Myriad Realms Summoning System

Chapter 1095: Enter the Four Holy Island

The four holy island secret realm is located in the deep sea. Because the four holy islands and the sky demon gods belong to the same Yao clan, the two are quite close. If you want to go to the four holy islands, you must pass through the sky demon gods’ territory and then enter the blue sky. The largest sea area on the Luo mainland.

It took Xiao Chen and the others for a day to cross the territory of the Heavenly Demon God Dynasty and arrive at the edge of the Blood Fiend Sea.

The **** sea is the largest and the only sea area on the Qingluo Continent. According to the warriors of the Qingluo mainland, the **** sea is almost the same area as the land, but the sea resources are scarce and the environment is dangerous. Therefore, there are indigenous people on some islands. There are people, and some warriors in the cities along the Sea of ​​Blood Occasionally enter the sea to explore, and there will be no mainland power to establish a sect in the Sea of ​​Blood.

"Your Majesty, the Blood Fiend Sea is very dangerous. There are countless top sea beasts in the sea with a life span of hundreds of millions of years. They are extremely powerful. Even the people of my four holy islands dare not easily provoke them, so we need to be careful on this trip."

After entering the Blood Fiend Sea, looking at the blue waves below, the wind was fierce in the distance, and the sound of sea beasts neighing from time to time, Bai Gu cautiously faced Xiao Chen. It seemed that the mysterious and powerful Four Sacred Island was not nothing. Fearful.

However, Xiao Chen smiled disdainfully at the corner of his mouth and said, "Don't worry, with the water unicorn, those sea beasts don't dare to be presumptuous."

Shui Qilin's cultivation has reached the late stage of True God Realm. Although the monsters in the Blood Fiend Sea are powerful due to their long lifespan, the rules of the world of Qingluo Continent are here. Where can the cultivation of those sea beasts be stronger? What's great is the mysterious travel state.

Moreover, the most important thing about the monster race is the bloodline level. The water unicorn is a divine beast. Although the bloodline in the body has been contaminated and is not as pure as the orthodox unicorn tribe, it still has absolute bloodline suppression on the monster beasts in the **** sea. .

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Bai Gu and the four patriarchs also relaxed a little, and couldn't help but look at the Shui Qilin at Xiao Chen's feet.

The four patriarchs of the four holy islands have naturally noticed the water unicorn at the feet of Xiao Chen. Although the unicorn is not among the four demon clan, the bloodline level of the four is not much different.

Although they are nominally descendants of the four great royal clans, their bloodline has long since existed. Therefore, when facing the water unicorn with high bloodline purity, they have a faint feeling of being suppressed, especially the breath of the water unicorn. It even made them frightened.

It's just that they didn't know where Xiao Chen found such a terrifying beast as a mount.

The sacred beasts of the monster race are arrogant, and it is impossible for them to be human mounts. Xiao Chen is too deep and unfathomable.

However, if they knew that there was still a fierce beast whose bloodline level was not inferior to that of the royal clan in Xiao Chen's small world, and a little unicorn whose bloodline was purer, but had not grown up, they would not know what they would think.

At this time, Bai Gu couldn't help but curiously asked: "Your Majesty, I don't know the lord at your feet..."

Xiao Chen glanced at Bai Gu, and then faintly said: "Shui Qilin is a sect of ancient sect of the beast of the town, and then follows me."

Seeing Xiao Chen's reluctance to say more, Bai Gu chuckled and did not continue to question.

Just as Xiao Chen had predicted before, after everyone entered the Blood Fiend Sea, not only did no sea beasts come to seek death and be a monster, but wherever they went, the sea beasts retreated, hiding hundreds of miles away for fear that they might provoke the water unicorn.

The four patriarchs, including Bai Gu, who watched this scene couldn't help but slap their tongues, who is the overlord of the Blood Fiend Sea! The Four Holy Islands have been operating in the Sea of ​​Blood for tens of millions of years, and they are still afraid of the fierce beasts in the Sea of ​​Blood. As soon as Xiao Chen entered the Sea of ​​Blood, these monsters retreated.

Everyone flew again in the Blood Fiend Sea for a day and night, and finally came to the area near the middle of the Blood Fiend Sea.

That is the entrance to the secret realm of the Four Holy Islands!

Looking down at the extremely calm sea below, Xiao Chen frowned and asked: "Several people, where is the entrance to the Four Holy Island?"

Bai Gu chuckled lightly, then stepped forward, folded his hands together, his body writhing supernaturally, and silently recited a few mantras.


As soon as Bai Gu's voice fell, blue waves suddenly surged on the calm sea below, and then a circular light gate with a diameter of about ten meters appeared above the sea. After the light gate appeared, the surrounding sea water couldn't get close.

Bai Gu came to Xiao Chen and said, "Your Majesty, please see, this is the entrance of my Four Sacred Islands. It has been hidden on the bottom of the sea. Only people with the blood of my four races can use special spells and secret arts to open it. It emerged."

Xiao Chen nodded, no wonder even Yang Jian didn't find the entrance to the Four Holy Island before, it turned out to be hidden under the sea.

Not to mention that no one has gone deep in the Blood Fiend Sea for many years, and most people would never think that the secret realm of the Four Holy Islands will be hidden in the deep sea. Even if they know the specific location of the Four Holy Islands, they are blocked by the sea, it is difficult for ordinary warriors to perceive the Four Holy Islands Breath.

"Everyone, let's enter the secret realm!" Xiao Chen said solemnly.


After entering the Four Holy Island through the gate of the Four Holy Island, Xiao Chen was really surprised. He did not expect that the secret realm of the Four Holy Island was so vast, at least ten times larger than the small world in his body, and there were mountains and rivers. There is also a lake.

Standing in the sky above Sisheng Island, the first thing you can see is a towering mountain with a height of ten thousand feet, standing in the center of Sisheng Island. There are two rivers on the island that pass through the high mountains, one horizontal and one vertical, connecting the four holy islands. One is divided into four, namely four islands, east, west, south, north.

This extremely high mountain is the sacred mountain of the four clans of the Four Holy Islands, and the four major clans of the Four Holy Islands each occupy a large island.

The four big islands are also distinct. There are dragons flying over the east island from time to time. Naturally, it is the land of the Qinglong clan where Baigu is located. The white tiger clan lives on the west island, the red bird clan lives on the south island, and the red bird clan lives on the north island. It is the Xuanwu clan.

In addition to the four major races, there are many demon races with lower bloodlines on the Four Sacred Island. They are attached to the four major races.

After Xiao Chen and his entourage boarded the nearest East Island, Bai Gu said, "Your Majesty, that mountain is the saint of our four clans, and the top of the mountain is the cemetery of the four clans. Once the strong men of our four clans have a foreboding that their life will be approaching. , Will enter the mausoleum alone.

The holy mountain is the belief of the four ethnic groups. Even the patriarchs such as me, unless we have to do it, will not enter it easily. Only when the young generations of all ethnic groups hold the coming-of-age ceremony will the young people enter the cemetery in the mountain and accept the inheritance.

However, you are the person in the prophecy of the ancestors, so you are not restricted by the rules of the family. I will let the guards of the mountain go. You see if you want to enter the sacred mountain now, or go to the upper reaches of the island, take a rest and then enter. Where is the mountain? "

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