Myriad Realms Summoning System

Chapter 1073: Fire Fusion

Flame Lingji slowly walked out of the flames, and all the injuries caused by the scarlet sword on her delicate body have been healed. She is the spirit of fire, and flame is her best healing medicine. No matter what kind of damage he receives, flame is Can be treated.

At this moment, Yan Lingji did not have the faint smile she had always wore. Instead, there was a few traces of rare ferociousness, but this ferocious aura was extremely charming in Xiao Chen's eyes, such a flame. Ling Ji, you can't see it casually.

Seeing Yan Lingji reappearing, she magically smiled and said: "I was injured by my blood shadow sword, and he can be healed so quickly. The Nine Nether God Phoenix Clan is really extraordinary. It seems that the rumors are true. The Shenfeng clan has a unique talent for healing injuries with flames."

The Blood Shadow Sword is a treasure counted by the Demon God's Temple. Anyone who is injured by the Blood Shadow Sword will continue to erode the blood in the body until death.

However, she didn't expect that Yan Lingji could suppress her injuries in a moment.

"Interesting, I encountered such a strong opponent here. If he doesn't defeat you, that guy will despise me!"

Hearing the magical words, Yan Lingji didn't pay attention to him, but murmured to herself, and then took the silver hairpin in her hand, raised her right hand above her head, suddenly a strong breath erupted from her body, and then she lightly He drank: "Fire melting technique!"


When the voice fell, the real fire of Samadhi in the sky suddenly seemed to be stimulated, and it trembled restlessly, and then what was visible to the naked eye were countless real fire spirits of Samadhi, gathering on top of Yan Lingji's head. At the same time, she There was also the beast fire of Jiuyou Shenfeng flying overhead.

"No, she is fusing two flames!"

Seeing this scene, the miracle first developed a deep anxiety in his heart, and then suddenly his complexion changed, and he exclaimed.

Xiao Chen's expression also changed slightly. He didn't expect that Yan Lingji would be so crazy that he would combine the natural beast fire of Nine Nether God Phoenix with the legendary Sacred Fire Sanmai real fire. This is a bit of the Buddha passed down by Xiao Chen before. The smell of angry lotus.


Just as everyone looked at the flames of Yan Lingji and the miraculous battle, the four fierce beasts summoned by Shenwu suddenly roared up to the sky, and then rushed towards Xiao Chen with a **** storm, and was killed along the way. Numerous brutal warriors.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Chen came back to his senses, and then coldly snorted: "The four monster beasts with a trace of the breath of the beast dare to be presumptuous in front of me, I am afraid you really don't know what it is. Called a real beast!"

After Xiao Chen finished speaking, with a light wave of his hand, he released the divine beast Water Qilin hidden in the small world of the system.


As soon as Shui Qilin's huge body appeared in the chaotic place, he roared with anger. The four fierce beasts rushing towards Xiao Chen heard Shui Qilin's roar, and his body rushed into a sudden stagnation. Then a deep horror appeared in the eyes of the huge beast.

The monster race is a highly-ranked race. High-level monsters have bloodline suppression over low-level monsters. Although the bloodline of the water unicorn is not pure, it is much more noble than the bloodline of the four-headed hybrid monster. As soon as they appeared, the four monsters were frightened.

"This is the water unicorn of the unicorn family, and the bloodline concentration is not weaker than that of the royal family's elite!"

Seeing the water unicorn, Shen Wu also involuntarily showed a shock. Among the monster races, the races with the highest bloodlines are called royal families, and the deity of Shen Wu is also the monster royal family. The unicorn family also belongs to the monster royal family, water unicorns. It is a relatively strong branch in the Kylin family.

It's just that he didn't expect that he would encounter such a pure Qilin clan monster in Qingluo Continent.

"The aura on this monster beast is terrifying, what level is it?"

"I don't know, but the cultivation base of this monster beast must have exceeded our imagination."

"Even the royal family of the Heavenly Demon God Dynasty, the bloodline level should be several levels worse than this monster beast!"


Looking at the mighty and majestic Shui Qilin, the imposing and overwhelming Shui Qilin, the warriors of the six forces on the Qingluo Continent were all frightened, and then they fled to the distance quickly regardless of Xiao Chen's side. Yuhuang and the Gorefiend were also shocked.

Shui Qilin, and the Shui Qilin whose strength was far superior to that of the Immortal Gods, was actually carried by Young Master Xiao Chen. This Young Master Xiao Chen was also too strong.

"I'll make a lot of money this time. I didn't expect Young Master Xiao Chen to be so strong. No wonder even the ancestor was with him. If it weren't for the wise ancestor, he had surrendered to Young Master Xiao Chen ahead of time. There is no escape!"

The happiest person at this time was to say that the Immortal League and the Blood Sea God had come. The facts proved that they had made the right choice to surrender Xiao Chen.

At this time, Xue Qianli whispered in the ear of the emperor of the Blood Sea God Dynasty: "Your Majesty, we must keep an eye on the forces of the Nine Emperors Palace and the Quartet. If we let them escape, I'm afraid it will leave Young Master Xiao Chen's heart. impression."

At this time, because of the appearance of the four hybrid beasts and the water unicorn, the six-party allied forces were in chaos, fleeing in all directions, and they had to guard against them.

Not only did Xue Qianli think of this, Emperor Chen of the Immortal League also ordered his subordinates to chase and kill the Quartet forces who fled in all directions. Even Xiao Chen ordered the blood demon ancestors and Yuhuang to take action, and the rebels of the Quartet forces must be taken. All strangling here.

"This is... the Shui Qilin in the late True God Realm! No good, Junior Brother Shenwu, run away!"

Shenwu, who was about to face the powerful blow of the Yan Lingji, immediately recognized the water unicorn after seeing the water unicorn, the cultivation base of this water unicorn has reached the late stage of the true gods, even he is definitely not an opponent, not to mention it. The four monster beasts under Shenwu.

I miscalculated, I didn't expect that a perverted character like Xiao Chen would appear in a small area of ​​Qingluo Continent.

Shenwu is a direct disciple of the Hallmaster of the Demon God Temple. His vision is very comparable. Therefore, after seeing the water unicorn, he did not panic and lose his face like the warriors of the Qingluo Continent. Instead, he was extremely calm. After hearing the words of Shenwu, he He nodded immediately.

"Want to go, leave it to me! Cover the land!"

Seeing Shen Wu wanting to flee, Xiao Chen's eyes flashed a cold light, and then condensed one of the five seals of the Emperor Seal Jue, and a palm shot towards Shen Wu.


A palm fell, and suddenly a tall cyan giant appeared between the sky and the earth, and then he slapped Shen Wu ruthlessly.

God is blind, and his complexion finally changed slightly. The palm of this cyan giant contains the power of the Great Road of Earth, which is extremely heavy. If this palm falls on him, it is no less than a direct hit by dozens of mountains. , No doubt he will die.

This Xiao Chen's own strength turned out to be so powerful.

At the moment of the moment, a silver jade card suddenly appeared in Shenwu's hand, and it was crushed by him the moment the seal fell.

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