Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1366: Popular Yi Shuihan

The vision of the breakthrough lasted only a few minutes, and then slowly converged.

The duration is less, but it makes everyone more aware of the horror of Yi Shuihan. It is not that the greater the momentum during the breakthrough, the longer the better.

Yi Shuihan's breakthrough vision is short, and from another perspective, it can prove his solid foundation. It is not the kind of barely breakthrough but the accumulation of accumulation, so once a breakthrough, he can quickly control his breakthrough power.

After the breakthrough was completed, Yi Shuihan's first thing was to express his gratitude to the master in front of him. He knew that it would be impossible for him to break through so quickly without the one in front of him.

"Thank you Master for teaching during this period."

"Thank you, you are my apprentice, and I am your master. Isn't it right for me to teach you? It's beyond my expectation that you can break through so quickly. It seems that I really have accepted a good apprentice! Hahaha!"

Salama looked at Yi Shuihan with great satisfaction. At first, he accepted Yi Shuihan only because he felt destined. Yi Shuihan still took the initiative to apprentice. Even in his heart, Yi Shuihan was actually just a named disciple, only Dang Yi Only when Shui Han came here to see him with the cultivation base of the true sage, he would completely admit Yi Shuihan's qualifications.

Speaking of it some time before Yi Shuihan broke through the Chaos Emperor, Salama had already forgotten about receiving Yi Shuihan’s disciple. After all, the only thing he met with Yi Shuihan was that he stayed in Dragon Ball. A ray of distraction in the world.

When Yi Shuihan's name appeared on the stone tablet in the center of Chaos City, Salama didn't mention how unexpected and pleasant it was.

By opening a small stove for Yi Shuihan alone, Salama also wanted to compensate Yi Shuihan. As a master, he gave Yi Shuihan too little help. Yi Shuihan could grow to the Emperor of Chaos and basically nothing with him. Relationship, and his other disciples, not to mention growing into the Chaos Emperor, even a true sage gets more resources than Yi Shuihan.

Originally, Salama wanted to preach to Yi Shuihan for at least 100 million years, but I didn’t expect that Yi Shuihan would be so talented. He actually made continuous breakthroughs in just 10,000 years and achieved other Chaos Kings for 100 million years. Things that can't be done.

The understanding of Tao has reached the ninth level. Next, only an opportunity, an epiphany, is needed for Yi Shuihan to find his own Tao. Then Yi Shuihan can step through the first realm and become the existence of the second realm of the chaos emperor.

With the terrifying talent shown by Yi Shuihan, Salama has no doubt that Yi Shuihan can reach the realm of enlightenment. If Yi Shuihan can't reach the realm of enlightenment, then no one in the world can achieve enlightenment, although Some exaggeration, but it can also show that Salama is optimistic about Yi Shuihan.

"I just don't know what his Tao is, it shouldn't be ordinary!"

Now that Yi Shuihan’s Dao has understood the level of the ninth floor of the Tongtian Tower, Salama’s plan has to be changed. Although he is the emperor of the Dao, he cannot let a chaos emperor find his own way. On his own, he can only talk about some experience at most, and even if he has experience, he has to say it carefully, otherwise it will be self-defeating.

"Here are some empirical talks, you can take a look at it, but remember that other people's is by others, do not deliberately imitate, the way you need should be in your heart long ago, just find it out. Up."

Salama spoke deeply and profoundly. At the same time, what Yi Shuihan didn't notice was that he had subconsciously resisted imitation because of Salama's words, and Salama was also well-intentioned.

"Knowing Master, I must keep your teachings in mind."

Nodded, Yi Shuihan said seriously.

In this way, after consolidating his realm for another month, Yi Shuihan walked out of the room that he hadn't walked out of for ten thousand years, and appeared in front of the crowd once again.


"Hello Uncle!"

"Uncle Yi, when are you going to preach for us? We can't wait."

"Uncle Shi, you are so handsome!"

"Uncle Thirty-Seven Master, why do you cultivate so fast? Is there any secret to teach us how to do it?"

As soon as Yi Shuihan appeared, he was surrounded, saying hello, and various questions followed.

For these enthusiastic juniors, Yi Shuihan was also made a little passive. At first he could deal with it at will, but finally he simply used means to "escape".

This is not over yet. Every time Yi Shuihan appears after that, it is like an international superstar. As long as he is found, a large number of admirers will quickly gather around him.

The reason why Yi Shuihan is so popular is that on the one hand, his talent is so powerful that it cannot be described. On the other hand, it is the strength of the Emperor of Chaos. This strength can point to those true saints. Of course, this is the same as Yi Shuihan. There is a certain relationship between being able to talk. These younger disciples ask Yi Shuihan questions, and Yi Shuihan will answer part of it, even if he doesn't answer, he won't be angry.

If Yi Shuihan was able to show his majesty as the Emperor of Chaos, he would not continue to be watched.

Yi Shuihan knew this, but he still couldn't bear it for the time being. He liked his teacher very much, and he was not too repulsive of being asked for questions. Maybe after the number of times, he would eventually be with his seniors. The elder sisters showed the majesty of their elders.

What I have to say is that Yi Shuihan's performance was seen by his senior brothers and sisters, and they secretly nodded in their hearts, thinking that Yi Shuihan's character is very good.

"Xiao Chi! Is your master here?"

"Ah!? It's Uncle Thirty-seven. Master is not here, so he went to Uncle Seventeen. It will take a few days to come back."

"Is that so? That's right, I'll go inside and hide, don't you say you saw me."

After saying this, Yi Shuihan flashed himself into the cave.

"Xiao Chi, have you seen Uncle Thirty-seven?"

"Uncle Xiao Chi, have you seen Uncle Yi?"

Just a few seconds after Yi Shuihan entered the cave, dozens of figures appeared in front of Xiao Chi, without exception, they asked Yi Shuihan's location.

"Uncle Thirty-Seven asked me to say I haven't seen him."

Xiao Chi's cute voice sounded, but his eyes looked at the cave. Now everyone knew where Yi Shuihan was, and he rushed towards the cave.

In the end, they still didn’t find Yi Shuihan, not that Yi Shuihan was not in the cave, but

"I had known that Xiao Chi would be exposed, but who would prevent them from entering the cave at all? Not everyone can enter the private cave of Senior Brother Ye as easily as me.", ....

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