Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1336: Was found

The feeling of sneaking in is not very good, because the space inside the pyramid is not big, Yi Shuihan can only pass over the heads of a group of demons, no more than a few meters apart, and he has to smell the disgusting smell of the demons.

"Actually, what I should do most now is to go out and talk to the Chaos Kings, why do I have to take the matter on my own body! Isn't this completely unnecessary?"

With vomiting in my heart, Yi Shuihan also got deeper and deeper into the pyramid.

"A chaos emperor class demon? Or three at once!"

Suddenly Yi Shuihan paused slightly, looking at the three demons who were not far away, whose aura was much stronger than ordinary demons, and estimated the difference in strength.

"Well, I didn't find me, it means it's still within the scope of coping."

Approaching carefully, none of these demons found Yi Shuihan in the end, which made him feel a lot easier.

Silently solving these three chaotic emperor-level demons Yi Shuihan couldn't do it for the time being, so he didn't choose to take action in order not to stun the snakes. He passed the three demons in a slightly nervous mood and moved on.

The deeper you go, the stronger the demons you see, and the evil demons of the Chaos Emperor level become less unusual. When he was about to get close to the seal in his memory, Yi Shuihan had already seen 13 Chaos Emperor level demons. .

"The 13 are still within the manageable range. It seems that the situation is a little better than I thought. If the erosion demon has not completely broken the seal, I can proceed to empty the demons here."

For the current Yi Shuihan, only those demons with the strength of the Chaos Emperor are in his eyes. As for the Chaos Emperor, he can completely ignore them. Those evil attacks can't even break his defenses. .

A strange light gleamed in Yi Shuihan's eyes, and his eyes penetrated the black, liquid-like aura like perspective.

Little by little, the truth is reflected in Yi Shuihan's pupils.

"The seal is still there, but it doesn't seem to last long."

The seal, which was originally round and seamless, is now full of dense and dense crevices, dim and dull, giving people a feeling that it may be completely broken at any time.

On the contrary, the aura of that hideous giant in the seal is constantly increasing.

While Yi Shuihan was looking at the Eroder, the tightly closed eyes of the Eroder suddenly opened, and a pair of scarlet eyes looked in Yi Shuihan's direction.

"Found it!?"

The inky black aura continued to roll, and several demons were born instantly and leaped towards Yi Shuihan. At the same time, the erosion demons opened their huge mouths and let out an unpleasant roar.

In an instant, the entire pyramid seemed to come alive suddenly, and the evil demons of the Emperor of Chaos rushed towards the seal, and immediately blocked Yi Shuihan, falling into a dilemma.

"catch him!"

The sound is like a synthesis of countless different sounds, unpleasant and harsh.

"Want to catch me, think too much."

In this case, what Yi Shuihan can do is only to fight.

For the first time after breaking through the Chaos Emperor, Yi Shuihan liberated all the strength in his body. The aura was so strong that even the evil demons at the Chaos Emperor level had a momentary pause.

The chain of rules manifested in front of Yi Shuihan, with thunder light flashing on it, traversing irregularly in the void, constantly repelling the demons who wanted to approach Yi Shuihan.

An invisible sword transformed by the power of time was held by Yi Shuihan, and every swipe cut through time and space.

Even the weakest demons have almost eternal life, time is meaningless to them, but what Yi Shuihan cuts off is not their future, but their past.

With the power of time, forcibly returning them to before they were born in this world, obliterating the time they existed in this world.

As long as the demons under the Emperor of Chaos are contaminated with the power of time, they will shrink immediately, and eventually become particles and disappear completely.

As for the evil demons of the Chaos Emperor, Yi Shuihan’s power is temporarily unable to obliterate them, but they can disrupt their attacks and make them uncontrollable. They are used to leverage their strength to send their attacks to a point in the future. Then it is calculated to attack the sender itself or other demons.

Of course, this method is only suitable for pure energy attacks, and is useless for pure physical attacks.

At this time, Yi Shuihan's body of chaos, which was far superior to ordinary chaos emperors, played a role. He was obviously a human, but his body was stronger than these monsters and demons.

A group of demons originally thought that the victory of Yi Shuihan was not a matter of grasping, and it was extremely easy. They didn’t know how difficult they were when they played against each other. The opponent’s power was still above them, and the speed was faster. They can only use close hands, let alone capture alive, even if they want to be injured, it is extremely difficult.

One to thirteen, although Yi Shuihan does not occupy the absolute top, if he is not in a situation of being beaten, the two sides have exchanges, and the fight is fierce at a time.

The Pyramid, which was also lost, was built with special materials, otherwise it would have been defeated by their battles.

"This kid, the breath on his body is so familiar, he has been here before."

The Erosion Demon looked calm while observing Yi Shuihan in the seal. Yi Shuihan's strength was not in his eyes. If he was willing to pay a certain price, it would not be a problem to spawn some Chaos Emperor-level demons.

The battle was fierce. It took tens of thousands of times in almost one instant. Afterimages can be seen everywhere in a small space, and even the afterimages overlapped hundreds of times.

The erosion demon has absolute control over these demons, and the orders it issued to these demons must be completed even if they die.

After realizing that conventional means could not complete the task, these demons launched a suicide attack and completely abandoned their defenses, regardless of whether they would be injured by mistake.

After paying a little price, Yi Shuihan finally killed the first evil demon of the Chaos Emperor, and then the second and third...


After killing 8 Chaos Emperor-level demons, Yi Shuihan also consumed a lot, and began to pant slightly.

If this situation continues, it is very possible for Yi Shuihan to kill all these Chaos Emperor Grade demons, but Yi Shuihan didn't do so, but chose to retreat and flee outside the pyramid.

Yi Shuihan is very clear-headed. The biggest threat here is the erosion demon in the seal. He can't guarantee that he won't be successfully calculated. ,, ..

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