Myriad Realms Summoning System

Chapter 812: Huang Yaoshi and Mud Buddha

Emperor Luo Sheng is the youngest among the ten emperors, and is second only to the Canglong Emperor in talent. If he has ever been to a magic well, it is not impossible.

Thinking that he had four sheepskin scrolls in his hand, and only the last one was left, he could obtain the inheritance of Emperor Luo Sheng. Xiao Chen secretly passed a letter to Zhang Han and Wang Yue, and asked Black Ice Terrace and Shadow Guard to search for it. The whereabouts of the last piece of parchment.


Just when Xiao Chen passed the information to Wang Yue and Zhang Han, there was a loud noise outside the big account, and it seemed that the whole sky had fallen.

Xiao Chen was taken aback, and hurriedly led Yan Lingji and others to the outside of the big tent. As soon as he walked out of the big tent, he saw the demon sacred mountain a hundred miles away, continuously emitting a shocking red light. There were countless rocks with fireballs flying from the top of the mountain to the surroundings, and huge pits were smashed into the ground of the demon race. The scene was magnificent, and it was really a flying star.

Xiao Chen knew that Wuming, Pojun and Dugujian had already begun to destroy the magic well.

"The holy mountain... the holy mountain has collapsed!"

"The inheritance of the demons is gone!"

"Woo, my demon clan has inherited a holy mountain for tens of millions of years! Is it going to be gone?"


Looking at the red sky illuminated by the fire, all the demons who saw this scene at this moment were all dull-faced, and some even cried bitterly.

Even though they were psychologically prepared for this moment, and Xiao Chen also gave them the method to continue practicing after the destruction of the magic well, but they still have difficulty accepting this reality for a while. After all, the holy mountain is their demon clan. Faith.

The taste of the collapse of faith, who can easily accept it, they are already dead.

With the destruction of the magic well, the devilish energy in the sky seemed to be much stronger in an instant.

Qin Yijue whispered in Xiao Chen's ear: "This is the last demon energy that gushes from the ground after the demon well is destroyed. Therefore, it is much richer than before. It is estimated that it will be difficult to completely dissipate in less than ten and a half months. Fortunately, the magic well has completely collapsed under the attack of the Dugu Sword trio, and the passage connecting the earth veins with the outside world has also been completely blocked."

Xiao Chen nodded and said, "After the nameless three come back, you will assist them and lead the five-star or higher Martial King of the Demon Race back to the Jagged Dynasty. Once the war in the Barbarian Race is resolved, it is time for us to prepare for a war with the Qingluo Continent."

With Qin Yi's loyalty to himself, Xiao Chen can also probe the loyalty of this mysterious woman.

What Xiao Chen didn't expect was that Qin Yijue had full loyalty, which also allowed Xiao Chen to use her boldly.

After Xiao Chen returned to the big account alone, he whispered to the system in his heart: "System, appoint me to summon two people, one is the Dongxie Huang Pharmacist in the world of Jin Yong's martial arts, and the other is the mud bodhisattva in the world of Fengyun!"

Xiao Chen still has three designated summoning opportunities. After using up the two designated summoning opportunities, there is still another designated summoning opportunity. The last designated summoning opportunity, Xiao Chen has not yet decided who to call.

Xiao Chen planned to wait until he was fighting a strong enemy in the Qingluo Continent when he encountered a sudden situation before using it.

The reason for summoning Huang Yaoshi and Ni Bodhisattva is not to say how strong these two people are, on the contrary, their strength is no longer in Xiao Chen's eyes.

Yaoshi Huang is also a powerful martial artist, and the mud bodhisattva is estimated to be weaker. Xiao Chen summoned them because they were both special talents.

The Huang Yaoshi in Jin Yong's martial arts world, nicknamed Dongxie, is one of the "Five Uniques" in the world.

Huang Yaoshi is a character in Jin Yong's writings with "seven points in the center and three points in the center". He is the island owner of Taohua Island and the founder of Taohua Island School of Martial Arts.

"Peach Blossom Shadow Falling and Flying Divine Sword, Bihai Chaosheng Pressing Yuxiao" is a portrayal of his martial arts throughout his life. His martial arts attainments are extraordinary and he has reached the stage, making him one of the martial arts masters in Jin Yong's novels.

Huang Yaoshi has mastered astronomy, geography, five elements and gossip, Qimen Dunjia, Qinqi, calligraphy and painting, and even farmland water conservancy and economic strategy.

This is the biggest reason Xiao Chen summoned him. It came from Zhu Wu, the supernatural mechanic in the Water Margin, and he was still a master of the seventh-rank formation, able to put up the great formation of the Heluo Sixiang Formation that killed Wu Zong and restricted the King of Wu. , Then Huang Yaoshi from the Zhongwu World should be able to put up a more powerful array.

Of course, another reason for calling Huang Yaoshi was that Xiao Chen didn't know who was still a master of formation.

As for calling the mud bodhisattva, it is because he should be a stargazer after he came to this world.

The mud bodhisattva is a physiognomist, or sorcerer, in the world of wind and clouds. Because of the prophecy of "Is the golden lin a thing in the pool, it will transform the dragon in the wind and the clouds", which opened the prelude to the story of the wind and clouds and played in the whole play In order to pierce the needle and thread, but also because of the leakage of the secret, so that the face has venomous sores, the fire monkey must be used to absorb the poison on the face to linger.

In the end, he was killed by him because he refused the Xiongba's request to reveal the secret secret and for reasons of confidentiality.

Although the poor mud bodhisattva, known as the "first minister of the rivers and lakes," can spy the secrets of heaven, he did not choose to see his own destiny in advance because he knew the truth that "the one who knows the change does not occupy it, and the one who knows the change does not know it."

Although the star souls of the Onmyoji clan, Da Si Ming, Shao Si Ming and others are all stargazers, they are after all only stargazers in the world of Zhongwu, and Ni Bodhisattva is a stargazer in the world of Gaowu who can accurately predict their fate. , I want to come to be more skilled than these people.

In this battle concerning his own destiny, even Xiao Chen had to cautiously summon a super stargazer to show his way.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for summoning Medicine Master Huang!"

"Yao Shi Huang, from the world of Jin Yong martial arts!"

"Race: Terran!"

"Talent value: 52!"

"Special accessories: None!"

"Cultivation: Four-star Wu Zun!"

"Gongfa: Jiuyin Scripture!"

"Talent: Ten-Rank Array Master!"

"Loyalty: 85!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for calling the mud bodhisattva!"

"The mud bodhisattva comes from Fengyun World!"

"Race: Wu Clan!"

"Talent value: 50!"

"Occupation: Stargazer!"

"Cultivation: One-star Wu Zun!"

"Gong Method: The stars meet each other!"

"Talent: Prophecy!"

"Loyalty: 75!"

Sure enough, as Xiao Chen thought, Huang Yaoshi was a master formation master, and also a tenth rank master formation master!

In the field of formation masters, one who reaches rank ten can be called a formation master. At least in Tianluo Continent, Xiao Chen has not encountered a formation master!

And the mud bodhisattva is also a stargazer. What Xiao Chen doesn’t understand is why both the alchemist and the formation mage have ranks, but the stargazers don’t. It seems that if you find a chance, you have to talk to the star soul and others. Up.

Moreover, the mud bodhisattva who had no cultivation level in Fengyun World turned out to be a one-star Wu Zun after he came into this world. It seems that this guy has a talent for cultivation.

Just when Xiao Chen was thinking about it, two figures suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Chen.

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