Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1381: Phantom island

"You can only use the scanning power with the naked eye. I don't know what will happen to the skills exchanged by the system?"

Being in a misty void, Yi Shuihan couldn't help but think that he was very confident in the system, but it was a pity that the power of the current system could not be borrowed.

At this moment, both Tai Yi and Yi Shuihan appeared in that special area, which is also the most lively area in the worlds of the heavens and the world. There are more than 90% of the chaos emperors from the heavens and the world. The true sages under the person are also countless.

The so-called special area is indeed special. It is enveloped by a strange layer of fog. When life enters, the fog will dissipate. Once life passes, it will not be covered by fog again, a bit like in a confrontation game. The vision situation is just more harsh here, the "eye" cannot be used, teammates cannot share the vision, and there is no small map.

"This is definitely not formed naturally. If this is the case, it should have been famous for the situation here, just don't know whose handwriting, power?"

This is not Yi Shuihan's guess, but a fact that has basically been confirmed, because the Emperor of Chaos has been to some places in this area, and there was no fog at that time.

The area shrouded in mist is very large. According to the range given by the Dao Emperor in the main **** space, the Chaos Emperor will fly for about a hundred years after letting go, and this is still a straight flight. If you want to see every inch of the place with the naked eye , It takes more time.

That mysterious thing doesn't have a name, but now everyone calls it "key", which refers to the key that opens the door to the emperor on the road.

Everyone is looking for the key, but there are very few of them united together. After all, there is only one key. If you really find it together, it's hard to say who it will belong to.

Of course, due to the evil spirits, everyone is not far away. As long as there is battle, they will get support soon. If there is no battle, but only the "key" is found, then it is natural to make a fortune.

Under such circumstances, it is undoubtedly more advantageous to use a clone. In terms of probability, one more clone will increase the probability of finding the "key". Just splitting the clone will also reduce your combat effectiveness. The danger of evil spirits will also be higher, and the choice between them depends on their own ideas.

Compared with other chaotic emperors, Yi Shuihan is also very eager for the "key", but he does not yearn to the point of madness. He belongs to the kind of rare sober person who treats the "key" if he meets it. It's a fight, but if something really can't be done, he won't get together to make trouble.

Yi Shuihan is very self-confident. Even without the "key", he can still be a Dao Emperor on his own. This self-confidence comes from his all-time experience and comes from the system.

The fastest achievement in the history of the Chaos Emperor, the perception of Wannian Dao has broken through two levels, and he has entered the realm of Enlightenment for a million years. His path has been smooth, and he has not even encountered any particularly big bottleneck until now. According to this momentum , It is not surprising when he became the Dao Emperor.

In this situation, Yi Shuihan did not separate many clones, but his own deity and Tai Yi were looking for the "key".


"This Nima is too difficult, my eyes are dizzy, I don't know if I will get blindness."

Looking for something in the void with the naked eye, I have been looking at the almost exactly the same scene for several months. Yi Shuihan feels exhausted like never before, mainly tired. If you look at the same scene too much, you will definitely get tired. The key is that you have to keep watching. Go down.

Yi Shuihan now very much hopes that something special will appear in front of him, so that he can change his eyes and take a break.

"Hey, this is..."

An island suddenly appeared in the line of sight. The island is not very large. A rough observation is probably about a hundred miles around. It is just amazing that the scenery on this island is constantly changing.

At the very beginning, an amusement park appeared on the island with various amusement facilities. When Yi Shuihan realized that the situation was too nonsense, the amusement park disappeared and the ordinary scenic island reappeared on the island. Peach blossom forest, bamboo leaf forest, maple forest, various forests.

Of course, this is not the end. After that, the scene changed again and became a panacea island. How can I say? Yi Shuihan's impressive elixir is basically available on the island.

"A phantom?"

No matter how you look at it, it can't be a real sight. The reason why Yi Shuihan didn't see through it in the first time was because of the interference of the fog, which can only be observed with the naked eye here.

Determined in his heart that it was an illusion, Yi Shuihan still set foot on the island, and he was very happy now.

"The key is likely to be hidden on this island. After all, it is an illusion, and it is constantly changing. It is a good place to hide. Maybe something that changes at a time is the key."

With this awareness, Yi Shuihan moved his mind to search the island thoroughly. Even if it was not found in the end, it would be better to search such an island than to look at the eternal void outside.

"Ginseng fruit tree? Isn't it a pure illusion? It's really real!"

Yi Shuihan originally thought that all he saw on this island were illusions and no entities, but when he actually touched it, he realized that it was not that simple. The ginseng fruit tree in front of him was too real, almost exactly the same as his memory, if not before Seeing that the scenery on the island has changed several times, he must think this is a real ginseng fruit.

Picking off a ginseng fruit and holding it in his hand, the unique aroma of ginseng fruit permeated, making Yi Shuihan have the urge to eat it, but of course he couldn't just eat it directly.

The figure disappeared from the place, and when Yi Shuihan reappeared, a wolf appeared in Yi Shuihan's hand, a very ordinary wolf, which he brought out of his portable world.

The wolf looked very irritable in Yi Shuihan's hands, struggling and roaring constantly, trying to break free, but it was completely useless.

"Come, eat."

Pass the ginseng fruit to the wolf.

The scent of ginseng fruit is very attractive to creatures. The wolf was finally attracted by it. After hesitating for a while, he bit on it. After the bite, the wolf's eyes closed in a daze.

"It seems to be fake."

Looking at the wolf entering a deep sleep state, Yi Shuihan sighed regretfully. ,, ..

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