Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1355: Old Man Zhushan

As the top power of the heavens and worlds, the company also has a lot of place in Chaos City, and it is still very conspicuous in Chaos City.

"It was unexpectedly deserted!"

Standing outside the branch, watching the endless stream of people, Yi Shuihan had this idea.

The flow of people is actually not small, probably in the tens of thousands, but compared to other places they passed before, it is still much less, which can be said to be deserted.

"Is it because the system can only cultivate true saints at most?"

Yi Shuihan, who rose up because of the system, has different feelings for the system, and he also understands the attractiveness of the system, but this is Chaos City, and the true saint is an ordinary inhabitant. For these existences, the system is no longer there. With the advantage, the purchase demand of the Chaos City system has been suppressed to a minimum.

The company is based on the system, and there is another pure trading group in the heavens and the world, the business alliance, which is composed of a group of powers of the emperor components, and sells all the resources of the heavens and the world, in terms of varieties. There are even more companies. For the creatures of the heavens and all realms, the business alliance is the real place to trade other things.

The overall power of the business alliance cannot be underestimated. In addition to nothing, it is even stronger than the company in other aspects.

"Grandma Feng, I didn't expect you to lead the team this time, how about? How long do you want to stay here?"

"I want to stay as long as I want. Do you have to worry about me, Madman Ma, I heard that you have been in trouble recently!"

"Trouble? How could it be possible that I am here, who would dare to cause trouble, I don't slap them to death, it's just that some of the juniors are not up to date. These are the new guardians, right?"

The man who was turned into a horse lunatic by Feng's grandma looked like a very kind big fat man with very small eyes and a line of microphones.

In Yi Shuihan’s perception, this madman is like an ordinary person. However, Yi Shuihan dare not regard this as an ordinary person. He can talk to Grandma Feng like this, at least at the same level as Grandma Feng. Existence, the more common it seems, the more dangerous it is.

Beside the horse lunatic, there is also a group of **** emperors, twice as many as Yi Shuihan’s side. Twenty chaotic emperors, each of them gives Yi Shuihan a considerable sense of threat. They are also a group of geniuses. .

The true identity of Crazy Horse was soon revealed. He was actually the leader of the guardian of the Chaos City branch, ranked 1742 on the Chaos list. This is still his ranking ten billion years ago. Now he has No one knows how strong it is.

The process of officially handing over to become a guardian is still harmonious, at least there is no obvious situation of being looked down upon and suppressed by the old guards, at best it is a little colder.

The Chaos Emperor who came with Yi Shuihan quickly integrated into the branch. Each seemed to have taken care of everything and found his team in the branch. In the end, only Yi Shuihan and Baihuaxiang belonged to them. Lonely.

Yi Shuihan is really inadequate in the company's background. The newly promoted Chaos Emperor still has fewer friends. In addition, he himself does not really want to join a small group. He does not take the initiative and is content with the status quo. This situation is normal. .

Baihuaxiang is completely different. Her background is too hard. Even in the branch, no one dares to provoke her. There is no need to join a small group, and no one pays attention to her. In fact, if she is interested in that, it is estimated that she The combination of interests at the core is easy to form.

The job of the guards is very simple, usually what they want to do, only when they encounter provocations will they be called to take action.

Normally, there are 3 guards sitting in the branch, and they rotate every 10,000 years. The guards who are in the town cannot leave the branch. Of course, if there is something to do, you can clone or incarnate out. If you want to go out, you can only look for a horse. A lunatic asks for leave.

Originally, Yi Shuihan, as a new guardian, would not be immediately assigned to the branch, but it is not a coincidence that all the guardians who have been in the town this ten thousand years have fallen, and the additional guardians must come from these newcomers. Among them, Yi Shuihan is one of them.

Just as unlucky as Yi Shuihan was another Chaos Emperor, Langyue, a kind of stranger who had met several times but had not communicated a few times, and was still some way away from friends.

Perhaps because of the same situation, the other party showed a certain closeness to Yi Shuihan.

"In the next two thousand years, we should get along well and support each other!"


Yi Shuihan did not directly refuse Langyu's goodwill.

In fact, in Yi Shuihan’s opinion, the bad luck this time is nothing. After all, it has only been two thousand years. The original guardian has guarded for eight thousand years. If you think about it this way, it seems that you still have a bit of advantage. For millennia, he has at least nearly 100,000 years of free time.

In addition to Yi Shuihan and Langdu, there is also an old guardian who is a chaotic emperor of the earth element, which is not difficult to get along with.

In the first month when Yi Shuihan took office, nothing happened. However, on the first day of the second month, Yi Shuihan had a job, and the Emperor of Chaos was in conflict with the company in the branch.

"You are unreasonable because you have made a mistake. The old man's customized system has a problem with you, and you told me that it can't be solved. You also said that it was the cause of my improper operation."

The imposing manner of the Emperor of Chaos radiated unreservedly, making the True Sage employees in the branch lobby pale.

"It's an old man from Zhushan. I have long heard that he has customized a system for his direct descendants at a big price. I didn't expect that something went wrong."

"The old man Zhushan has a good reputation. He shouldn't be deliberately making trouble. So, is there really a problem with the company?"

"No! The company is still very reliable."

"The old man Zhushan is still impulsive. This is the site of the company, and there are guards at any time. Although he is also a chaos emperor, he is ranked very low, and it is estimated that he will not please.

Yi Shuihan, who received the notice, rushed to the scene and saw the imposing old man Zhushan. The first thing he did was to walk to the lobby manager to block him from his imposing manner.

"what happened?"

"Master Yi Shuihan, this is the case. This is the old man Zhushan. Not long ago he..."

The lobby manager briefly talked about the cause and effect.

"Really sure it's not our problem?"

"We have checked it out. The probability of a problem on our side is very small, less than one in a billion."

"Then leave it to me.",,..

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