Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1351: Space tide

"Okay, now we continue."

The old woman's complexion was whole, and she looked at Yi Shuihan and them with scrutiny eyes.

After being looked at by the old woman, Yi Shuihan felt a mysterious force exploring his body. He instinctively wanted to repel this force, but he wanted to repel but couldn’t find a way to repel it. This force is intangible matter. , Making Yi Shuihan inaccessible at all, it was extremely uncomfortable.

Not only Yi Shuihan, but other Chaos Emperors also felt the same, showing shocked expressions.

Just when the mysterious detection power was about to detect the real secret belonging to Yi Shuihan, Yi Shuihan's body shook slightly, and an equally magical power emerged, which finally blocked the prying eyes.


A strange color flashed in the old woman's eyes, and she looked at Yi Shuihan carefully, obviously surprised that her own power was prevented.

"Grandma Feng, why haven't you started yet?"

A crisp and sweet voice sounded, and the fragrance of the flowers wrinkled his nose, and his expression looked a little impatient.

"You little nizi, do well, start right away."

The old woman's expression unexpectedly became amiable, her eyes full of pampering when she saw the fragrance of the flowers.

At the same time, everyone's power of exploration disappeared, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Grandma Feng, it seems that the relationship between them is not ordinary! It really is a little princess."

This scene made Yi Shuihan once again have a deep understanding of the identity of the little princess Baihuaxiang. The background is too hard. Who else would dare to oppose the little aunt's grandmother, maybe they will be brushed straight down.

"The six of you are fighting for three places. Whoever gets the place, who can't, is up to me. Now I give one place to Baihuaxiang, and the remaining five of you continue to compete for the remaining two places."

"and many more."

Before Yi Shuihan and the others had time to express their opinions, Baihuaxiang himself spoke first.

"What's the matter, little girl, you are not happy to let you pass the test directly!"

"Grandma Feng, I don't want to go straight, I don't go through the back door. I want to compete fairly with them. I'm so powerful, I can definitely get a place."

When I spoke, Potpourri raised his head proudly, as if how great he was.

The old woman hesitated a little, and finally nodded, but at the same time warned Yi Shuihan and the others with his eyes, and the meaning was obvious.

I don’t know if Baihuaxiang is real or fake. In this case, even if she joins in, who dares to fight with her, even if Yi Shuihan is a little bit ill with her, he has no doubt about who it is. Eliminate the potpourri, the quota is absolutely useless.

Of course, Yi Shuihan had made up his mind that if he competed for the spot in a battle for a while, he would stay behind when he met Baihuaxiang.

Anyway, there are three places, it's better to fight for the other two obediently.

"Guardians, the most important thing is combat power, so this time the quota will be determined by combat power."

As he said, the old woman suddenly pointed at the white-haired emperor.

"You have come out, attack me, do your best, let me see how your combat effectiveness is."

It turned out to be this way?

Yi Shuihan suddenly understood the old woman's plan, and couldn't help but feel a little slander in his heart. On the surface, there is no problem at all. After all, the strength of the old woman is definitely stronger than Yi Shuihan and the others. If you play against her, she will naturally be intuitive. Judging Yi Shuihan's strength, and then selecting the three with the strongest strength.

But all of this is based on the fact that the old woman will treat every chaos emperor who comes to compete for a place fairly. If she wants to cheat for personal gains, don’t be too simple. At that time, it’s not what she says, she says whoever is stronger. Stronger.

"Couldn't it be this method deliberately chosen for the fragrance of potpourri?"

The inexplicable Yi Shuihan had such a thought in his heart.

Yi Shuihan believed that the other emperors who were present could also see this, but no one expressed any objection, apparently already tacitly accepting this approach.

"I shot."

The white hair emperor stood up and said to the old woman, the energy of the random body suddenly became stronger.

"White hair three thousand feet."

Just as the Milky Way fell for nine days, the white-haired emperor's hair transformed into a three-thousand-square-meter Milky Way and crushed it from the void towards the old woman.

The white galaxy contains a certain unspeakable charm, as if telling something.

"Sure enough."

Yi Shuihan felt that the Milky Way had some kind of inspiring power, which made him almost sink into it unconsciously.

"There are some methods, but they are too naive."

The old woman commented on a round without saltiness, and then with a casual wave, the Milky Way disappeared like the previous three Chaos Kings.

Unexpectedly, his method would be broken so easily, the white-haired emperor's expression became serious, he took a deep breath, as if gathering strength.

Vaguely the sound of the tide sounded in the void, and the next moment, the white-haired emperor's figure suddenly disappeared, replaced by a sea of ​​universe.

"It turned out to be the tide of the universe? Has the Baifa Emperor's tide path reached this point? The ninth level of the Tongtian Tower is the ultimate, and he can already practice enlightenment, if he has found his own way."

A chaotic emperor beside him said with emotion.

The cosmic tide is an extremely rare phenomenon that can be encountered occasionally in the chaos, and its power is sufficient to destroy a powerful world. In the heavens and all realms, many large worlds are destroyed because of the cosmic tide.

Even the old woman didn't have the ease he had before, and her expression became slightly solemn.

"How will she resist the tide of the universe?"

Yi Shuihan was a little curious about this question.

"Enough, I already know your combat power, go away!"

Is this also OK?

Yi Shuihan didn't expect this to be the end at all. He didn't intend to make a move, but ended the battle directly.

How can one know the specific power just by seeing and feeling?

"Grandma Feng has a spiritual eye secret technique, as long as she takes a look at it, she knows everything."

As if it was specifically for Yi Shuihan's confusion, Bai Huaxiang suddenly spoke.

"When did she come by my side?"

Yi Shuihan's heart was slightly shaken. Although he didn't pay attention to Baihuaxiang just now, Baihuaxiang can come to him so quietly and less than 1 meter away, which shows that the strength of Baihuaxiang has made Yi Shuihan value qualifications.

Although the little princess is a little princess, the true strength is probably extremely terrifying. ,, ..

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