the world! Xi,

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