Myriad Realms Summoning System

Chapter 1016: go away

Hearing the voice of the system, Xiao Chen felt a little joy, and finally accepted the three women, but it took a lot of effort on his own. If they don’t take refuge, Xiao Chen can’t help but take these three women. Killed.

For him, time is the most important now, and half a moment cannot be wasted.

For these three random summoning opportunities, Xiao Chen didn't have any urgency to use. The masters in his hand are now enough. After five random summoning opportunities have been accumulated, and then combined into a designated summoning opportunity, the effect is much greater than it is now.

Xiao Chen nodded to the three of them, then turned around and came to Chen Cheng, and knocked on his head fiercely. Chen Cheng, who had already fainted, woke up slowly. When he saw Xiao When dusted, he almost fainted again in fright.

He curled up, pointed his finger at Xiao Chen, and stammered: ""

Xiao Chen snorted softly, and said, "I don't need you, you are a waste of saliva, you just need to know that it has fallen into my hands now, and the cultivation base has been sealed by me. If I want you to die, you can't live. Speak up! To die or to live."

When Chen Cheng heard this, a bit of bitterness suddenly appeared on his face. He already knew his situation at this moment and knew that he could not escape the palm of the young man's hands. He had no choice but to say, "Of course I want to live. I wonder what you want me to do?"

Xiao Chen nodded and said, "Well, you are very wise. In fact, it is not difficult for me to do what I asked you to do. Aren't you looking for talents in Fengsha City to join the Nine Emperor Gods Palace? What do you think of me, the qualifications should be acceptable Right!"

"What? Are you going to the Nine Emperor Gods Palace? Are you crazy!"

Hearing Xiao Chen's words, Chen Cheng's expression suddenly changed, and he looked at Xiao Chen in front of him like a ghost.

This guy killed the city lord of Fengsha City and destroyed the Sun family. Now he still wants to go to the Nine Emperors Palace with him. Isn't he afraid to go to the Nine Emperors Palace and expose his identity by himself, leaving him dead without a place to be buried? ?

Although Chen Cheng didn't know Xiao Chen's true strength, he didn't think that Xiao Chen could be compared to the Nine Emperors Palace.

Even Lin Chaoying looked at Xiao Chen in shock when he heard this. Li Mochou and Xiaolongnv didn’t know the name of the Nine Emperor Gods Palace. She knew that one of the ten heroes in the mainland controlled the vast territory of Fengsha City. The supreme existence.

Now that Xiao Chen is going to such a place, is he really superior in strength, or is he confident?

Xiao Chen said impatiently, "You are too noisy, just do what you ask you to do. The rest of the time, don't speak!"

Chen Cheng heard that even if he closed his mouth and his life was in Xiao Chen's hands, he didn't dare to disobey Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen turned around and went to the front of the three Xiaolongnv masters and apprentices, and smiled lightly: "Okay, come with me!"

After that, Xiao Chen ignored the four people who looked at each other, and walked slowly outside of Sun's Mansion alone.

The three Xiaolong Nv's master and apprentice looked at each other, and then reluctantly followed, Chen Cheng did not dare to neglect to follow.


As soon as the five people stepped out of the gate of the Sun Mansion, a huge explosion sounded and the entire Sun family was razed to the ground in an instant.

This explosion that shocked the entire Fengsha City caused countless people to look over in shock, and then talked a lot.

"The Sun family... is so destroyed, what is the origin of that young man?"

"Fortunately, we run fast, otherwise I'm afraid we will die inside!"

"The lord of the city was killed and the Sun family was destroyed. From now on, our Fengsha City will change."

"Go back to the family and arrange for the annexation of the Sun family's property. This matter can't let other families take the lead!"


Xiao Chen didn’t hear or care about these people’s comments. At this moment, he had already brought four people to the gate of an inn five or six miles away from the Sun’s mansion. It’s just that the face of the teacher and apprentice Xiaolong All are a little sluggish.

Xiao Chen not only killed the Sun Family's martial artist, but in the end he even razed the Sun Family completely. Even the Sun Family's old, weak, sick and handicapped did not give a way to survive. Is it true that such a cruel person would follow him?

For the first time, the three masters and apprentices of the Tomb Sect had doubts about their choice.

It’s just that they never thought that the Sun family did a lot of evil, and now all the martial artists of the Sun family are wiped out. Even if Xiao Chen does not destroy the Sun family, those enemies of the Sun family will tortured to death all the old, weak, sick and disabled of the Sun family. Happy.

In front of the inn, the three aunts and grandchildren who were waiting anxiously saw the arrival of the little dragon girl and others, and their faces were overjoyed. They rushed forward and bowed and said, "Master, you are finally back, hey, son Xiao Chen is also there. ."

Xiao Chen nodded to her calmly, and Lin Chaoying said, "Aunt Sun, my three masters and apprentices will follow Young Master Xiao Chen to find opportunities. The Tomb Sect will leave it to you to take care of the techniques of the sect. Secrets, you can read all of them!"

Aunt Sun's face was startled, and she hurriedly said, "Head, you are leaving, why is this... so suddenly?"

Lin Chaoying nodded and said: "It was decided temporarily, Aunt Sun, the cultivation level of the three of you is too low. If you stay with us, you may lose your life at any time. Let's stay behind the tomb faction! It is also considered as leaving a bit of heritage for me.

At this point, Aunt Sun couldn’t say anything any more, so she had to say: "Yes, I must guard the Tomb Sect!"


After arranging for the Tomb Sect, everyone came to the gate of Fengsha City, where Lu Xueqi was already waiting.

When Xiaolongnv saw Lu Xueqi, she couldn't help but mumbled inwardly: "There is such a beautiful woman beside this guy. I am a bit envious, jealous and hated by this look. There is such a beautiful woman, why still Come to provoke me!"

Not just the little dragon girl, Li Mochou and Chen Cheng were equally astonished by Lu Xueqi, only Lin Chaoying looked deeper.

She suddenly discovered that there were six or seven people in this line. She could not see the cultivation base of any of them. She was not a fool like Sun An. If she could not see the cultivation base, she would be regarded as having no cultivation base. The strength of these people, obviously Above her.

Xiao Chen didn't explain. He just walked to Lu Xueqi and said with a smile: "Okay, it's over, we can leave. I will introduce you to these people, Lin Chaoying, Xiaolongnv and Li Mochou from the Tomb School. ."

Lu Xueqi glanced at the three of them, frowned slightly and said, "The cultivation base is too low, is it appropriate to go to the Nine Emperor Gods Palace?"

In a word, Xiaolongnv and Li Mochou's faces turned dark, sister, although you are beautiful, don't speak directly!

It hurts too much.

Xiao Chen also laughed and said, "Don't worry, there are so many of our masters. There is nothing wrong with the safety of the three of them, Chen Cheng, how far is there to go to the Nine Emperor Gods Palace, where do you go?"

Trembling on the side, Chen Cheng hurriedly said: "From this to the west, after 200,000 miles, the Nine Emperors Palace is located."

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