Mysterious Heavenly Dao Exposure: My Dual Pupils Can't Be Hidden

Chapter 255 The ghost clan is ruthless, and the first ancestor, the immortal emperor, is furious!

One hundred thousand mountains!

In the Green Leaf World, the two Immortal Emperors of the Immortal Clan also noticed the change in the Golden List.

Xianwu and Xiancheng frowned at Jinbang coldly, and the sudden appearance of Ghost Talisman made them uneasy.

in between!

No words needed, direct heart-to-heart communication.

Xianwu said in his heart: "Since the war started, the ghost clan has consciously or unintentionally retreated behind the scenes, and every time the soldiers dispatched to the Alliance of Ten Thousand Clans are of mixed quality, they may have been hiding, and the elite power within the clan has never been revealed. 93

"Ghost clan..." Xiancheng sighed in his heart.

"The people of the ghost clan are inherently ruthless and good at planning. They won't suddenly decline. There must be some plan."

Xiancheng paused for a while, and then said: "Now the human race immortal emperor is resurrected, the human race has three immortal emperors, plus the mysterious Tianjilou, my clan has gradually been crushed by 077, and the ghost clan is the best at defecting. , Attacking from behind, our clan must pay attention to the movements of the ghost clan.

"Could it be that the ghost clan would be rebellious!

Xianwu was horrified in his heart, the ghost clan is one of the main forces of the ten thousand clan alliance!

If the ghost clan really turned against the tide, then the alliance of ten thousand clans would not only lose a powerful arm, but more importantly, once the military heart escaped, the alliance of ten thousand clans would gradually collapse.

"Although the trend of the human race is gradually growing, my family is the number one race in the world and it is not a false name. It is time to give some warnings to the ghosts."

Xiancheng also agreed with Xianwu's idea, the (acfb) ghost clan should really beat and beat.

A dog biting its owner must never happen.

In the distant void, in an unknown place, Dao Wei'an's boundless figure bathed in thunder, like a demon, attracting thunder and forging his body without fear.

"Hey, it's actually a Taoist method of the soul, which is somewhat similar to my family's true spirit method, but it still can't be compared with my Taoist method.

The Immortal Emperor of the Dragon Clan looked up at the sky in the thunder light, and the Taoist method of the ghost talisman raised his interest.

"The Taoist method of the ancestors of the ghost clan should be a supernatural power technique that focuses on creating one soul. The thirteen supernatural powers have unpredictable abilities. If they are against an enemy, this tricky and strange soul technique is indeed a headache, and it is impossible to guard against it! "

"However, compared with the method of the true spirit of my clan, it is much more superficial, it pays too much attention to the power of attack, and its grasp of its origin is far inferior to that of the dragon clan.

A comparison!

Long Yuan has enough confidence that the Taoist method he created can defeat the ghost talisman.

Since the birth of the Dragon Clan, they have been facing the rising sun every day, absorbing purple energy to train their bodies, and at night, they need to use lightning to train their bodies.

The sky thunder is full of destructive power, especially the damage to the soul is doubled. If you are not careful, your soul may be scattered.

But the dragon clan has a strange way to forge the body by attracting lightning, which is also the oldest background of the dragon clan.

Just like the undead fire that is exclusive to the Phoenix clan, Longyuan has enough confidence to overpower the ghost talisman!

Long Yuan compares the two Dao methods in his heart, and both have their own strengths.

But thinking of the sinister and vicious nature of the ghost clan, I felt a big headache. It would come from encountering this group of things on the battlefield of the Myriad Realms, so I couldn't take it lightly.

The people of the ghost clan are really too yin.

The ancestral land of ghosts!


"It's only the fourteenth?"

"I've been concentrating on cultivating the soul for hundreds of millions of years, but this is the result?

The Ghost Clan Immortal Emperor Ghost Talisman was puzzled and very dissatisfied.

For hundreds of millions of years, no one has reached such heights in the soul. He knows that his Taoism has set a precedent, and has opened up a new way.

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