Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1397: Joint breakout

"That's...The Great King!!"

Indescribable subtle feelings filled the heart, as if it were an absolute crush from the level of life, and could not produce a trace of defiance, and even produced emotions such as eternal surrender.

It took a lot of effort for Yi Shuihan to look away. He felt that if he kept watching, he would lose himself directly.

This was the first time Yi Shuihan faced an unabashed Dao Emperor. When he was staying with his master before, his master had always concealed his breath.

Facing the complete Dao Emperor, Yi Shuihan faintly understood the reason why Chuang Dao was classified as the Chaos Emperor and not higher than the Chaos Emperor.

An enlightenment realm, facing the creation realm, even if it can't beat it, it will never have the idea of ​​direct surrender, at least it has the courage to face it, and for the Dao Emperor, it is good to be able to ensure that direct consciousness does not sink directly.

On the contrary, Yi Shuihan inadvertently found that the potpourri beside him seemed to be completely unaffected, and noticed that the sachet on the waist of the potpourri exuded a faint light.

It can only be said that Duobao Taoists are far worse than Baihuaxiang, this is the genuine Duobao.

"Sure enough, some kind of agreement was reached with the evil demon?"

The aura of this great great emperor who appeared was pure and clearly belonged to the heavens and ten thousand realms. If there was no agreement with the evil demon, he could completely take the heart of the universe away, and the evil demon or pioneers present could not stop it.

Holding the heart of the universe in one day can become its master. This condition seems a bit cruel. The time of a day was originally extremely short for the level of the Chaos Emperor. After all, the Chaos Emperor was closed for several million years. However, At this moment, this day is very long.

To keep the Heart of the Universe for one day, that is to say, to use all the Chaos Emperors plus the evil demons as enemies except yourself. In this case, being able to hold for more than ten seconds is considered to be great, hold on for one day? It is simply impossible to complete the abyss task.

Of course, if the creation of the heavens and the realms unite to help, there is still a glimmer of opportunity, but this situation obviously cannot happen.

No matter how you look at it, the current heart of the universe is hot potato, and whoever holds it will become the target of the audience.

"If the demons are working together, it will be even worse for the founders."

Unlike the heavens and worlds, the demons have a strict internal hierarchy, and the inferiors who grab the heart of the universe will also contribute to it. There are fewer cases of fighting each other. Even if there is internal competition, there will never be creative people. So intense between.

For pioneers, whoever grabs the heart of the universe belongs to whom the opportunity belongs to. This cannot be shared. Failure to grab it is equivalent to doing nothing.

If you want to fully possess the Heart of the Universe and hold it for more than one day, the first thing to do is to break through this huge battlefield. Only by successfully breaking through can it be possible to hold it for more than one day.

Brilliant holds the heart of the universe surrounded by more than twenty founders, and it seems quite hard.

"We will break through first, and we will distribute the Heart of the Universe after we leave here. Before again, each person can only hold at most one hour."


"No comment."

"Just do it!"

With the effort of the eyes, the founders united the front, and even Glory did not antagonize it at this time, even if the heart of the universe is now in his hands.

Coincidentally, the breakthrough direction chosen by the founders happened to be Yi Shuihan's side.

The founders are like sharp swords, tearing apart the encirclement of the demons, and moving quickly toward the outermost periphery.

The demons are naturally not willing to let the Innovators break through successfully. They use a very extreme combat method, that is, the non-innovative demons who stand in front of the Innovators explode collectively, and use the explosive power of the self-detonation to block the Innovators. go ahead.

Demons that are not as powerful as the creation level are like elephants and ants to the creations. At that time, there were too many ants to kill the elephants. Their self-destruction was not completely ignored by the creations, although they did not completely let the creations. The Taoists stopped, which also made their speed a lot slower, which gave the creation-level demons time to catch up.

When the Innovators pierced through half of the demon's defense circle, they were finally dragged down by the Innovative Demon who had just come up again, and they continued to break through.

"This looks anxious!"

Finally, some gaps were created in the encirclement circle, and now it was back to the original point. The entanglement of the creation-level demons restored the encirclement circle, and the breakthrough seemed to be out of reach.

The situation was a little stalemate, and the stalemate lasted for half an hour.

With a constant roar, in vain, and a scream, the first victim appeared in the creation team. This sacrificed creation is not the weakest in the entire creation team. If you really want to say it, it can be regarded as the upper middle level. .

There were one and two. In less than ten minutes, another creation fell, and five minutes later, another...

"Are you going to be wiped out?"

Looking at the battlefield in a daze, Yi Shuihan couldn’t say how uncomfortable, no matter how much he died, it belonged to the creation of the heavens and all realms, and now he is not even the creation of creation, seeing that the creation of creation is constantly dying in front of him, It was a small blow to him.

Fortunately, these creations did not have a good relationship with Yi Shuihan, so Yi Shuihan quickly adjusted his mentality.

"Huh? What do you want to do?"

In fact, even if the battle was fierce and attracted most of Yi Shuihan’s attention, Yi Shuihan still had part of his energy devoted to his senior brother Dong Ming. At this time, he saw Dong Ming moving abnormally toward the core circle. As he approached, Yi Shuihan immediately focused his attention entirely on Dong Ming.

Under Yi Shuihan’s gaze, the demons disguised by Dongming rushed towards the inside at an extremely fast speed. The demons in front of him seemed to be non-physical, and they were directly passed through by him, and the demons seemed to have not noticed him at all. .

" like the ability of ignoring collisions, is this senior brother's special ability?"

A few minutes later, Dong Ming finally came to the core circle. At this time, there were only thirteen innovators left.

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