Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 252: Shadow class is cannon fodder

"This is indeed the psychic world, yes, why don't you know?"

"Hey, you look like this, I seem to have seen it somewhere." Little Xiangzhu looked at Yi Shuihan suspiciously, shaking his head, quite cute.

Little Xiangzhu stared at Yi Shuihan for a moment, and exclaimed, "Ah! I remember, you look like a human! Grandpa used to show me a picture of a human. You look exactly like the person above. !"

The black line on Yi Shuihan’s face, Nima, I’m just a human, OK? They look exactly the same, and they are not twins.

"No, it's impossible for humans to come to the psychic world. You should not be a human, but you look very much like a human, right! What kind of beast are you?"

"As far as I know, there is something called reverse spiritism that allows humans to come into this world."

"Reverse spiritism? I remember. Grandpa mentioned that there is really this ninjutsu, so you are really human?"

"I am indeed human."

After talking about this, Yi Shuihan also roughly guessed where this world is.

The world of Naruto, or the subsidiary space of Naruto, the world where psychic beasts live.

The so-called psychic beasts are things like summoned beasts. They usually live in the psychic world and have their own ethnic territory. When the master needs to fight, they will be summoned to the world of Naruto to fight.

As a ninja's battle item, after signing the agreement, the ninja can summon his psychic beasts at any time, and generally speaking, the psychic beasts of the ninja are a group, not a single one.

Of course, even if the agreement is signed, this does not mean that the psychic beasts will be desperate for their masters. If necessary, the psychic beasts can disobey the caller, and can even cancel the summoning by themselves in case of danger. Back to the psychic world.

This agreement is still relatively loose. The ninja does not have absolute control over the psychic beast, and there will be no phenomenon that the ninja will let the psychic beast die and the psychic beast will go.

"But I don't know how to reverse spiritism! Without this condition, how can I get to the human world?" This is the thorny question in front of Yi Shuihan.

Not to mention reverse spiritism, that is, Ninjutsu Yi Shuihan is now a smear, completely confused, and he does not have Chakra, the foundation of Ninjutsu.

Chakra is a kind of energy extracted from the human body. Both physical energy and spiritual energy can be extracted from Chakra. To be a powerful ninja, you must rely on talent, because the essence of Chakra is about your own body. foundation.

Although hard exercise can also be useful, it is ultimately a lower level.

Of course, this is not a problem for Yi Shuihan at all. In addition to extracting chakras from the body, the original book also has natural energy, the fairy chakra, which is the so-called aura.

Knowing from the power of the fairy mode, the power of this aura is much stronger than that of Chakra.

"If you look at it this way, it's completely possible to use aura to stimulate ninjutsu! I don't need to refine Chakra at all."

This is winning at the starting line!

Yi Shuihan was quite content with the thought that the aura in his body had condensed into a solid.

"I don't know how the strength of this world corresponds? What level does the shadow level represent? It should not exceed Dark Iron. As for the ultimate boss Huiye Aunty should be bronze to silver, I don't know if it has reached silver." Yi Shuihan below the Ninja Shadow level is simply too lazy to pay attention.

Just as Yi Shuihan was thinking about things, the little sweet pig on the side had already taken the opportunity to take down the roasted rabbit that had just passed the exam. The joy of eating on the side, humming and enjoying it from time to time.

"It's delicious, it's so delicious. I have never eaten such a delicious thing. It is worthy of being made by humans. I heard that the human world has a lot of delicious food!" Exuding a touch of yearning.

But then the little fragrant pig became a little dejected, because although its ancestors had also become human psychic beasts, it was only accidental. They have had no contractors for a long time, and now the entire group is even more so. There is only one of it, and no ninja will look at it at all.

After eating the roast rabbit, the little Xiangzhu found that Yi Shuihan was still there in a daze. It trot to Yi Shuihan's feet. It seemed that he was not afraid of Yi Shuihan, but rather looked a little close.

"Hey, man, what are you thinking?"

Xiao Xiangzhu's words made Yi Shuihan sober from his thoughts. He looked at Xiao Xiangzhu and asked with a trace of expectation, "Do you know how to go to the human world?"

Little Xiangzhu looked at Yi Shuihan strangely when he heard the words, but he looked a little embarrassed, "Didn't you use the reverse summoning technique?"

"Uh, I slept at home and then appeared here somehow, now I am finding my way back."

Seeing Xiao Xiangzhu's suspicious eyes, Yi Shuihan couldn't help but raised his head and looked at the sky.

"There is no way! Except for the psychic beasts who have signed the agreement, the other beasts can only stay in the psychic world."

"Is there really no way? You are thinking about it."

It seemed that Yi Shuihan's barbecue had something to do with it, and Little Xiangzhu really thought about it carefully.

"Ah! Yes," Little Xiangzhu jumped up happily "I have thought of a way, but before that, you have to answer my question seriously."

"what is the problem?"

"Are you very strong? How does it compare to Zhong Ren!"

Because the ancestors of the little Xiangzhu signed an agreement with a Zhongren, that's why he asked.

"My strength? I can only say it in one word: strong, two words, very strong, three words, very strong," Yi Shuihan said solemnly. !"

"Is it far inferior to Zhong Ren?"

"It's far more than that. I can easily solve a large number of Zhongren, not to mention Zhongren, it is the shadow level, and it is just cannon fodder in my eyes."

Yi Shuihan said with a look of loneliness as a master, but in the eyes of Little Xiangzhu, he was not very convincing.

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