Myriad Realms Summoning System

Chapter 906: Flame Ling Ji exits

Regardless of the grudges and grudges between Taotie and the so-called Demon Emperor, at least for this moment, it had a strong killing intent that surpassed all Qin Yijue.

Qin Yi is definitely only the initial stage of the Divine Sea Realm, but he has caused great damage to it, which is a shame and shame that it has never encountered before.


Gourmet roared, and then took heavy steps, firmly and quickly toward Qin Yijue.

Qin Yijue's pupils shrank slightly, and the Ghost Heaven Sword in his hand once again developed a strong devilish energy.

However, this time she could no longer activate the Zhuxian Death Light. Although the power of the Zhuxian Death Light was powerful, it consumed a huge amount of her own divine power. It was already Qin Yijue's limit to be able to issue two notes.

But even if he couldn't send out the death light of Zhu Xian, Qin Yi definitely would not sit still.

In her eyes, there is always only an unrelenting battle, winning at all costs, she will do her best to kill Taotie, at least before she dies, she can't see Xiao Chen hurting Taotie.

Xiao Chen also knew very well that Qin Yi would have only a dead end if he continued to fight Taotie.

He understands Qin Yijue, once this woman goes crazy, even he can't stop her. This is not a question of loyalty, but Qin Yijue's character.

"Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun, how are you two, can you still make a move?" Xiao Chen asked anxiously.

When the two heard this, they were just about to stand up, but their feet were soft and a mouthful of blood came out.

The consumption of Mo Ke Boundless was too great, and they couldn't recover in a short time.

"My son, I'm going!" Wudao whispered, and then flew towards Gourmet.

Wudao is very clear that Qin Yijue's position in Xiao Chen's heart is very important. Although his help may be very limited, there is always more hope for one more person.

The blood demon ancestor was reluctant to take action. He had already been scared by the gluttony, but now it was time for him to show his loyalty, and he could only bite the bullet.

After Wudao flew away, the blood demon ancestor immediately followed him and rushed out.

Seeing this, Xiao Chen did not feel any relaxation in his heart, but heavier.

He knew that these two people alone weren't gluttonous opponents at all, and it was not easy to even stop it temporarily.

"What's the matter? Why hasn't Yan Lingji finished accepting the bloodline fusion, system, your uncle, don't play with me!" Xiao Chen cursed.

But the system ignored him.

boom! boom! boom!

On the other side, Taotie continued to make frantic attacks on Qin Yijue. Qin Yijue could no longer use Zhuxian to die at this time. She now fights Taotie and can only rely on her own body and the sharpness of the Ghost Heaven Sword.

After all, the Ghost Heaven Sword is a sacred soldier that surpasses the heavenly soldiers. Its strength is greater than the peerless sword and the Xueyin mad sword, so it can also cause greater damage to the gluttony.

However, weapons are always only auxiliary tools to increase combat effectiveness and cannot play a decisive role.

The Ghost Heaven Sword attached to Qin Yi's supernatural power, lacking the blessing of powerful martial skills such as Zhuxian Death Light, can only cause damage to the gluttonous flesh, and the threat is not far inferior to the wind and cloud's Moko Wuliang.

And this time Gourmet was not only passively beaten, it was attacking Qin Yijue frantically with its flesh, and it was constantly splitting into small Gourmet.

Because of the huge body of the deity, Qin Yijue’s attack speed was a little slow. Qin Yijue had lessons from the past and was very careful about the unexpected attacks of the deity. So at the beginning, he was not physically hurt by the deity, but the speed of those little ones was not slow at all. They all used suicide attacks to hit Qin Yijue's body, and Qin Yijue was constantly hit hard as a result. These small gluttonous cultivation bases were all above the first stage of the gods.

Qin Yijue’s back and chest have been burned with many wounds by Xiao Taotie’s explosion. These injuries have caused Qin Yijue’s breath to become disordered, and her body skills have gradually slowed down. In such a situation, she will be severely injured and killed by gluttonous sooner or later.

In fact, only a few breaths have passed, her situation has begun to become dangerous. The gluttonous huge head, sturdy tail, and the two mountainous arms will cause a huge impact every time. Qin Yi escaped the attack very dangerously, as long as she was attacked by gluttony, she would be seriously injured if she was not dead.

"Swallow Magic Blade!"

At this moment, Wudao screamed, taking advantage of the gluttony not paying attention, there were two black blades wrapped around his arms, and then struggling towards gluttony's back.

However, when these two black blades fell on the back of the gluttonous food, they only raised a trace of dust on them, without any damage at all.

"Blood burst!"

The blood demon ancestor came to Wudao's side, forming a peculiar seal with his hands, and then suddenly evaporating countless blood beads on his body. When these dense blood beads appeared, they quickly flew to Lutie's side.

Boom boom boom!

As soon as the blood beads arrived at Lu Tie's side, they exploded like bombs, bursting with dazzling white light in the sky.

At the same time, the blood droplets that evaporated from the blood demon ancestor continued to emerge, flying continuously in the direction of gluttony, exploding frantically.

"It's such a powerful explosion, I can't bear these explosions, and I can't avoid them!"

Wudao slightly squinted his eyes, and he is indeed a perfect powerhouse in Shenhai. Perhaps this is the true strength of the blood demon ancestor. He had been hiding himself before.

The explosion caused by the blood explosion covered a range of tens of miles, and the speed of the explosion was extremely fast. Even if he was a powerful person, he had no confidence to escape before the explosion occurred.

As the Lord of the Gods Court, he had heard of the old emperor Gorefiend ancestor of the Blood Sea God Dynasty a long time ago, and only today has he really seen the strength of this ancient power.

The explosion lasted for five minutes before the blood demon ancestor stopped evaporating his blood.

"Huh, I'm exhausted!"

After stopping the attack, the blood demon ancestor took a few rough breaths and looked a little tired.

The blood explosion also killed almost all the small gluttons, giving Qin Yijue a temporary respite. She endured the pain in her body and stared closely at the gluttons enveloped by the white explosion light that had not yet dissipated.


But soon, there was a look of shock on her face, a thick gray arm like a mountain patted Qin Yijue like lightning from the white light.

Qin Yijue didn't have the time to react at all. Perhaps it could be said that with her current situation, she could no longer escape the gluttonous attack.


With a huge arm hitting Qin Yijue's body, Xiao Chen used his writing wheel to clearly see a trace of red blood spurting out of Qin Yijue's mouth after thousands of miles away.

"Qin Yijue!"

Xiao Chen roared, his heart sank suddenly, and his gluttonous arm hit him heavily without any cushion, and Qin Yijue was in danger this time.

"Ding, the fusion of Yan Lingji's bloodlines succeeded!"

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