Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1368: Promotion celebration

Noting that Xue Lingran and Hong Ming were looking quietly, Yi Shuihan smiled slightly, then waved his hand and took out two top-grade chaotic spirit treasures, one sword and one sword, exuding an astonishing light.

"Fellow Daoist, what is this?"

"It's nothing, as a senior, it's important to give the younger generation some greetings, isn't it?"

Then he threw Lingbao at Xue Lingran and Mo Ming.

Seeing the Lingbao floating in front of him, Xue Lingran was very excited. This is a top-grade Chaos Lingbao. You must know that she is only using a middle-grade Chaos Lingbao. Originally, she also wanted to have a top-grade Chaos Lingbao, but please The master hasn’t succeeded for a long time.

As the second realm of Chaos Sovereign, Fufeng will naturally not fail to get the top-grade chaotic spirit treasure. For him, the top-grade chaotic spirit treasure can be easily taken out. He has never given his apprentice a top-grade chaotic spirit treasure. It is also out of special considerations.

Xue Lingran is only a true sage, and it hasn't been a long time to achieve a true sage. A middle-grade Chaos Lingbao is suitable for her. With the high-grade Chaos Lingbao, it will not be able to exert its power, but it will also attract some caring people.

This reason Fufeng told his apprentices more than once, so Xue Lingran also understood this, so even if he was excited, Xue Lingran did not take Lingbao the first time, but first expressed his gratitude to Yi Shuihan, and then looked pitifully. Your own master.

Fufeng was a little speechless when he was seen by his precious disciple, and finally sighed, "No matter, since it was a gift from a fellow Taoist, you can accept it, but say it first. After you accept it, you must hide it and go out in the future. Don’t use it when the time is less than a last resort."

"Yeah! Master is the best, I will definitely hide it."

As if grabbing the Lingbao, Xue Lingran showed a big smile when he looked at the gleaming Lingbao in his hand.

Although Hong Ming on the side was not as exaggerated as Xue Lingran, he could easily tell that he was in a good mood.

"This is an old defensive card that I refined in my spare time. It can withstand the full blow of the Chaos Emperor's first stage."

It is human nature to reciprocate courtesy and reciprocity. Yi Shuihan gives it to plums, and Fufeng repays it to peaches.

Compared with the two top-grade spirit treasures, this defensive spirit card is also extremely valuable. It can be said that each has its own merits. The former can be used all the time, but the power is not as good as the latter, while the latter, although precious, can only be used as a hole card.

Meng Xiaochi also looked at Yi Shuihan with questioning eyes, and Yi Shuihan nodded slightly. Only then did Meng Xiaochi accept the spirit token, and his colleagues politely thanked him.

The door in the void began to flicker, reminding the time.

"Let's go in and talk again."

In this way, the party stepped into the void gate and entered the world of good fortune.

While rushing along the way, Yi Shuihan also chatted with Fufeng, and they got along very happily. On the other hand, Meng Xiaochi was also surrounded by Xue Lingran and Hong Ming to ask questions.

"Xiao Chi, is your uncle really the Emperor of Chaos? Why is it so young that he feels younger than me!"

It is easy for the heavens and the world to keep young after entering the practice, but the longer they live, the more or less they will be baptized by years. Based on this, you can roughly judge the age. Xue Lingran just sees Yi Shuihan. At his young age, it is hard to believe that Yi Shuihan is already the Emperor of Chaos.

"Uncle Shi is of course the Emperor of Chaos, and his understanding of Tao reached the ninth floor of the Tongtian Tower 800,000 years ago."

"It's so powerful, the ninth floor of the Tongtian Tower, doesn't it mean that he can become the same Dao enlightenment power as Master as long as he finds his own way?"

Xue Lingran was shocked again. She actually thought that Yi Shuihan was the kind of person who had just stepped into the Chaos Emperor, but she didn't expect that she was about to finish the first stage of the Chaos Emperor.

"How can there be such a heaven-defying existence?"

Listening to Meng Xiaochi talking about Yi Shuihan, Xue Lingran became more and more shocked, especially when she heard that Yi Shuihan Wannian broke through the ninth floor of the two floors from the seventh floor of the Tongtian Tower. Almost silly.

Xue Lingran knew the difficulty of the Tongtian Tower, and her Taoist perception was also on the fifth floor of the Tongtian Tower, and it took her more than ten thousand years to break through from the fourth floor to the fifth floor, which was completely incomparable with Yi Shuihan.

Xue Lingran was hit, but quickly recovered, because she had completely excluded Yi Shuihan from the scope of the comparison. Compared with this kind of monster, wouldn't it be self-evident?

Unlike Xue Lingran, Hong Ming was motivated by Yi Shuihan. Of course, he didn't want to compare with Yi Shuihan, just because he knew that Yi Shuihan's cultivation speed existed, he secretly made up his mind to cultivate hard. He directly halved the breakthrough time he originally stipulated, setting a more difficult goal.

Fufeng, who has been paying attention to his disciple, naturally saw the change of his disciple, and nodded secretly in his heart, happy to see the result.

"Fufeng Taoist Fellow has accepted two good apprentices!"

"Wherever they are, they are just edible."

Obviously, I am very satisfied. I have to say that modesty is achievable. He Fufeng is also a little hypocritical, and Yi Shuihan has not broken it. After all, it is really no problem to say Xue Lingran and Hong Ming. If the comparison object is Yi Shuihan if.

A few minutes later, he finally came to the hall for receiving guests. Fufeng did not receive Yi Shuihan's good treatment. As the emperor of Dadao, Salama personally greeted him.

The person who received Fufeng was Yi Shuihan's Jiu brother, and also Meng Xiaochi's master. Of course, there were several other escorts.

"Fufeng, I've seen you fellow Taoists."

Fufeng's posture was very upright, and his speech was neither humble nor overbearing, and seemed to be treated as an equal.

"So confident, it seems that his background is not weak, maybe he is also a disciple of the Dao Emperor, otherwise he would not feel that he can communicate with the seniors on an equal footing."

Yi Shuihan was just leading the way, he wouldn't be in charge when he got here, so he also stood aside, watching as a companion.

After some courtesy, Fufeng finally explained his intention. He was here to invite to participate in the promotion ceremony. In his sect, there was a chaos emperor who successfully broke through to the third stage and achieved creation, so he invited all majors. The forces come to celebrate.

That is because Yi Shuihan, the world of good fortune, has the power of the Dao emperor, otherwise Fufeng would not come in person, it is estimated that he will send an invitation remotely. ,, ..

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