Myriad Realms Summoning System

Chapter 895: Gluttonous

There was a trace of fear on the face of the blood demon ancestor, and even his voice began to tremble.

He said with a trembling voice: "In this deserted ancient world, there is an ancient beast, gluttonous!"

"What, gluttony?"

Xiao Chen screamed and his eyes widened slightly. He really didn't expect to hear such a terrifying name from the **** ancestor's mouth.

Glutton, a fierce beast in Chinese legends, its biggest feature is that it can eat. It is an imaginary mysterious beast. According to legend, this beast has no body because he can eat too much and ate his body. There is a big head and a big mouth.

Of course, this is just a legend.

Xiao Chen was surprised, not because the gluttony could eat, but because the gluttonous name was really too big.

Ancient books record that Shunchen Yao, a guest in the four gates, flowed into the four fierce races, chaos, poor strange, tangled, and gluttonous, cast all four descendants, to impede the charm, and the world was like one by the Yaobeng, and the world was like one by the Yaobeng. , With its sixteen aspects, go to the four evils.

The gluttonous glutton is one of the four evils, also known as the roe deer. It is introduced in ancient books. Its characteristics are: its shape is like a sheep's body with a human face, eyes under the armpit, and tiger-toothed hands.

There are rumors that the most powerful of the four evil spirits is the gluttonous beast. As an ancient beast whose bloodline is not inferior to that of the unicorn wind beast, one can imagine how strong his strength is, and it is no wonder that Xiao Bai will give birth to fear.

From what the blood demon ancestor said just now, his cultivation level should be the second of the three realms of the gods. The realm of the gods is perfect. Even he fears this gluttonous beast. That means that this gluttony is not like Xiaobai Such a juvenile monster beast is a powerful mature monster.

Xiao Chen asked in a solemn tone he had never had before, "Blood Demon Ancestor, are you trapped here because of gluttony? Where is gluttony?"

Since gluttonous gluttons appeared in this desolate ancient and secluded world, everything would not allow him to be cautious.

The blood demon ancestor sighed, "I was shocked when I first encountered gluttonous beasts back then, but at that time, I relied on my profound cultivation, and frivolously wanted to compete with gluttonous beasts. , Unfortunately, I overestimated myself. Eight hundred thousand years ago, the gluttony was the same as my strength, and it was Shenhai Consummation, but I didn't even handle a single move in front of it.

Gourmet is worthy of being one of the most famous beasts of the monster race. Its strength is not weaker than that of the beast of the same level, and it is countless times stronger than the human race of the same realm.

I was shattered by that gluttonous move. Fortunately, I was proficient in the Supreme Heart of the Blood Sea God's Blood Sea Sutra, turning my broken body into thick blood, and then fled here, but the gluttony was unwilling to let it go. After me, although I was hiding well, the guy couldn't find this hiding place, but in the end he sealed the volcano with a sealing technique, suppressing me here, unable to leave for half a step. "

Xiao Chen was a little surprised. He didn't expect this Gourmet's intelligence to be so high, and he knew how to seal a large mountain with the sealing technique. He thought Gourmet was a brutal and brainless monster who only knew how to kill.

Xiao Chen asked, "Then you know, where is that gluttony now? Why didn't I see it?"

The blood demon ancestor said: "That gluttonous glutton only appears once every 100,000 years, and every time it appears, it will eat all the monsters of the first stage of the gods in this barren ancient world, and then return to this deep mountain, falling into a deep sleep. The last time he appeared was 50,000 years ago, so if you want to see it, I am afraid it will take another 50,000 years."

Xiao Chen now understands why there are no monsters of the first stage of the gods in the wilderness, and they have all been eaten by the gluttonous guy. The gluttonous realm of emotion has become a hunting ground for the gluttonous beasts, and the monsters in it It's all the food it feeds!

After pondering for a moment, Xiao Chen asked curiously: "I saw the bones of many monsters in the passage leading to this place, what's the matter? Those monsters should also be monsters above the Divine Beginning Realm before they were alive! "

The blood demon ancestor sighed and said: "The young man does not know that the blood sea scripture of the blood sea **** requires a large amount of blood to temper the flesh. In order to restore the flesh, I cast this blood pool.

However, it is too difficult to completely restore the body of a strong man in the Divine Sea Realm. Therefore, I have used the sound of temptation to lure the latest monsters that have broken through the Divine Beginning Realm by taking advantage of the gluttony before waking up. Here, kill the beast to get blood to replenish the energy of the blood pool. "

It turned out that the monsters left in the passage were all monsters killed by the blood demon ancestors!

This old guy is very good, he has become like this. In these hundreds of thousands of years, he has been able to kill so many monsters of the first stage of the gods. If he could not use himself, I am afraid he would come in. At that time, he had already done it to himself.

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen wondered: "Can't you lure those monsters in? Why don't you use the power of those monsters to get out?"

The blood demon ancestor smiled and said: "The seal left by this gluttonous glutton has its aura. Even if those monster beasts are deceived by me, they dare not touch them, so they can only rely on the hands of other races such as humans. …"

Xiao Chen nodded and asked, "Then how can I help you unlock the seal?"

When the blood demon ancestor heard the words, a flash of ecstasy flashed in his eyes, saying: "There is a print of a town in the crater, which is left by gluttony. As long as I destroy it with external force, I can break free from gluttony. Leaving from this pool of blood."

The reason why the blood demon ancestor condensed the blood pool at the current location was because he was here when the glutton seals the volcano. Once the glutton seal fell, he was completely unable to move.

But Xiao Chen was not a brainless person. The blood demon ancestor was at the peak of the Divine Sea Realm. Even if his strength has not been fully recovered now, hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and it is not much difference.

If he let go of this guy by himself, he would probably do something on himself in reverse. He didn't want to cause so much trouble, so Xiao Chen didn't plan to ignore him either.

He just said to Dugu Sword: "Dugu Sword, go and put away these hidden stones."

Seeing Xiao Chen ignored himself, the blood demon ancestor suddenly became a little anxious, and hurriedly said: "This son, you promised, as long as I tell you everything I know, you will help me out of trouble, you can't Talking is nothing!"

Xiao Chen glanced at him, still did not speak, but asked in his heart: "System, when you are completely restored, can you help me control this blood demon ancestor?"

The system said: "I can't, but if you can summon someone who is stronger than the blood demon ancestor, or is similar to his strength, you can redeem a mind-controlling exercise method from the system mall and let him help!"

Xiao Chen nodded, it seemed that he had to break through the Martial Emperor Realm first!


At this time, the entire cave shook violently, and many rocks fell from the top of the cave.

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