Myriad Realms Summoning System

Chapter 1100: Association Secret

The growth of any organization will inevitably encounter a problem, which is the struggle for power.

The superior warrior is no exception.

For anyone, power is a poison, an addictive poison.

Because it gathered almost all the top powerhouses on the dimension plane where Xiao Chen is now, and the continuous success of helping various worlds restore order, the senior level of the Transmitter Association gradually began to expand.

The self-proclaimed powerful Transmitter Association, some high-level leaders began to give birth to the ambition to rule all the worlds in the dimension plane.

It’s not surprising that this kind of thinking came into being. After the establishment of the Travellers Association, it not only gathered almost all the top powerhouses, but also collected many world’s magic weapons, top techniques, and even developed many high-tech products. Such an organization is undoubtedly an absolutely invincible existence in a dimensional plane.

Therefore, some high-level officials believe that instead of seeing a certain world out of control, and then selecting geniuses to travel to that world and maintain the order of that world, it is better to directly rule all the worlds by the Transmitter Association.

However, some high-level officials believe that each world has its own development direction, and the warriors of each world also have the power to determine the world in which they are located. Everything should be in accordance with the will of God and should not be forcibly interfered.

Although selecting geniuses to cross into the troubled world and restoring the world order is also an act of interfering with the direction of the world, it is out of consideration for countless lives, and even if those who cross are assisted by the association’s golden fingers, everything is more smoothly It's natural.

But not all traversers with golden fingers can complete the task of righting the world after they have traveled to different worlds. A considerable number of traversers, even with the help of the golden fingers, cannot die well. In the end, the world still can’t escape and break. fate.

In the opinion of the high-level traversers who disagree, although they have also interfered with the direction of a world, the degree of interference is still within a controllable range. If the traversers ultimately fail, it proves that the world has indeed reached a point that must be changed Point.

And to rule all the worlds through the Association of Traversers is to curb the development of all worlds, which is against the law of nature.

It is precisely because of such differences that the Transmitter Association has infighted, and in the end a fierce battle between the two factions took place.

The battle was fierce, and even several worlds were completely destroyed because of that battle.

Because the people who held the first view, that is, the high-level leaders of the association who insisted that the Travellers Association should rule the world, the battle ended in the victory of this faction.

In fact, this is something to be expected, because 70% of the high-level members of the Traverser Association believe that the Traverser Association should become the master of all worlds in the entire dimensional plane, and there are huge interest entanglements among them.

Anyone who enters the Transmitter Association is almost the top powerhouse in every world. Their cultivation base has reached the top of this dimension plane. They can no longer make any progress in the realm, and can only continuously strengthen their own. Combat effectiveness.

This is obviously unacceptable to the martial artist. The so-called martial art is endless. Almost none of the top martial artists in the Crossing Association believes that the realm they reach is the end of the martial artist.

They firmly believe that there must be a higher realm waiting for them to pursue. Perhaps after reaching that realm, they can transcend the limitations of this dimension plane, but it is obviously not realistic to reach an unknown realm on this dimension plane. .

In order to realize their ambitions, they thought of a way, which is to gather the cultivation resources of the entire dimension plane to help them improve their cultivation. This means that the cultivation resources of most warriors on this dimension plane will be occupied.

This is the real purpose of those who want to rule all the world in the Transmitter Association.

Not everyone is greedy, and there are also high-levels in the Transmitter Association who focus on the interests of countless ordinary warriors.

The representatives of these people were the predecessors of Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen's predecessor naturally wanted to pursue a higher realm and transcend the limitations of this world, but he believed that this kind of thing must rely on his own strength and sacrifice the interests of countless warriors across the entire dimension to pursue that illusory realm. wishful thinking.

Xiao Chen's predecessor's combat effectiveness was very strong, even in the Crossover Association, it was one of the top ones.

However, the difference in the numbers of the two sides is really too great. Among the senior leaders of the Transmitter Association, only 30% stood on Xiao Chen's side, and the others stood on his opposite side. Therefore, the result was undoubtedly the fiasco of Xiao Chen and others. .

However, Xiao Chen's combat effectiveness exceeded many people's imagination. After the defeat, he actually relied on secret methods to escape from birth, and took away the latest technology, the Ten Thousand Worlds Summoning System, which was just developed by the Transmitter Association.

Because the Summoning System of the Ten Thousand Worlds has just been developed, its functions in all aspects are not perfect, so it always needs to be upgraded, and the relevant data of this system has a foundation in the Association of Traversers, so it may also be detected by people in the Association. .

Although there are so many flaws, there is no doubt that this system is still very powerful. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the crystallization of science and technology since the establishment of the Transmitter Association. Xiao Chen knew that the system was against the sky. Just risked his death to take it away.

Xiao Chen knew the power of the Ten Thousand Realms Summoning System, and of course the people in the Transmitter Association knew that if Xiao Chen didn't die, with this thing as an aid, it was likely to make a comeback in the future. At that time, no one could stop him.

So after Xiao Chen escaped and ascended to heaven, the Transmitter Association sent a large number of people to search for him and the system, but they didn't expect Xiao Chen's mind to be so deep. After sealing the memory, he also traversed the main soul to the little-known earth. .

At this point, the second part of the cheat book ended here, and Xiao Chen finally knew the origin of the system and its relationship with him.

No wonder the system has been secretive about his origins, and also told Xiao Chen that the more he knows, the more disadvantaged it is for him. It turns out that this Traveller Association has such a deep connection with him.

There is no doubt that once Xiao Chen's identity is revealed, or the system is discovered by others, he will be instantly destroyed.

Those people in the Transmitter Association are undoubtedly the top powerhouses in this dimension, and the most powerful enemy Xiao Chen will face in the future. With the power that Xiao Chen has now, they are totally unbearable in front of those people. one strike.

Xiao Chen suddenly felt that he still had a long way to go.

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