Myriad Realms Summoning System

Chapter 945: Mie Xuejia

"You now have no time to care about others!"

The figure of the ice emperor appeared in front of Xue Che, his hands were covered with a thick cold air, and he slammed Xue Che down the door.

Xue Che was startled, before he had time to think about it, subconsciously swung the long knife in his hand in front of him, trying to block the ice emperor's fist.


The ice emperor’s fist hit Xue Che’s long knife, and a roar echoed in everyone’s ears, and then Xue Che’s back of the long knife slammed into his face, and the whole person flew upside down. Get out.

In terms of combat power alone, the Ice Emperor is inferior to the Dugu Sword. Although the Ice Emperor is a major disciple of Emperor Shitian in the original work of Fengyun, he is stronger than the Dugu Sword who has not realized the Twenty-Three Sword, but the Dugu Sword is summoned by Xiao Chen from the system. What comes out is no longer the same.

However, the Ice Emperor is also the top 30 powerhouse in the world's top 30 rankings, far higher than Xue Che, and Xue Che is naturally not an opponent.


Xue Che's body slammed on the door of Xue Mansion. It was made of special materials, and even the strongest Wuhuang could hardly shake the door. It was directly smashed by his body, and his mouth was also Can't help but spit out a mouthful of blood!

This scene made the martial artists of the Xue family and Feng family feel chilly in their hearts, standing in place one by one.

But Xue Che is the Eight-Star Martial Emperor after all. He has extremely rich combat experience and will not make such a low-level mistake as being in a daze during the battle. As soon as his body landed, he endured the pain in his body and wanted to leave.

But the speed of the ice emperor is stronger than him, he has not had time to get up, the ice emperor's body has already come in front of him, almost no one catches his shadow fast.

"not good……"

Seeing the ice emperor suddenly appear, Xue Che, lying on the ground, showed a deep fear on his face.

But before he could react, the ice emperor had already stretched out his hand to him, looked down at him, and said in a cold voice, "Frozen!"

brush! brush! brush!

The sound fell, and a thick thick ice emerged from the ground, completely freezing Xue Che, the eight-star martial emperor. At this moment, he was still holding a long knife in his hand, his mouth was slightly open, and he was lying on the ground. The world seemed to be frozen at this moment. Up.

The dignified sky ranking powerhouse, Eight-Star Wudi, was easily defeated by the Ice Emperor.

In fact, as a strong player in the sky list, the gap between Xue Che and the ice emperor is not so big, but he was shocked by Feng Si's defeat, and the ice emperor had a sneak attack element, and he used all his strength from the beginning. , So Xue Che will be defeated.

The Binghuang was originally a subordinate of Emperor Shi Tian. Unlike Shen Yu's other subordinates, he has not yet received the real recognition of Xiao Chen. He also knows this in his heart. Therefore, in the last few shots, he tried his best to prove Own loyalty.

But anyway, Xue Che was defeated.

The two masters of the Xue family and the Feng family were all captured in an instant. The martial artists of the Xue family and the Feng family were shocked to the extreme. They were all stunned, not knowing what to do, but the Xue family and the Feng family had three martial emperors after all. It.

After a moment of lag, the remaining three martial emperors of the Xue family and Feng's family all reacted. One of the three-star martial emperors of the Xue family said with a gloomy expression: "Let's shoot together, take this kid, take him, maybe we There is still a silver lining!"

Among the remaining three martial emperors of the two families, the strongest is only the three-star martial emperor. Naturally, they all knew that if they tried to deal with the Dugu Sword and the Ice Emperor, there would be no chance of winning. They could only put the target on Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen was the core of this group of people, and their cultivation base was limited. They still knew the principle of capturing the thieves first.

The words of the three-star martial emperor fell, and the Xue family and Feng family martial artists, whose faces were all blanked, immediately changed their faces, their faces were filled with fierceness, and they were a bit of a fight against death, which meant that they were dead.

But Xiao Chen didn't panic at all, and even Dugu Sword and Ice Emperor did not turn back to rescue Xiao Chen.

Seeing this scene, the unknown emperor Feng Family and Xue Family Wudi were even slightly happy. The Samsung Martial Emperor waved his hand and shouted loudly: "The Xue family and the Feng family's warriors obey the order, kill!"

When the words fell, the three emperors rushed out first, rushing toward Xiao Chen with grim expressions, and dozens of martial emperors and martial artists from the Martial Saint realm followed closely. In an instant, these people had rushed from all directions to Xiao Chen's. before.

This scene gave Xiao Jinyu and Xiao Huo'er a trace of jealousy. Although they were confident in the strength of Xiao Chen's subordinates, these people had already rushed in front of them. Dugu Sword and Ice Emperor were still indifferent. A little anxious.

Because at this time, there is only one peerless beauty Lu Xueqi who makes people afraid to look directly at Xiao Chen's side, but they have never seen Lu Xueqi make a move, and they don't know her strength. Is this beauty a peerless master?

Soon they got the answer. The moment the masters of the Feng Family and Xue Family rushed in front of Xiao Chen, when Xiao Huo'er and Xiao Jinyu were already unable to resist, the bodies of these dozens of warriors turned out to be. As if stiff, he stopped in mid-air.

At this time, these people were only less than one meter away from Xiao Chen, but the distance of this meter was like a moat. They couldn't get close anyway. This scene made Xiao Huo'er and Xiao Jinyu stunned.

What is going on, it seems that no one is taking action!

However, the Xue family and Feng family martial artists, who were stiff in the air, especially the three martial emperors headed by them, exclaimed in unison with a ghostly voice: "The strong man in the fairyland, there is a fairy **** around you, you are Who is it?"

The three of them were all powerful Wudi, and naturally it was easy to perceive them. The power that restrained their bodies in mid-air, unable to move, was not the spiritual power controlled by the Wudi strong, but the real divine power.

This divine power is extremely pure, far from comparable to the impure divine power of the half-god strong, so the person who shot it must be an immortal god.

With a faint smile on Xiao Chen's face, he did not return to their problem, but gently waved his hand and said, "Xueqi, drain all their spiritual power and leave a life!"

Xiao Chen knew that although Lu Xueqi had a cold appearance, she was very kind in heart and would not want to kill people easily, so Xiao Chen didn't have trouble for her, just let her abolish the cultivation of these people. !

Lu Xueqi showed a slight hesitation on her face, but in the end, Xiao Huoer and Xiao Jinyu's surprised eyes lightly moved their slender fingers, and the people whose bodies were frozen in midair disappeared without a trace.

This change caused these people's complexions to turn pale in an instant, and their thousands of years of cultivation were scattered. Who would accept this gap?

After being abolished, Lu Xueqi also let go of these people, letting their bodies fall to the ground.

At this time, Xiao Chen's icy voice rang in the ears of the Xue family and Feng family martial artists!

"Next, take a good look at the demise of the Xue family!"

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