Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 534: Change the fire source owner

"The ability of the fire source is to turn any electronic device into a robot. It is quite a magical thing. Let me see it now."

There are also electronic devices Yi Shuihan. When he was in the DC world, he bought some mobile phones, laptops and the like for convenience.

Take out a notebook, and lean the fire source on it.

The notebook that was originally turned off turned on automatically, and the code was constantly refreshed on the screen. In the end, its form also changed significantly. With a creaking sound, the notebook began its first deformation.

"It looks like a Decepticon!"

Why do you say that? Because the robot that successfully deformed the notebook is beating Yi Shuihan with its small arms and legs, such a strong desire to attack is naturally the Decepticons.

"How can a robot born from the source of fire become a slave to itself?"

This problem immediately became Yi Shuihan's first need to solve. If it can't be solved, then everything will be impossible to follow up.

A slap slapped the robot that the notebook had turned into fragments, and Yi Shuihan went into the experiment again.

After more than 30 failures, Yi Shuihan finally realized, not how to make the electronic equipment affected by the fire source not turn into a Decepticon, but

"Isn't it faster to ask Optimus Prime for this kind of thing?"

The reason why Optimus Prime is not Megatron is because Yi Shuihan subconsciously thinks that Optimus Prime might be better to speak.

However, the reality is that Yi Shuihan would never think of it. If he asks Megatron, it might be quicker. Megatron has been stunned by Aizen in a short time. Now he is in a state of asking what to answer. On the contrary, Xiaojie treats Optimus Prime quite well, so if you ask Optimus Prime, people will think about it for a while.

When Yi Shuihan found Optimus Prime, Xiaojie was holding a large piece of steel that he didn't know where he got to repair Optimus Prime.

"Big Brother Yi, why are you here? Look, this is Optimus Prime, he can become a lot of looks! There are cars, planes, tanks..."

Seeing Yi Shuihan, Xiaojie looked very excited and excitedly introduced Yi Shuihan to Optimus Prime.

"I want to know how the robots transformed by the fire source can listen to my orders?"

Yi Shuihan took out the fire source and asked his own question.

Optimus Prime looked at the fire source in Yi Shuihan's hand and was silent for a moment, then said

"The fire source can give souls, and only the leader has the ability to change the direction of the soul. The Decepticons previously controlled the fire sources, so there was no order to change the fire sources, because the Decepticons will die. ."

"Is that so? Then you do it for me to see."

He seemed to carelessly threw the fire source to Optimus Prime.

Optimus Prime stretched out an arm that was just connected to hold the fire source, and felt like he was in a dream. The fire source, which he had not obtained after all the hardships before, actually reached his hands in this way. , This is something he would never have thought of before.

With the fire source, Optimus Prime’s first idea was to destroy it directly, because without it, the Decepticons’ ambitions would be completely broken.

But Optimus Prime did not do this in the end, not that he was afraid of death and that it would require his sacrifice to destroy the source of the fire, but that he suddenly thought of his current situation and the strength of Eoria and the others.

Although Yi Shuihan hasn't taken a shot, Optimus Prime can tell that he is the boss here. Will such a guy be weak? Who can take the fire source in Yi Shuihan's hands? As for the Decepticons, even Megatron is so miserable, let alone the others.

Thinking about it this way, the fire source is not necessary to destroy it. The fire source is a very precious treasure to the Transformers family. If it is not necessary, Optimus Prime cannot bear to completely destroy it.

"Can you guarantee that you don't use it to do evil things?"

Optimus Prime asked seriously, if Yi Shuihan answered that he could not, Optimus Prime decided to sacrifice himself to destroy the source of fire.

"I don't intend to use it to do bad things. Don't worry."

This is definitely what Yi Shuihan was thinking in his heart. His main purpose was to use the fire source to create a unique battle armor.

A battle armor with its own life, coupled with the protagonist fighter, is not a cool match.

"I believe you."

Optimus Prime chose to believe in Yi Shuihan, and began to act on the source of fire in front of Yi Shuihan.

A beam of energy shot from the position of Optimus Prime’s Moon Hun’s mouth towards the fire source, as if it were charged, the fire source burst out with brilliant light.

Then Yi Shuihan saw that the fire source was actually divided into two colors, one was deep sea blue, the other was flame red, but flame red occupies the largest proportion, about nine out of ten.

With the infusion of Optimus Prime's energy, Deep Ocean Blue began to slowly replace Flame Red, appearing as a counterattack.

Looking at the fire source, Yi Shuihan thoughtfully.

"These two colors should represent the Autocrats and the Decepticons, the deep sea blue represents the intellect, the flame red represents the madness, and the flame red is naturally transformed from the source of the fire is the Decepticon."

Just when Yi Shuihan thought that Optimus Prime would let Deep Ocean Blue completely occupy the flame red, he didn't expect that Optimus Prime stopped when the two reached a balance.

"If you want the Autobots to be transformed later to listen to you, then you have to provide something with your breath, blood, or skin tissue."

Optimus Prime did not explain this step, and Yi Shuihan could faintly understand that it was equivalent to being branded. The reason for maintaining the balance of deep ocean blue and flame red is estimated to be so that the newly born robot will not be biased to either side.

"Can you look at things?"

Yi Shuihan did not take direct blood, but separated energy clusters with his own soul aura. Generally speaking, when he recognizes the master of a magic weapon, he will let the magic weapon fully remember his soul aura, and put his own unique brand. , I believe it is similar to the current situation.

Optimus Prime's eyes flickered a few times, and finally took the energy group and injected it into the fire source.

With the infusion of the energy cluster, a golden dividing line appeared between the deep sea blue and the flame red, and the dividing line clearly carried the aura of Yi Shuihan.

The result has not yet been determined, but at this time Yi Shuihan already knew that the matter had been done.

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