Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 536: Pope, you should be a bachelor

"Of course it is to welcome the adults of the Golden Saint Seiya, you see, there are those young people over there. They are the golden saints of this world, and they can completely return to their positions only by communicating with their saint clothing."

"What happened to the young man beside the Pope?"

"I don't know the specifics, but according to the Pope, this person's identity is quite noble. As the Pope is the endorsement of Athena, he needs to be treated carefully."

"Hey, even the Pope must be careful, know that we are..."

The discussion sounded quietly, but Yi Shuihan, who was communicating with the Pope, did not pay attention to these.

"Regarding what I want to watch on the scene when they communicate with the saints in Eoria, I think Tonghu should have told you about the Pope."

"Yes, I agreed to this matter. Although it is a bit of a violation of the rules, your identity is different after all. I think the goddess Athena will allow me to do this when he knows this matter."

"That's good, don't worry, I am not looking for nothing. If there is any accident at that time, I will help."

"Then thank you sir."

That said, the Pope did not take Yi Shuihan’s so-called help to his heart. It is true that there may be problems in communication with the saint clothing, but that kind of poor probability has happened since the establishment of the sanctuary. Once again, it was because the candidate Saint Seiya of the communicator saint had been severely injured and forcibly communicated.

"I ask a question."

"My lord, please."

"You female saints in the sanctuary must wear masks. Any woman who is seen by men as her true face has two choices. One is to kill the person who sees her true face, and the other is to choose to marry him. Who makes this rule? It won't be Athena!"

After walking with the Pope for so long, I didn't see a female face, all wearing a mask. This made Yi Shuihan feel a little uncomfortable, so he simply asked this question.

The Pope obviously didn't expect Yi Shuihan to ask this question. He was taken aback and his expression became a little weird.

"This should not be a rule set by the goddess Athena. I don't even know how it is, but this rule has been passed down many years ago to the present, so it has been followed."

"That's it! What do you think of this rule?"

"It should be considered useful, at least to prevent some people from focusing on the issue of men and women instead of cultivation."

"With all due respect, you should be a bachelor!"


The old man has been working diligently for the entire sanctuary, and he is broken every day for its development. He is doing the greatest job in the world to maintain world peace. He completely ignores the affairs of men and women. You use this to disgust me.

Had it not been for Tong Hu's claim that Yi Shuihan was a god, the Pope would definitely fight Yi Shuihan at this time.

"Perhaps I should leave an heir in this world."

Even Yi Shuihan didn’t know it, because his words gave the Pope the idea of ​​finding a wife and having children. If he knew that all of this was caused by him, he would never say this, in order to avoid Another ignorant girl was eaten by the old cow.

In silence, he had already arrived at the Pope's Palace. At this time, apart from Yi Shuihan and the others, there were only quasi gold such as the Pope and Aiolia in the Pope's Palace.

"Tonghu has already told me about your situation. I am very pleased to see you here, because Athena's will has a new successor, and the zodiac, which has been vacant for a long time, has also ushered in. He has no new garrison, and the sanctuary will become more brilliant because of your existence."

"We saints are fighters of the goddess of the earth, Athena, for the glory of the goddess and to protect this human land. We are just and glorious, and what we do is to benefit the great cause of the entire human society and the darkness of the world. We were eliminated because of us, and the evil creatures peeping the earth were also blocked by us..."

There was a burst of passionate chicken soup for the soul. The little cute new ones in Eoriya were so excited that they could not wait to become a golden saint immediately and contribute to the development of the sanctuary.

Yi Shuihan can only say that this scene is very familiar to the pope's endless talk. Leaders always have the same characteristic, that is, they can speak.

That is to say, Eoriya and the others have rarely heard of this. Coupled with the pope’s superior status, this looks good. It is estimated that after a few more experiences, Eoriya and the others will learn how to stand while wandering. Sleeping stunt for closing your eyes and resting.

After talking for nearly 20 minutes, it almost made Yi Shuihan lose his patience. It was finally over and entered the topic.

Under the leadership of the Pope, everyone came to the place where the holy clothes were stored, and then Aiolia and others prepared gold and Yi Shuihan entered it, and began to communicate with gold, also called gold return.

In the sanctuary, everyone is eagerly looking at the direction of the zodiac, because if the golden saint returns to the throne, the zodiac will change accordingly, and they can clearly let them know how things are going.

As the ultimate deterrent of the Sanctuary, the Golden Saint Seiya is of course the most important thing to return to. It can be said that it affects the hearts of all Sanctuary people.

The sanctuary without the golden saints is not a true sanctuary at all. Only with the existence of the golden saints can the sanctuary become the true guardian power of this land, transcending the world.

"Finally this day has arrived, and the next holy war is about to begin. Fortunately, it's time to catch up."

The pope looked excited. He didn't know how long he had been waiting for this day, without the golden saints. He felt that the burden on his body was like a mountain, and he could not breathe. How much he hopes the golds will return to their place. He came to the sanctuary to be considered stable, and he, the pope, did not live up to the expectations of his ancestors.

In the room where the saint clothing is stored.

All the 12 golden saints are gathered here. Of course, Libra is in charge. As long as Tonghu summons, it will respond to the call and disappear in seconds. In addition, the current pope was once the golden saint of Aries, and he can also Summon Aries Saint Cloth.

The 12 preparatory gold including Saga's younger brother Jialong were also here, sitting cross-legged in front of their constellation saints, communicating silently.

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