Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1338: "Embarrassed" to escape

The system briefly talked about the stone's related information and the conditions of its birth, allowing Yi Shuihan to further know its preciousness.

"Okay, okay, don't talk about it anymore, the more you know, the more heartache you will get, so hurry up!"

Indeed, no matter how good the thing is, the final result can only be handed over to the system, it is better not to know it!

Yi Shuihan felt light in his hands in a burst of light, and the stone had disappeared.

At the same time, the Holy Spirit told Yi Shuihan that the system had entered a renewal state, and it would devote all its energy to it. It is best not to disturb Yi Shuihan during this time.

"Fortunately, it's not the kind of silly direct shutdown for maintenance. It really is my good system."

I look forward to what changes will happen to the system after this update, because the mood of frustration in the Corruptor is much better.

"Then I'll go first, and you can judge for yourself if there is anything next."

After confessing to the clone, Yi Shuihan took out a lot of delicious and fun items from the portable space to Dudu, and finally left under Dudu's unwilling gaze.

Tai Yi took Dudu away from the evil spirits, and at the same time moved in the direction of a group of quasi-emperors. If those familiar quasi-emperors were really surrounded, he would be able to rescue him.

As for the deity Yi Shuihan, he has already rushed to the entrance of the secret realm quickly, and he is going to rescue soldiers.

On the way to the secret realm entrance, Yi Shuihan also traversed many difficulties. It seems that the erosion demon did not want him to leak the news. Therefore, a large number of demons were placed on the road to the secret realm entrance, among which there were many chaotic emperor-level demons.

It's just that Yi Shuihan's concealment method is not covered. These demons want to find him even more difficult, and in the end they just let Yi Shuihan successfully come to the secret realm not far from the entrance.

At the entrance of the secret realm, there are naturally more demons here, and there are 15 Chaos Emperors who are here alone, and there are more than the pyramids, which is simply frantic.

If there is a large number of things, that’s all right. The most important thing is that these demons use no dead ends to block them, laying layers of defenses around the secret realm, and directly use the demons’ bodies to build a wall. If you want to pass the entrance, you must pass. Against a wall.

It is basically impossible to pass this body wall silently. It is to pass this body wall. There are 20 Chaos Emperor-level demons waiting for Yi Shuihan. This configuration makes people desperate.

"This is the rhythm that makes me desperate!"

Yi Shuihan gritted his teeth and looked at the direction of the entrance to the secret realm, adding another note to the Erosion Demon in his notebook.

After observing for several days, Yi Shuihan decided to force a breakthrough. He didn't have time to continue to consume it. The longer it took, the greater the power of the evil demon.

After choosing a breakthrough, the 20 Chaos Kings have to rush over to the place with the longest time to make a breakthrough. Of course, the longest is actually walking in the 1-second interval.

In order to buy time as much as possible, Yi Shuihan came to the body wall and didn't disperse and hide. He began to gather energy, knowing that the attack was really released before he completely showed his figure.

Killed tens of thousands of demons with one blow, just pierced through the body wall, and at the same time alarmed the demons of the Chaos Emperor class.

"kill him!"

"Never allow him to rush out."

"Give me a blast to hold him down."

The speed of simple sound transmission is not as fast as Yi Shuihan's movements, but these demons use special channels. When Yi Shuihan enters the channel and only passes halfway through, the surrounding demons instantly explode, and the explosion of the quasi-emperor cannot be hurt. Yi Shuihan, the Emperor of Chaos, was able to delay Yi Shuihan for that moment.

The violent shock wave affected Yi Shuihan's speed to some extent. Originally, under his calculation, when he went out to face, there should be only 3 to 5 Chaos Emperor Demons, but now he has 9 demons.

Immediately, Yi Shuihan did not hesitate to extract the power of the source of the world, and broke through the line of defense at the price of a slight injury.

After all, the demons still underestimated Yi Shuihan, or the Erosion Demon underestimated Yi Shuihan, probably thinking that Yi Shuihan’s initial outbreak was a secret technique, which could not be continued for a short time after it was cast. Of course, it is possible. It is because the power of the erosion demon is limited, even if you know it, you can't rule out more power to stop Yi Shuihan.

Immediately before hitting the entrance of the secret realm, Yi Shuihan used a little trick to make himself look more aura, and the selling was miserable, and then he would have to ask for benefits.

Outside of the secret realm, the chaos emperors who brought Yi Shuihan and the quasi-emperor were all on their own territory, or palace magic weapons, or flying boats. Anyway, all kinds of spiritual treasures are still far away from the entrance. After all, the location of this entrance is a bit awkward, and staying here for a long time is a thankless thing.

The sudden fluctuation of the entrance made a crowd of Chaos Emperors instantly perceive them, and then all turned into streamers and appeared before them.

"What's the matter? The time has not come yet!"

"Could it be anyone who broke through in such a short time!"

"I think something bad happened."

The exchange of thoughts is very fast, and it is just like a meeting between the Emperors of Chaos, and all kinds of emergency measures have been discussed.

A figure flew out from the entrance of the secret realm, it was Yi Shuihan.


Yi Shuihan's image was very embarrassed, as if he had come out of a refugee camp, and his body was full of blood, and his breath was very weak.

He couldn't help but vomit a mouthful of blood as he spoke, and he simply focused on his eyes.

"Isn't this Yi Shuihan? The one in the school's competition is also one of the most likely to break through this time."

"Hurry up and save him, he seems to be seriously injured, already unable to resist the suction of the black hole."

"Take out all the healing medicines, give him a stable injury first, and then listen to what he said, what happened in the secret realm."

After recognizing Yi Shuihan, True Eye Sovereign was the quickest to move, and he had already acted without other Chaos Sovereigns having to speak, and made Yi Shuihan out of the black hole's attractive range.

"Come on, eat it quickly."

Taking out a pill exuding fragrance, he stuffed it into Yi Shuihan's mouth without any explanation.

"Huh? The effect is so good!"

As soon as the pill was taken in, Yi Shuihan felt his whole body comfortable, and the small wounds on his body were instantly healed, and the most consumed a small part of the medicinal power. Obviously, the pill was extraordinary, and it was very useful to the strong at the first level of the chaos emperor. Real Eye Emperor is also interesting enough. ,, ..

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