Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 267: War is coming

"I don't have time to joke with you now. Forget it, I'll just go in and find him." Instead, I might ridicule Yi Shuihan as usual, but now he doesn't have the mood and walks directly into the hot spring. , Intends to personally pull out the three generations.

Just seeing the seven doors, Ji Lai was also dumbfounded. He didn't know which one to enter, but when he hesitated, Yi Shuihan followed and blocked him.

"It's not good for you to do this. Anyway, this is my site. If someone comes here in the future and rushes in to find people, it will have a bad influence. Well, it seems that you have to add a hot spring iron rule to enter for the purpose of finding people. No hot springs."

Yi Shuihan said to himself, not seeing the faint expression of anger at Ji Lai.

If you didn't know Yi Shuihan and knew that Yi Shuihan didn't do this on purpose, he would have thrown a ninjutsu long ago if he said that he couldn't help himself.

Jilai didn't make a move, but Da She Wan did.

"Latent Shadow Snake Hands." A hoarse and magnetic voice sounded, and a group of densely packed snakes' hands rushed towards Yi Shuihan, the speed was so fast that even Ji Lai couldn't stop it.

"Be careful!"

Ji Lai also reminded loudly.

The group of snakes submerged Yi Shuihan, and Yi Shuihan was no longer visible, and just as Ji Lai was about to rescue him, Yi Shuihan's faint voice sounded.

"I actually shot it. It's still such a terrible ninjutsu. It's really scary!" While speaking, there was a flash of electric light. The snakes on Yi Shuihan fell like raindrops, and before they landed, they were affected by Yi Shuihan. The arc on his body turned into fly ash.

After a few breaths, what appeared in front of Zi Lai Ye and Da She Wan was an Yi Shui Han with purple electric light all over his body. At this time, Yi Shui Han looked like an electric light person, exuding an unusual aura.

"This is...what kind of ninjutsu?" Oshemaru's eyes were surprised. Generally speaking, ninjutsu is released, causing huge destructive power. There are very few such ninjutsu released on oneself, after all, compared to It's easier to release it on yourself and throw it directly.

Especially Yi Shuihan’s current state, this kind of light that hurts surrounding things, but does not seem to affect him, how to do this, Oshemaru really can’t understand. As a ninjutsu master, he is very good at ninjutsu. But he had an extraordinary intuition. Even if he didn't know the specific details of Yi Shuihan's technique, he still believed that it was definitely a ninjutsu at the forbidden technique level, or even that kind of extraordinary forbidden technique.

Of course, what Oshemaru does not know is that this is not ninjutsu, but a spell, which is much more advanced than ninjutsu.

In fact, this spell was adapted by Yi Shuihan himself, referring to the electric flint of Qi Ya in the full-time hunter, but both its coolness and power are far beyond the original version.

At least the electric light flint does not have this kind of thunder that hurts at the touch of it. It is just ordinary electricity. Yi Shuihan is thunder. It has a strong attack power, not to mention its explosive power. It is not a simple rage to describe.

It is worth noting that because of Yi Shuihan's extremely powerful control, a large part of his power is not perceivable from light perception. Only when he meets it in person will he know its terrible.

For example, at this time, Yi Shuihan looked awe-inspiring, but in fact, neither Dashewan nor Jilai felt a deadly threat, but only felt a little dangerous.

"Aren't you a samurai? How can you use ninjutsu?" Jilaida was also curious. In his opinion, Yi Shuihan's state could not be changed like this except for ninjutsu.

Without waiting for Yi Shuihan's answer, Zi Lai also said again, "Don't worry about this, please tell me which door you should enter. We are really in a hurry. If we are finished, someone will die."

Yi Shuihan was startled slightly, weighing in his heart whether he should break his own rules, even though the rules were just thought of by himself, he had not yet engraved the stone tablet.

Tsunade is no longer. Could it be that she is in danger, the butterfly effect? If it is her, she can still work a little bit.

"What happened? Jiraiya, and Oshemaru, why are you here?"

"Master Jilaiya!"

Seeing Yi Shuihan coming out of him, Yi Shuihan breathed a sigh of relief. After all, it would be best if he could not change his own rules.

"Tsunade's younger brother was suddenly attacked. Tsunade has already gone to the rescue, and according to the news we got, Rainy Country is ready to move, and war is about to break out." Jiraiya briefly explained the situation and watched quietly With three generations, waiting for the decision of these three generations.

So, is the rope tree dying? With the outbreak of World War II, it seems that the title of Sannin is about to arrive.

But did the rope tree die at this time? I only felt a momentary confusion about this, and then I let it go. This is not an animation, but the real world. It is roughly the same as anime. It is impossible to expect the same.

Hearing the news from Jiraiya, the expressions of the three generations immediately became extremely solemn. War is really not a good word, but the three generations knew that it was inevitable, even though he tried his best to avoid this situation. Really now, he can only make the decision he should make as Hokage.

Just a few breaths of silence, the momentum of the three generations changed, as if from a financial tycoon in the business world to a battlefield commander, in charge of countless lives and deaths.

"Be prepared for war. In any case, we can't lose this war. Since he wants to war, we will give him the war, recruit ninjas to go to the border of the country of rain, prepare for the outbreak of war at any time, and pay attention to the movements of several other countries. , Don't let your guard down." The third generation of Hokage said decisively, with an iron-blooded aura rushing toward his face.

The three generations at this time were at the pinnacle of life, and they were qualified to be called the hero of Shinobi. This attitude was convincing.

"I will send people's attention to Tsunade's affairs. Go to the Rain Country first."


Even though they were worried about Tsunade, Jilaiya and Oshemaru knew the importance and decided to go to the rain country first.

"Why, what else do you guys do?" Three generations looked at Jilaiya and Dashemaru who did not act.

Ji Lai also heard what he said and stopped talking. He wanted to talk about what was just now. With Yi Shuihan’s strength, if he helped Konoha, it would also be a great help for Konoha, but he thought that Yi Shuihan was not Konoha's ninja, and there is such a freshman hot spring field, is completely like a big businessman, he is not easy to say it.

Why did Yi Shuihan help Konoha? Yes, Yi Shuihan is strong, but it has nothing to do with Konoha. He was not cultivated by Konoha. You are welcome. If you don't mention strength, it is Yi Shuihan. Opening such a large hot spring field and the few doors over there, I knew that Yi Shuihan was not short of money, and Konoha really had nothing to impress him.

Perhaps Yi Shuihan is fascinated by Forbidden Spell Scrolls, but Zi Lai also knows the importance of Forbidden Spell Scrolls, even if he is willing, and the three generations are also willing, some people will come out to stop them, such as the guy in Tuan Zang, which may happen at that time. The ending thing.

Thinking so much, in fact, it was just a matter of breathing. In the end, Jilai turned around and left, and Da She Wan followed Yi Shuihan after looking deeply.

"I always feel that I will be entangled by Dashewan in the future." The look in Dashewan's eyes gave Yi Shuihan a bad feeling in his heart.

"Yi Shuihan, you see this war is about to break out. If Konoha loses, your hot springs will also be affected. As a member of Konoha, can you help? Now there is something here. ,you……"

"Stop, don’t talk about the next thing. I believe you Konoha will definitely win. Even if you can’t win, my hot spring is closed. Now that you have come out, hurry up! Or you still want to Soak for a while."

Wanting to instigate me and think of beauty, Yi Shuihan put on a look of seeing off the guests, and blocked the words of the third generation of Hokage.

When the third generation of Hokage wanted to continue to say something, Yi Shuihan simply blocked his ears with his hands and made it clear that he would not listen. The last three generations could only shook their heads and left.

In fact, how can the three generations who Jilai think about it not? Although he didn't see all of them, at the last glance, he could faintly feel the power of Yi Shuihan. In addition, he had a strange feeling about Yi Shuihan from the first meeting, and he wanted to take Yi Shuihan even more. Pull up Konoha's chariot.

The three generations of Hokage are not so easy to give up, but for a while, they will definitely not be able to convince Yi Shuihan. In addition to the fact that things are more urgent, he will temporarily regress and plan to look for opportunities in the future.

"Watergate! They are all gone, why are you still staying?"

"I promised you to help, but in the end I didn't help. I took a free hot spring bath, at least let me hold on to the end." Watergate said firmly. In fact, he was extremely uneasy in his heart. Knowing that his strength can't help much.

His strength is also the Zhongnin level, and he still has no formal title.

"Well, can I continue to go to the hot springs?"

Just when Yi Shuihan was applauding the character of Bo Feng Shuimen in his heart, this sudden sentence made Yi Shuihan a slight sense of subversion.

"Did you discover it?"

"Yeah! When you soak in the hot springs, you practice five times faster than usual."

Unlike the shadow-level powerhouses of the third generation of Hokage, the strength of Bofeng Shuimen is low, but it feels the most, and the third generation does not have much feeling because of the short time.

Although Bo Feng Shuimen is very upright, he also wants to fight for this kind of benefits.

"Yes, it will be better as long as you want to soak. By the way, I will tell you a secret. In fact, the effect of mixed bathing is better!"

"Really?" Bo Feng Shuimen didn't think about it, very happy.

Looking at Bo Feng Shuimen's pure smile, Yi Shuihan suddenly became disheartened. The old driver wanted to take you for a while, but you could not comprehend it. It seems that you can only wait for him to drive by yourself.

Shuimen felt Yi Shuihan's mood change and looked at Yi Shuihan incomprehensibly, feeling that he had missed something for no reason.

"Forget it, it should be my illusion! I don't know if what Big Brother Yi said is true, is the mixed bath really more amazing? I really want to try it."

"You watch here first. I'll go and see how the other guy is doing. The movement outside is not too small. He hasn't come out. I don't know what's going on."

Yi Shuihan opened the black iron gate and walked in. At this time, it had been more than half an hour since Matt Dai entered.

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