Myriad Realms Summoning System

Chapter 862: daughter in law

In the Moon City, the Hall of the Misty Palace, Nie Feng and the First Evil Emperor returned to Xiao Chen together.

This is the meeting hall of the Misty Palace. In addition to Xiao Chen's subordinates, there are also the elders of the Misty Palace anxiously waiting for news.

Compared with a young and beautiful woman like Su Xiyu, the elders of these misty palaces are all very old. Many people are already in their 70s or 80s from the outside. Even though they have attained their cultivation bases, their life expectancy is short. It can be greatly enhanced, but aging is inevitable unless it reaches the realm of immortals.

But even in the fairyland, there are still young and old people. Most of the elders of these misty palaces are only in the martial sacred realm, and even the emperor of the martial arts is normal.

Of course, the more advanced a person is, the more they can slow down their aging rate. For example, Yun Miao, who is now a thousand years old, is still like a girl in her twenties, and even her xinxing is only two. Around ten years old.

But if she can't break through the first stage of God, one day she will also become an old woman.

The Emperor Wu of the Misty Palace only has Yun Mishou, and there are three Martial Saints, and there are seven or eight elders in the Martial Emperor Realm. This is the high-level combat power of the Misty Palace. Compared with the Blood Eagle Gang, it is indeed a lot worse. .

In the deliberative hall of the Mystic Palace, Yun Myan and Xiao Chen sat side by side on the top benches of the hall, while Nie Feng and the First Evil Emperor stood in the center of the hall, bowing slightly and said, "Prince Qi, I The two have killed all the tens of thousands of warriors of the Blood Eagle Gang, and the leader of the Blood Eagle Gang, Li Feng, was beheaded.

"My God, they actually repelled the entire army of the Blood Eagle Gang with just two people."

"No, they are not the people who repelled the Blood Eagle Gang, but they slaughtered everyone from the Blood Eagle Gang."

"Li Feng is the seventy-two master of the sky list, stronger than the palace owner, and they were all killed by them. They are so amazing! What is their origin?"

"As expected by the palace lord, he is really extraordinary. The palace lord has found a good home!"

When these elders heard Nie Feng say that they had already killed Li Feng, they immediately became extremely surprised, and their gazes at Xiao Chen were immediately different.

In fact, they are not opposed to Yun Miao’s marrying, but Yun Miao does not know why, she is born with a sense of resistance to men, and she personally issued an order that no man should be approached near the Miao Palace, so a hidden rule was formed in the Miao Palace. Women Not to be married.

But people have seven emotions and six desires. In recent years, because of men, many people have escaped from the Misty Palace privately. It's just that they are sheltered by Yun Misty. If Yun Misty breaks this unspoken rule, they dare not mention it.

Now Yun Yingmiao has broken this rule by himself. Their sisters in the Miao Palace will be able to live the lives of normal women in the future, and these elders have also heard that Xiao Chen will let them get one of the top ten powers of the gods. Shelter, they don't have to worry about living in chaos in the future.

After listening to Nie Feng's reply, Xiao Chen nodded in satisfaction and said: "It's a good job, you have worked hard."

After finishing speaking, he turned to Yun Ying to say: "Palace Master Yun, how about it, I haven't broken my promise! I successfully helped you repel the army of the Blood Eagle Gang."

Yun Miao nodded calmly, and said, "Then I promise your terms. Starting today, I will be your wife."

When Yun Yanmiao said these words, his expression didn't change in any way. It seemed that everything was just like eating and drinking water, and it was commonplace.

Xiao Chen was also very helpless. Is this Yun Mishou really nervous? Can you be so casual about such things? You should at least be a little reserved, express your shock and surprise!

The little daughter-in-law was so confused, Xiao Chen didn't know what to say, but fortunately, this daughter-in-law, no matter what she looked like, or her cultivation level, was one in tens of thousands, and she was definitely not at a loss.

It's just that Xiao Chen asked with some curiosity: "You don't worry, Nie Feng and the others are lying to you, don't send someone to check it?"

Yao Yan shook his head and said, "No, Li Feng is indeed dead. You may not know that there are a total of three hundred people on the Sky List of Qingluo Continent, and these people are all left on the wall of the Sky List. Name. Everyone who defeats or kills a player on the top of the list will replace the other’s name. At the same time, anyone with a name above the top of the list can feel the change in the top of the list for the first time."

Yun Yanmian was the ninety-ninth master of the sky list, and his name was on the wall of his name. After Nie Feng killed Li Feng, his name would naturally replace the opponent, and Yun Yanmian felt it for the first time.

This name Zhaobi is really a magical thing, but if this is the case, it may cause the masters of the Qingluo Continent to continue to kill each other.

For the martial artist, in addition to life, the most important thing is reputation, which is simply a scourge.

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen asked, "Where is this nameless picture wall? How did it come into being?"

Yun Yingmiao frowned. She had never thought about this question, so she replied frankly: "I don't know. I only know that the name Zhaobi is on the top of Tianzhu Mountain. No one knows that it exists. How long did it take to form."

Xiao Chen nodded, as long as he knows that the photo wall is in Tianzhu Mountain, then he will take time to see it later.

Now that the Blood Eagle Gang had been repelled, and he had sufficient reasons to enter the City of Sin, then he didn't have to stay in the Misty Palace.

So Xiao Chen asked Yun Yingmiao: "Daughter-in-law, I'm going to Sin City soon, do you want to go together?"

Yun Miao didn't even think about it, and said, "I'm already your wife, so I'm naturally by your side. It's just these sisters in Miao Gong...?"

Xiao Chen turned to Yan Lingji below and said, "Han Lingji, are there anyone who has contacted the court, let them immediately send masters to Moon City to protect the Misty Palace!"

Yan Lingji nodded and said, "Wu Dao has received my message. Three days later, he will send his cronies to Moon City!"

Although the elder masters of the gods have not all sincerely returned to Xiao Chen, the innocent guards are loyal to the innocent. If the innocent is the imperial edict, they will definitely not let them come to Moon City to protect the people in the Misty Palace There will be second words.

Moreover, the Wudao guards are very strong, with three Wudi strongmen in total, more than enough to guard the Moon City.

At this time, Nie Feng in the center of the main hall suddenly hesitated to say: "Son, when we were strangling the blood eagle gang, there was a woman named godmother in the blood eagle gang, who was the first in the city of sin. A force, the disciple of Tianmen Sect Master, this woman is a bit weird, so I will leave it as her temporarily."

"What? You say godmother!"

Hearing this name, Xiao Chen stood up directly from his seat and looked at Nie Feng in surprise.

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