Myriad Realms Summoning System

Chapter 841: Nie Feng surrendered

The fact that Xiao Chen repelled a powerful enemy in the two-world passageway had spread throughout the entire Tianluo Continent without much fermentation. The warriors on the mainland were also exploded in an instant, and this matter was being discussed everywhere.

The Thousand Vehicle Kingdom, the only dynasty-level power in Tianluo Continent composed of monks. Originally, the people of this dynasty only believed in Buddhism, but after Xiao Chen unified the mainland, the monks of the Thousand Vehicle Kingdom reorganized the sect. Many outsiders have also poured into the country.

These monks contributed a lot in this battle between the two worlds. Only Wu Zun alone killed four of them.

At this moment, countless warriors were discussing fiercely in a restaurant in the Thousand Vehicles Kingdom.

"Have you heard? Not long ago, His Majesty Xiao Chen brought my warriors from the Tianluo Continent to repel the invasion of the Qingluo Continent. Now the martial arts masters can freely enter the Qingluo Continent from the two-way passage. , Pursue a stronger realm!"

"My ancestors have already told me about pursuing a higher realm. Now the upper limit of the cultivation base of Qingluo Continent and Tianluo Continent is the same, and both are Emperor Wu, so even if we stay in Tianluo Continent, we can still break through. Above Wu Zun!"

"You don't understand this. Even if the upper limits of the cultivation base of the two continents are the same, the breakthrough of Qingluo Continent is easier. The degree of aura there is not comparable to Tianluo Continent."

"It's alright, you said you two little martial princes are arguing here, even if you enter the Qingluo continent, you have to wait until you break through the martial prince. Do you two think that the two continents are open, you can do whatever you want? Have you broken through Wu Zun?"


The original Shuitian dynasty has now become a county under the jurisdiction of the Great Zhou Empire. In a city close to the original imperial capital, countless warriors are surrounded, looking at the Qinglong Academy under construction.

Qinglong College is the most constructed college among the four colleges, because it faces the broadest group of warriors. Like the other three colleges, at most one is built in the county and similar cities. Therefore, the number of Qinglong colleges built , Which is comparable to the total number of construction of the other three colleges.

"Is this the Qinglong Academy? It is said that His Majesty Xiao Chen will comprehensively build the four colleges and the Xiaoshengxianzhuang across the continent. Both commoners and nobles can enter the four colleges for free to study. The training resources needed by warriors, You can also earn by completing the tasks issued by the academy."

"Yeah, I have also heard that in the past, the family sect monopolized the inheritance of martial arts, and now my son can also practice martial arts. His Majesty Xiao Chen is really a good man!"

"And I heard that even at the lowest level of Qinglong Academy, the instructor's cultivation level must be above the Wuhou level, so that you can better guide students, and at the same time, the martial artist who has performed well in the branch can also enter the county college and state. Academy, even the headquarters of the Empire!"

"Yes, I heard that in the imperial general academy of the four major colleges, the lowest level of tutor cultivation is also the strongest of Wuzong realm, and the elders in the college are even the legendary Wuzun!

"I really hope that Qinglong Academy can be established earlier! This way my son will have a way out."


He had already thought of this everywhere in the mainland to sing praises to Xiao Chen, but he did not care. Now he is in the Golden Palace of the Jagged Dynasty, giving various orders to his subordinates and arranging various matters for the next empire. .

After Sun Simiao's recuperation, the unnamed three had regained their consciousness at this time, and their strength had also recovered by 20%, so they also participated in today's meeting!

Xiao Chen sat on the dragon chair and said to the unknown person in the center of the court: "Anonymous senior, the Zhonghua Pavilion will be completely completed soon, and you should almost take up your post. Lead some of the martial arts of the primitive palace and guard the two worlds. Passages to prevent people from the Qingluo Continent from sneaking into the Tianluo Continent."

Wuming nodded, Xiao Chen had told him about this before, and he also liked this kind of semi-reclusive life, so he also accepted Xiao Chen's suggestion.

In addition to being unnamed, Ni Bodhisattva was also appointed by Xiao Chen as the national teacher of the Great Zhou Empire and was responsible for suppressing the national destiny of the Great Zhou Empire.

Da Si Ming and other kings joined the Yin and Yang gate of the Star Soul, and Xiao Chen's loyal subordinates also joined the Nine Layers of Immortal Que and the Longevity Gate.

This arrangement is also because Xiao Chen is about to leave Tianluo Continent and does not intend to bring so many people. Many people have to make arrangements in advance!

Even the martial emperor realm powerhouses like Qin Shuang and Po Jun were arranged by Xiao Chen to the Zongmen Management Committee and the Family Management Committee. They have basically reached the limit of their cultivation base, even if they followed to the Qingluo Continent, they would not If there is any big improvement, it is better to stay here for now.

In general, the only three martial emperors Xiao Chen planned to bring to Qingluo Continent were the sword sage Dugujian, the first evil emperor, and Diao Chan, the three martial sages Xuanbing, Qin Yijue, and Yanlingji, and Zhang Sanfeng and Zhang Sanfeng. The two martial emperor realms of Shi Potian, Tian Yan, Zhang Han, Dianqing and Wei Zhuang of Wu Zun realm, and Bai Feng and Shao Siming of Wu Wang realm.

In addition, one's own baby sister and apprentice must also bring them, the talents of these two little girls are a bit cruel.

All the powerhouses add up to no more than sixteen.

Of course, people like the Long Family where Long Xue belongs to who are not in Xiao Chen's lineage, whether they want to go to Qingluo Continent, Xiao Chen doesn't care.

Long Xue's words are her own woman after all, so just ask if you should, and everyone else is free!

After finishing these matters, Xiao Chen continued with his opponents and said: "Xun Yu, Di Renjie, you are responsible for the expansion of Canglong City. From now on, this will be the imperial capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty. It will be renamed the Imperial City, the original Emperor Linshan. I will relocate too!"

After speaking, he said to the first evil emperor and the broken army: "The first evil emperor, broken army, our emperor Linshan is now thousands of miles away, can you transport it here intact? "

The first evil emperor and Pojun looked at each other, then nodded without hesitation: "No problem, as long as we cut off the connection between the mountains and the land, we can use spiritual power to drag Emperor Linshan to the vicinity of Canglong City. The subordinate knife can cut the connection between the mountain and the land."

Xiao Chen nodded, and finally turned his gaze to Nie Feng, and said: "Nie Feng, what are your plans in the future, do you continue to stay by my side or be alone and continue traveling?"

Until now, Nie Feng hadn't completely surrendered to himself, he just came to help.

Nie Feng pondered for a moment, and finally sighed helplessly: "I have seen a higher realm in this battle between the two realms. I know that I cannot break through the shackles of the intermediate continent by relying on my own strength. Therefore, I am willing. Surrender and follow by your side."

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