Regarding unstable factors, even she is a little worried about the first person of the Celestial Clan. If the situation becomes more and more serious, it will be out of control!

"Looks like we had to make plans earlier.."

Meanwhile, in the universe, Jiang Chen is still immersed in the fifth reincarnation.

One by one, the world is disillusioned, reborn, and repeated, Jiang Chen has never been able to break free from the shackles of reincarnation.

I don't know how many lives have passed, this life he was a carpenter.

Maple Leaf Town is the production place of ancient yellow flowers. This wood contains a kind of strange agarwood, which can refresh the mind and prolong life.

It is said that often accompanied by this tree can open up wisdom and enlightenment, and is pursued by countless practitioners.

The most amazing thing is that the objects carved out of ancient yellow flowers are not only tangible, but also divine!

There are three sculpture masters in the town that have been passed down for a hundred years, and Li Xuan studied under the Lin family, one of the three.

"I heard that the Lin family has newly recruited an apprentice, and in only three months, he will be able to give the plant-life shape!"

"It's too mysterious to be an apprentice in three months, isn't it?"

"It's true, the apprenticeship ceremony will be held on Linjia Street at this moment!"

On the street, passers-by looked sideways, looking at the two people who were having a heated discussion, and then hurried away as if nothing had happened.

Their destination is surprisingly consistent, that is, Linjia Street.

As the name suggests, Linjia Street belongs to the Lin family, and is the main source of income for the Lin family. The rows of carving houses here are neatly arranged, and you can smell the faint ancient fragrance even ten miles away, which is refreshing.

At this moment, in the center of Linjia Street, a thirteen-year-old child was holding a carving knife, and in front of him was a log of about one meter, and the child was concentrating on carving.

The young boy was Li Xuan. He was born with amazing eyesight and had a very subtle observation of everything. He was a natural carpenter. Ordinary people needed at least ten years to join the apprenticeship or even longer, but he only needed three months.

The most basic aspect of carving is shape, which is similar to carvings in popular terms.

To show the carved things as living creatures, what Li Xuan carved is a willow!

The carving knife was like a paintbrush in his hand, leaving mysterious marks on the log.

I saw a verdant willow slowly spreading its branches, and the breeze blew, as if swaying and lifelike.

Li Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the sweat on his forehead with his long sleeves, and the blessing was completed!

0.. Ask for flowers...

The moment Li Xuan put down the carving knife, the eyes of all the spectators around were deeply attracted by the lifelike willow tree.


"Prodigy, bang bang bang..."

Instant applause broke out from the crowd as they witnessed the growth of a master sculptor, which is quite meaningful.


From today onwards, Li Xuan has left the category of apprenticeship and has become a teacher.

There are no more than 30 carpenters in Maple Leaf Town who can enshrine sculptures. Those who can do this are all gifted people.

Take Li Xuan as an example, since he was a child, he had an amazing self-reliance, and observed things with extreme clarity.

Although Li Xuan can give spirit to plant life, there is still a long way to go from the real master. Lin Huansheng, the number one master of the Lin family, can give spirit to animal life, and every animal he portrays has aura!

Once Li Xuan was fortunate enough to see Master Lin's depiction of a fierce beast, a white tiger. At first glance, the killing intent was overwhelming. Suddenly, a white-haired giant tiger roared and roared in his heart.

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