Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1358: Increased combat awareness

When Yi Shuihan was analyzing Verus, Verus was also analyzing Yi Shuihan.

The battle has started for a while, Verus determined that Yi Shuihan is not as good as him in combat consciousness, even in pure strength. Although he does not know why Yi Shuihan suddenly rises in strength, he knows that this is not Yi Shui. The original power of cold.

"This kind of secret method that greatly enhances strength will definitely not last long. As long as the secret method ends, I will win."

It was this thought that Verus didn't take any further action, otherwise Yi Shuihan would not be able to separate the energy to analyze him.

As the guardian of the Arena of Ten Thousand Worlds, Verus’s strength is stronger than what he has shown today. If I really want to say, now he uses only 80% of his full strength. He does not use his full strength. No, on the other hand, it is also to hide the clumsiness. Velus is not completely without enemies. If his strength is found out by him, he will be dangerous and will be targeted.

If it is normal, Verus’s choice is definitely correct, but he guessed a little wrong. The duration of Yi Shuihan’s "secret method", at this level, is a completely small case for Yi Shuihan. Even if it continues until the sky is old, there is no problem.

The spear turned into a cold star shining, and Verus shot tens of thousands of times in an instant, each time he attacked Yi Shuihan’s weak points, and even when there were no weak points, he could forcibly create weak points, really. Conditions should also be created.

The battle was so fierce, but no noise came out, because all the power was controlled to the limit, even the after wave of the force collision was directly annihilated in the space, the volatility of the space can be seen, and the sound has turned into a trembling force. .

No matter how tightly Yi Shuihan's defense was, he was still injured, of course, it was a bit of flesh and a small wound, which looked a little embarrassed.

"The outcome has been determined. It seems that the guardian of the company is still a bit weaker."

"Veros is still better at it. He didn't even use his full strength. He didn't use a one-stroke trick during the entire process. It is rumored that he has three tricks, and now he has no use."

"Can support for so long, the guardian of this company is not weak, it should be ranked around six or seven thousand on the Chaos List."

On the Chaos List, the top five thousand are all strong in the second stage of the Chaos Emperor, and even after the five thousand, there are hundreds of people who have the second stage of the Chaos Emperor. Even if they rank more than five thousand. The chaos emperor's first level is the first level, after 6,000 to 7,000 is the second level, 7,000 to 8,000 is the third level, and after 8,000, it is not influx.

Obviously, in the eyes of the onlookers, Yi Shuihan and Verus are one level behind, one is the first level of the first realm, and the other is the second level.

"What's going on, his actions."

Velus had already decided that Yi Shuihan was bound to lose, and removed Yi Shuihan from his opponent's list, but Yi Shuihan's sudden action made him pay attention to Yi Shuihan again.

There was an extremely absurd idea in my mind, and this absurd idea was completely confirmed after a few seconds.

"There is such a thing, in such a short period of time, how can his combat consciousness be raised to a level, it is completely impossible to see his actions."

Could it be that he had deliberately concealed it before? No, I can be sure that he has never reached the same level as him before. It would be too difficult to hide this pure combat consciousness, and he also couldn't understand why Yi Shuihan wanted to hide.

If you have the upper hand, it is reasonable to hide a part of your strength, but it is obvious that Yi Shuihan can only defend before!

If it is not hidden, it is not so acceptable to have such a big increase in combat awareness in such a short time. Verus really does not want to believe that Yi Shuihan is such a genius. If he admits this, it is equivalent to admit that he is in combat consciousness. The aspect is not as good as Yi Shuihan.

"After all, the power of the system was used."

Yi Shuihan’s talent is actually not that exaggerated. Even though Verus has noticed his lack of combat awareness, even if he knows it, it’s not easy to overcome, at least not in such a short time, so he still relies on it. The systematic deduction forcibly shortened the time, allowing his fighting consciousness to be transformed in such a short time.

"Now we are on the same starting line, but it is still difficult to beat him just like this."

Yi Shuihan still understands the current situation very well, knowing that it is impossible to defeat Verus by reaching the same level of combat consciousness, but he still does not intend to rely on the system.

Fighting, fighting constantly, understanding one's own transformation bit by bit, the aura in his mind is constantly flashing, thinking and thinking are constantly colliding, in such a high-intensity battle, Yi Shuihan's aura is more sensitive than usual. Do not know how many times.

"Since the beginning, the guardian of the company has changed his actions, becoming more concise and effective."

"Should I break through on the spot? I don't understand the world of genius."

"Served, it's a genius who can be the guardian of the company."

The audience who had been watching the battle discovered the changes in Yi Shuihan and exclaimed.

In the void, the ease on Jun Busan's face gradually disappeared, his eyes darkened as he watched the battle below, and Crazy Horse gradually showed a smile.

"This kid really gave me a big surprise. This kind of talent really deserves to be the peerless evildoer who broke through to the Chaos Emperor the fastest in history. The so-called miracle exists for his peerless evildoer."

Yi Shuihan’s performance made the Mad Horse love talent. Now even if Yi Shuihan loses in the hands of Verus, Yi Shuihan’s position in his heart will not decline. He has decided to make a good deal of Yi Shui in the future. Han, such a genius is likely to surpass him in the future.

"A seedling of the creation realm may even take that step. If he can grow up, that matter may be possible."

Thinking of something, Crazy Horse's heart became fiery. ,, ..

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