Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1371: Emperors on Tao

Real Eye Sovereign attended this promotion ceremony on behalf of Ten Thousand Realms United Colleges. There were also some students who came with him. Many of them were acquaintances of Yi Shuihan, but here was the Chaos Sovereign Exchange Conference. Naturally, he is not qualified to follow.

Speaking of it, the Emperor of True Eye also belongs to his small circle, but his friends haven't arrived yet, so he just wandered around the venue, and this was seen by the sharp-eyed Yi Shuihan.

Why is it used to watch? After all, the occasion is different. If you use mental power scanning unscrupulously in such a place, it will also be disrespectful to other Chaos Emperors. When he came, brother Yi Shuihan explained to him, do not use spirit in the venue power.

"The progress of your cultivation base should be very fast recently! Have you broken through to the eighth floor of the Tongtian Tower?"

Although True Eye Sovereign was the second realm of enlightenment, he did not see Yi Shuihan’s cultivation realm all at once. Speaking of which, I was not able to see Yi Shuihan’s depth in the small circle of Senior Brother Yi Shuihan. , The one who saw it is not easy in the second world.

"It's the ninth floor."

Yi Shuihan said the answer honestly, and then naturally saw the stunned face of True Eye Emperor.

He actually didn't want to be like this, but it's not good to lie to True Eye.

"The... Ninth floor?"

Because he was so shocked that he stuttered a little, the King of True Eyes couldn't believe it and asked again.


What can we do? Only nodded.

"Don't talk yet, let me slow down for a while."

True Eye Sovereign raised his hand and made a pause.

The understanding of Tao is not the same as combat effectiveness. The factors that affect combat effectiveness include various aspects, combat awareness, secret techniques, spirit treasures, etc.; while the understanding of Tao is completely different. You can only comprehend it step by step. The enhanced secret method, but that kind of secret method has not been seen by Yi Shuihan until now.

At the Chaos Emperor, it is extremely difficult to break through the Taoist perception to one level, even if it is only from the seventh level to the eighth level. To be honest, the real eye emperor asked if Yi Shuihan had broken through the eighth level. Level, this is already a huge overestimation of Yi Shuihan. Considering that Yi Shuihan had a Dao Emperor as his master, before Yi Shuihan answered, in the heart of True Eye Emperor, Yi Shuihan broke through to eighth. The probability of layering should be only about 30%, and this 30% still thinks that Yi Shuihan has broken through the first to the eighth layer in the past 800,000 years.

"Would you like to tell me that I actually broke two floors in ten thousand years?"

Looking at the real eye emperor who was a bit near-devilish, Yi Shuihan thought in his heart, and finally decided that as long as the real eye emperor did not ask, he would not say it. I believe that the true eye emperor does not want to know.

About a minute later, True Eye Sovereign finally came out of the shock and continued to chat with Yi Shuihan, but this time he stopped talking about cultivation and moved the topic to the exchange meeting.

"This time the exchange conference is extraordinary. There are few scenes where so many Chaos Emperors gather together. Even in Chaos City, this kind of grand occasion is not much."

Real Eye Emperor said with emotion.

"Yes! This is the first time I have seen so many Chaos Kings together!"

Yi Shuihan felt the same way.

"For this exchange conference, we have to thank Emperor Lieyang, Chuangdao! Anyway, I have little hope. I hope that next time I will participate in your promotion ceremony. Don't not welcome me as an old man at that time."

"If I become a pioneer, I will definitely send you an invitation letter in person. You are not old or young! I don't know how many beautiful women want to be your Taoist companion."

"You, you!"


After chatting for a long time, finally the Emperor of Chaos came to find the Emperor of True Eye.

One of them was an acquaintance, the Bladefang Emperor, the one who asked the Demon Army, and three other Chaos Emperors, two men and one woman, and Yi Shuihan didn't know him.

"Isn't this the kid from the beginning? Really, he came with you?"

"They came by themselves, we just met here by chance."

"Encounter? It's a coincidence, but now that we met, let's be together?"

Bladefang Emperor sent an invitation to Yi Shuihan, but the other three Chaos Emperors did not express their views, but they should not be repellent. As for welcome, there is not much.

"If you don't mind."

"Then it's settled."

In this way, plus Yi Shuihan, a small circle of 6 chaos emperors formed.

After that, they introduced each other. Of course, this was mainly aimed at Yi Shuihan and this newcomer. The other chaotic emperors in this small circle were all familiar with each other. At least Yi Shuihan seemed to be very close friends.

In this small circle, with the exception of True Eye Sovereign being the second stage, the others are all in the first stage, but they are all the top-level first stages, and they can break through at any time. The level of Yi Shuihan is just right here. Appropriate, even he feels that this place is more suitable for him than the small circle of his brother before.

Why do you say that? Because here, most of what they communicated is how to break through to the second realm, and what kind of preparations have been made for this. In the previous circles, those Chaos Kings communicated with the second realm. For Yi Shuihan, it was not suitable here.

The exchange meeting was unfolding like a raging fire, and the atmosphere was quite good. Yi Shuihan was completely involved in it, and he was very happy. In this atmosphere, time passed quickly, and half a month passed in an instant.

One month is a long time for an exchange conference, but it cannot be used here. In fact, the exchange conference has just begun, and this exchange conference will last for a whole year.

The exchange conference is not just a few familiar chaotic emperors. It is done by forming a small circle to communicate. If this is the case, then there is no need to come here. Wouldn't it be better to invite a few friends to discuss the Dao in other places.

There was a burst of sweet music on the venue, and then the small circle of the venue stopped and looked at the center of the venue.

"Is the time up?"

"It's about to begin, the emperor's discussion stage!"

"Many of the people who came this time are peak enlightenment, and they will definitely get a lot of insights."

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