Myriad Realms Summoning System

Chapter 947: Arrow of Indra

Suzuo Nenghu, the attack and defense are extremely powerful tactics, it is also a tactic that can only be used by Xiao Chen, who has the eternal kaleidoscope of writing wheels, but he hasn't used this for a long time.

Now he is already a powerhouse on the fourth floor of the Martial Emperor Realm, and the power of the Suzao Nenghu he used is naturally far beyond the previous.


The purple Suzuo Nenghu energy gushes out, and the 100-meter-high Suzuo Nenghu armor giant immediately envelops Xiao Chen.

"Good and evil spirit energy aura, this shouldn't be the aura that the son should exude!"

Looking at Suzuonenghu who was not far in front of him, Lu Xueqi couldn't help but frown. Although this Suzuonenghu was peculiar, the person who used it Xiao Chen's cultivation was only in the Martial Emperor Realm, so the power could not enter her. Eyes.

But the evil aura exuding from Suzuo Nenghu made her a little uncomfortable. She was born in the Qingyun Sect of the right way, and she was righteous. She was most sensitive to evil and bored the most.

Xiao Chen is the emperor in her eyes. Naturally, the exercises and martial arts that she cultivates should be righteous and awe-inspiring, rather than this kind of strange tricks that are extremely evil. It seems that after this, they should be right. Xiao Chen offered suggestions.

For an emperor, practicing such an evil martial arts technique is not a good thing for his own growth.

Lu Xueqi didn't know that Xiao Chen didn't practice any evil techniques to use this technique, but because he transplanted the eternal kaleidoscope blood wheel eyes, and the writing wheel eyes represent the evil eyes, so I must be able to. Will exude evil aura.

Lu Xueqi is different from Xiao Chen's other subordinates, her loyalty has not reached the level of unconditional loyalty to Xiao Chen, so she, who is upright and pure, feels the evil aura of Xiao Chen, and naturally will not sit idly by.

"What's that? What a huge giant! And the aura is not weak, it should be a strong Martial Emperor!"

"Isn't that the direction of the Xue family? How could something like this appear in front of the Xue family? Could someone attack the Xue family?"

"Impossible! The Xue family is so strong, who would dare to attack the Xue family's mansion so blatantly?"

"Moreover, the few giants must be a hundred meters high. A sneak attack is out of the question. This is a blatant attack!"


The monks in the imperial capital saw that a giant armored giant with such a huge, cold and evil aura rose up in front of the gate of the Xue family, and immediately began to talk about it, and some people quickly went to the Xue family. Hurry to watch the excitement.

The Xue family is the real giant of the Nine Heavens Kingdom. For tens of thousands of years, no one has dared to be presumptuous in the Xue family. Now someone dared to attack the Xue family. It is simply a bear heart and leopard courage. You can't miss this excitement!

Xiao Huo'er looked at the mighty purple-armored giant in front of him, as well as the cold-faced Xiao Chen on the forehead of the giant, and couldn't help muttering to herself: "This guy actually hides this kind of stunt. It's really amazing. Don't wear it."

Xiao Huo'er's cultivation base is not bad among the younger generation. She believes that she is not much worse than Xiao Chen in terms of cultivation base and combat strength, but the strength that Xiao Chen shows at this time makes her truly genuine. Feeling trembling.

After all, she had never seen Xiao Chen's true strength.

In front of this icy purple armor giant, the aura radiating from his body has almost overshadowed many martial sage powers. It is hard to imagine that this is just a martial skill used by the martial arts of the Martial Sovereign realm. In her eyes, Suzuo can almost be a martial skill.

Especially Xiao Chen's mysterious eyes, which had turned into an eternal kaleidoscope at this time, seemed to be full of magical power, and Xiao Huo'er couldn't help but be immersed in it at a glance.

Standing next to Xiao Huo'er, Xiao Jinyu's face was also full of shock. At this moment, he seemed to understand why there were so many masters around Xiao Chen following.

He differs from Lu Xueqi's opinion. Although the armored giant in front of him has an evil aura, he can't hide his dominance. It belongs to the hegemony of a strong man. Only those who can cultivate such domineering martial arts are worthy of following.

Moreover, Xiao Chen's talent shocked him for the first time.

Xiao Chen, who was in the crystals on Suzuo Nenghu’s forehead, glanced at the frozen Xue Che with a cold expression, and said indifferently: "From today on, the Xue family will disappear from the Nine Heavens, take a good look at the last Xue Che. Home!"

"Indra's Arrow!"

As the voice fell, the huge purple Suzano Nohu's left hand slowly condensed into a big bow, and then Suzano's right hand slowly placed on the big bow, and a long arrow hundreds of meters long took shape. Riding on the bow, aiming at the Xue family.

Indra's Arrow, Sasuke's ninjutsu in Naruto. It is the strongest move used by Sasuke in the Battle of the End Valley. It is the strongest arrow fired after absorbing the nine big-tailed chakras. It is as powerful as Naruto's six super jade spiral shurikens.

It is a ninjutsu that Sasuke can use to fill the external golem with the full body of Susano, and integrate the chakras of the nine big-tailed beasts.

This technique transforms all chakras into bows and arrows, and has the power to destroy the world. After Sasuke uses this, the chakras are basically consumed. The ability of the hungry ghosts of the reincarnation eye to absorb Naruto’s chakra ability Start to add earth life.

Although Xiao Chen does not have the eyes of reincarnation, nor the Chakra of the Nine Big Tail Beasts, he has the cultivation base of the Martial Emperor Realm, and his strength has long surpassed Sasuke, the strongest state in Hokage. He can naturally get rid of these constraints and rely on the eternal kaleidoscope to write the wheel. The eye moves the arrow of Indra.

Moreover, the Indra Arrow he launched was far more powerful than the Indra Arrow launched by Sasuke, because this Indra Arrow used almost half of Xiao Chen's spiritual power.

According to Xiao Chen’s estimation, Sasuke in the strongest state is at most equivalent to the Martial King Realm in this world, not even the Martial King Realm. How can the full blow of the Martial King Realm be comparable to the Martial King Realm? What about an attack that gathers half of the body's power?


The Arrow of Indra flew out, and instantly hit the center of the Xue family's mansion. Then, the fiery red clouds like a nuclear bomb exploded up to the sky, and the red waves illuminated the entire Nine Heavens Emperor's Capital.

The explosion expanded frantically around the center of the Xue family mansion. In just a few breaths, the entire Xue family mansion was moved to the ground by the crazy explosion of the Arrow of Indra, and at the same time countless system sounds sounded in Xiao Chen's mind.

Although there are not many masters in the Xue family mansion, the victory lies in the large number of them, and they still provide Xiao Chen with a lot of experience points.

After a while, Xiao Chen, who had absorbed a lot of experience points, had several systematic voices in his mind: "Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully breaking through to the five-star Wuhuang!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for triggering the side quest: Help the Xiao Family protect the Nine Heavens!"

"Task Reward: One designated summoning opportunity, one exercise inheritance opportunity!"

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