Myriad Realms Summoning System

Chapter 1065: Control the Ji Family

"Hahaha, Xiao Chen, are you kidding me? You want to crush the Seven Emperors? Dreaming!"

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Ji Kuang was stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter, as if he had heard some big joke, the faces of Ji Lei's three people also showed ridiculous mockery.

But Xiao Chen didn't say a word, still with a faint smile on his face. He watched Ji Kuang laugh wantonly. After a long while, Ji Kuang stopped his smile. He looked at Xiao Chen, whose face was extremely calm, inexplicably flustered. .

Seeing that Ji Kuang was finally normal, Xiao Chen said faintly: "Laugh again! Why didn't you laugh?"

Ji Kuang looked at Xiao Chen with a gloomy expression: "What you said is true? Do you really have the strength to crush the Seven Emperors of God's Court?"

At this moment Ji Kuang finally started to panic. Now that the four Ji family brothers are controlled by Xiao Chen, Xiao Chen should have no reason to lie to himself.

Moreover, with Xiao Chen's status today, in front of so many trusted followers, he would not speak out, otherwise it would be a kind of damage to his own majesty. Those subordinates around him would not have a face when he heard Xiao Chen's words. Any look changes.

Is it true that what Xiao Chen said is true?

Mu Zhishang and Shi Zhentian looked at Xiao Chen baffledly, hoping to get a definite answer from him. Now that Mu Family and Shi Family have boarded Xiao Chen’s battleship, the stronger Xiao Chen’s strength is, the better they will be. Safety.

Although Xiao Chen had shown great strength in front of them, the strength of the Seven Emperors of the Gods Court was also their nightmare.

Xiao Chen said with a confident smile on his face: "Since I dare to say something like this, it is true. I never believe it!"

Except for Ji Kuang, among the four brothers of the Ji family, the other three finally began to be afraid. Xiao Chen was not even afraid of the Seven Emperors of God's Court. How would they survive today? Is their brother really going to die here today?

Ji Kuang fell into a brief silence. After a while, he suddenly said with a crazy smile: "Xiao Chen, you are indeed very strong, but you are not the smartest. You even said this to me, then your death date is just right. Arrived.

Do you think the Seven Emperors of Shenting are the strongest people in Shenting headquarters? You are wrong. The Seven Emperors of the Gods Court can only be regarded as the top combat power of the Gods Court. There is still a gap from the peak. Now that you have exposed your strength, you will only attract more powerful enemies.

Hahaha, Xiao Chen, just wait! We will meet in **** soon. "

Ji Kuang, who knew he couldn't escape, didn't seem to be afraid anymore, standing there and shouting frantically.

Xiao Chen calmly said, "You are now under my control, and the meridians have been cut off by the Six Sword Slaves. The spiritual power in your body is exhausted, and you can't even move. I don't know how you want to pass the news here to the Shenting headquarters. .

Now that the Seven Emperors of the Gods Court descended, there were only five days left, and the news would not go back. Only seven of them would come. "

If you want to spread the news to the God Court, naturally you need to use spiritual power and treasures. Now Ji Kuang's four have no spiritual power, and their movements are restricted. They can't use the treasures, and naturally they can't send the news to the God Court headquarters.

Hearing this, Ji Kuang said with a weird smile on his face: "Xiao Chen, I know your strength is very strong, so I once imagined that you would send a master to sneak into my Ji's house and kill our brother, so I was prepared long ago. There is more than one back road.

Now that you openly entered my Ji family, you have already alarmed many people in the Ji family. Even if the four of us are dead, there will be more than one message sent back to the Shenting headquarters to pass your strength back to the Shenting. "

Xiao Chen said indifferently: "Really? I am afraid you don't know it! The current Ji family has been completely taken over by my people, and even your personal butler surrendered to me without your knowledge. It is impossible for them to deliver news for you."

After Xiao Chen finished speaking, Ji Kuang's expression changed drastically, and he lost his voice: "What did you say? You control everyone in the Ji family. This is impossible. There are no less than 100,000 people in my Ji family. You want to control everyone in the Ji family. It is impossible to hide it from us."

Xiao Chen jokingly said: "Then why am I appearing in front of you now? Why are you not aware of it at all?"

Ji Kuang was taken aback, and then shouted: "Ji Fu, where are you? Come out immediately!"

Ji Fu is the steward of the Ji family and the person that Ji Kuang trusts most. He has always followed Ji Kuang. Even when the four brothers of the Ji family held a secret meeting in the secret room, Ji Fu has always been guarding outside the secret room.

But when Xiao Chen came to the secret room, he didn't even give the first warning. At this moment, Ji Kuang finally thought of the housekeeper.

But what is surprising is that Ji Kuang called out Ji Fu with such a call. An old man who was exactly the same as Ji Fuchang walked to Xiao Chen's side, but ignored Ji Kuang, and acted respectfully towards Xiao Chen. A gift.

Seeing this scene, the expression on Ji Kuang’s face was wonderful, and he was deeply unconvinced: "Ji Fu, you..."

Ji Fu still ignored him, but Xiao Chen jokingly said at this moment: "Patriarch Ji, let me introduce to you, this is Luo Wang's first-class killer, Moyu Qilin, who is also the first time I inserted your Ji family. An insider."

The ever-changing, Moyu Qilin, this guy rarely shows up in front of people, quietly, but can be of great use.

Xiao Chen knew that apart from the Ji Kuang brothers, the most difficult one to deal with was Ji Fu. He was a key part of Xiao Chen's plan to control the Ji family, so he took advantage of Ji Fu's time to leave the Ji family to work. Xiao Chen replaced him with Moyu Qilin.

Today's Moyu Qilin is not the Moyu Qilin of the Martial King level on the Tianluo Continent. Although Xiao Chen did not perform blood fusion on him, he inherited his cultivation techniques. Now his cultivation base is six stars. Wu Sheng.

With this cultivation base, as long as the strength does not reach the first stage of the gods, no one can see through his identity, even if it is the first stage of the gods, if you don't recognize it carefully, it is very likely that he will also learn the way of this guy.

It is precisely because of the uniqueness of Moyu Qilin that Xiao Chen has made him the first-class killer of Tianzi in the net.

Ji Kuang couldn't believe that his personal butler, Ji Fu, was secretly replaced. Is this Xiao Chen a devil? The plan has reached this point, is it true that what he said before?

Unwilling to give up Ji Kuang, with the last trace of luck, said: "I have arranged for a second hand, but there is more than one person. As long as one is missed, the gods will be able to know everything that is happening here, and then you will still be unable to escape..."

Before Ji Kuang finished speaking, Xiao Chen interrupted him and said, "Patriarch Ji, don’t waste your thoughts. Almost everyone in the Ji family is under my control. Those who have not yet been under my control will never speak. It's possible.

The Ji family of Nuo Da, now only the four of you are still outside my control. "

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