Myriad Realms Summoning System

Chapter 1128: You passed

"Laughter, you dare to talk to the Queen in this way, are you impatient?"

As soon as Xiao Chen's voice fell, the Heavenly Saint Empress did not speak, Shan Wen arrogantly reprimanded Xiao Chen.

Then he turned his gaze and turned to the Empress of the Heavenly Sage, and said with a flattering smile: "My Empress, this person dared to openly kill the general of the Sage of the Heavenly Sage in front of the gate of the Imperial Palace of the Sage of Heaven. He must not be easily let go. , We must punish severely!"

The Empress Tianshen glanced at the single text faintly, then turned to Xiao Chen, jokingly: "What do you think I should do with you?"

Xiao Chen stretched out his hands helplessly and said, "I still said, since the queen's subordinates can't manage them well, of course I have to take care of them for you! In fact, I think you should thank me, in order to discipline you. Subordinates, I have spent a lot of thought!"

Xiao Chen's words made Shan Wen gritted his teeth and cursed wildly in his heart. This kid dared to speak out in front of the famous Heavenly Sage Empress. It was really damning. The Empress will definitely teach him a good lesson today.

But then, an unbelievable scene appeared in front of him.

The Heavenly Sage Empress, who was extremely strong in the past and could not tolerate anyone's questioning, not only didn't get angry after hearing Xiao Chen's words, she also said with interest: "What you said has some truth, then how are you going to make this king appreciate you? What?"

From the words of the Heavenly Saint Queen, the forbidden army of the Heavenly Saint God Dynasty, as well as the general Gongsun Kai, and the regent Shanwen, all looked at her incredible. If they were not very familiar with the Heavenly Saint Queen, they would definitely think that the Heavenly Saint Queen was. fake.

Who doesn't know the domineering and domineering Queen of Heaven? When it comes to protecting one's calf, no one can compare it.

But now she openly agreed with a strange boy, what is the identity of this boy?

Does he really have any special relationship with the Queen of Heaven?

Not only the simple text, but even Gongsun Kai and others couldn't help but guess.

It is true that the Queen of Heaven is too abnormal today.

Quietly threw a detection technique to the Heavenly Saint Empress, and found that the Heavenly Saint Empress had the perfect cultivation base of the reincarnation realm just as Qin Yijue said, and Xiao Chen's jealousy towards the Heavenly Saint Empress was also a bit deep.

Of course he didn't dare to really ask anything to the Empress of Heaven. He just glanced at the simple text on her knees and said abruptly: "You don't need to be grateful. It's good for the Empress to treat her subordinates impartially."

The Queen of Heaven couldn't help but a smile, and then turned her majestic gaze to Shan Wen.

"Singwen, do you know the crime?"

Hearing the Queen’s questioning, Shan Wen's body trembled fiercely, and then desperately squeezed out a pitiful expression, and pleaded with the Queen of Heaven: "The Queen, the minister is wronged! The minister is really dedicated to me. Shen Chao has never had the slightest selfishness.

This person forcibly broke into the imperial palace of the Heavenly Sage God, and the minister is here to stop him. He is now slandering the minister. Why does the queen believe the words of a stranger but not the minister! The veteran swears to the sky and has no selfishness towards the gods and the queen. "

As expected to be a person who can be the regent, acting is a required course, and Shanwen's acting is quite passable.

But his acting skills were of little use in the eyes of the Queen of Heaven.

The Queen of Heavenly Sage glanced at him coldly and said, "Shan Wen, what kind of person are you, I really don’t know this king? Since you are a veteran of the Heavenly Sage God, this king doesn’t want much. Nosy, but you passed the line today."

Hearing the words of the Heavenly Saint Empress, Shan Wen was shocked and hurriedly defended: "Your Majesty, the veteran really doesn't understand what you mean. I really don't know the identity of this young man. I also ask the Queen to give it to you!"

Shan Wen was a very quick response. He already knew that Xiao Chen and the Heavenly Saint Queen had a valuable relationship, so he immediately changed his mind and didn't ask the Heavenly Saint Queen to punish Xiao Chen, but said that he didn't know. The identity of Xiao Chen.

But the Queen of Heaven is obviously different from other monarchs, she is really an extremely powerful woman.

"In the 1342nd year of Tianshengli, General Cheng Qianshu was trapped by you, and you sent the Forbidden Army to ransack his house and destroy him!"

"Tianshengli is 3210 years, the official secretary Fan Chengsi, and your political opinions are at odds with you, you will exile him for 80,000 li!"

"The sacred calendar is five thousand years. You have coveted Dashang Mafan's property, put it in jail, and swallowed his property."

"The sacred calendar has eight thousand years. You preached the imperial decree and killed the commander and the whole family in front of the temple! Get this position for your son!"

"Tiansheng calendar ten thousand years, you arrange your cronies to secretly join the Shence Army!"


The Queen of Heaven said these things one by one on her own, which was quite different from what Shan Wen said, but every word she said made Shan Wen frightened, because he had done all these things.

As one of the earliest cronies to follow the Queen of Heaven, Shan Wen sat on the throne of the regent step by step. Naturally, it was not all smooth sailing. He also carried the Queen of Heaven. Many things.

He always thought that these things he did were very secretive, and the Heavenly Saint Queen didn’t even know it. But today, the Heavenly Saint Queen actually spoke out one thing in front of everyone. Any one of these serious crimes was enough. kill him.

Listening to the evidence of the crime counted by the Emperor of the Heavenly Saint, Gongsun Kai and other generals and soldiers of the Heavenly Saint God Dynasty also showed anger on their faces.

They did not expect that the regent was such a nasty person behind his back.


When the Heavenly Saint Queen finished talking about Shan Wen's guilt, Shan Wen knelt directly on the ground, her face full of frustration.

It turned out that for so many years, he had never gotten rid of the Heavenly Sage Queen, and the Heavenly Sage God Dynasty was always firmly in the hands of the Heavenly Sage Queen.

The Heavenly Saint Queen glanced at the simple text indifferently, and said calmly: "Single text, I use you because you are indeed worthy of use, but you don’t know how to advance or retreat. Today, even my guests dare to stop me, so I will not tolerate you anymore.

Gongsun Kai took down the single text, abolished the cultivation base, and threw it into the jail, waiting to be sent down. You will take over his position temporarily. After he returns, he will issue an edict to tell the court and opposition officials. "

Gongsun Kai was overjoyed when he heard the words, and hurriedly said, "Yes, the queen!"

After finishing speaking, he came to Shan Wen and abolished Shan Wen's cultivation base without hesitation. This was what he wanted to do a long time ago.

Shan Wen never begged for mercy from beginning to end. He knew that the Queen of Heaven would never spare him. He knew the Queen of Heaven too well.

After the Shan Wen Xiu base was abolished, Gongsun Kai nodded to Xiao Chen, and then left with the Forbidden Army.

Gongsun Kai knew that Xiao Chen's identity must be very extraordinary, otherwise the Heavenly Saint Queen would not abolish the simple text because of him.

In Gongsun Kai's mind, Xiao Chen had become one of the most unprovoked people.

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