Mysterious Heavenly Dao Exposure: My Dual Pupils Can't Be Hidden

Chapter 257 On that peak, the immortals always stand!

Behind Ye Chen, a tall, quaint shadow slowly formed. It was an ancient withered yellow tree that was tens of thousands of feet high. It seemed that after hundreds of millions of years of vicissitudes, every dead leaf contained a mysterious Tao. Meaning, Dao rhyme flows.

It seems that as long as you take a look at it, you will indulge in the meaning of Taoism, and people can't help but sit under the ancient tree to comprehend Taoism and cultivate.

The Bodhi ancestral tree swayed gently, and countless ancient leaves squeaked and squeaked, like the sound of "080" of the Great Dao, turning into a sound wave and shaking.

The sound waves invaded Thunder, and the two blended together, turning into the purest energy between heaven and earth and slowly dissipating.


Ye Chen's face was pale, and he let out a sigh of turbidity. He was already very struggling to make the Bodhi ancestral tree manifest, and the swaying power of the ancient tree was already his limit.

If there are two more attacks of the same degree, he may lose his strength and collapse!

Xiancheng's complexion changed, looking up at the huge and boundless shadow of the ancient tree in the starry sky, with a hint of amazement in his eyes!

This ancient tree seems to really exist, and upon closer inspection, every dead leaf seems to have a mysterious and complex pattern, which contains the truth, but it is a little unclear.

"Ye Chen, you are already at the end of the battle. If you do it again, you won't be able to bear it. The forces from the outside world are almost absorbed. You will only end in defeat. If you agree to the treatment, then everyone will be happy."

The situation is very bad, Liu Xi also sees everything in her eyes, and her heart is very entangled, she does not want to implicate Ye Chen.

Ye Chen seemed to see the worry in Liu Xi's heart, and a light smile appeared on his pale face: "As a neutral alliance, we must walk side by side and fight the enemy together.

After speaking, Ye Chen turned to the Immortal Emperor of the Immortal Clan again and said loudly: "I, the Immortal Emperor of the Celestial Clan, Ye Chen, give you the Immortal Clan a chance to retreat quickly, otherwise the Immortal Clan will surely bear the anger from the entire neutral alliance.

Xianwu was furious: "Then I can only catch you first, but I want to see if the Elf Queen can give up the life of the Celestial Emperor!"

"Emperor, you have been hiding for a long time, so it's time to show your true strength!"

There was an unnatural look on Yaoyajun's face, which was actually seen.

Xiancheng hoarsely said: "The battle must be ended as soon as possible, or things will change later! 11

Yaoyajun put away his posture: "Today, I will let the immortal emperors open their eyes, the power of Yaozu Taoism!

"Big Confused Demon Eyes!"

In the depths of the void, a powerful force appeared, it was an eye that was extremely strange, like a dark moon, vast and deep.

At the moment when the demon eyes opened, the power of the Immortal Emperor was also suppressed!

Ye Chen glanced at it inadvertently, and suddenly there was a strange urge in his soul, wanting to recognize it as the master, only in an instant, the ancient tree swayed, and all distracting thoughts dissipated.

"Be careful, this eye is different."

Ye Chen reminded aloud, and at the same time the ancient branches grew wildly, wrapping the two of them.

Liu Xi was also confused for a moment, and hurriedly took a few steps back.

This method can actually confuse the Immortal Emperor, that is, the 5.1 envoy is only an instant, and it is also extremely powerful.

Immediately afterwards, Xianwu Xiancheng joined forces again, and the energy whistled into a giant hand that covered the sky and covered the sun, and went to suppress the ancient tree with a destructive momentum.

In an instant, the phantom of the ancient tree shattered, and then, the means of covering the sky with a leaf broke open, and the figures of several immortal emperors were revealed in the 100,000 mountains.

The giant hand has not stopped, and is about to suppress Ye Chen!

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