Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1319: Snatch the share of the full belly spring

Most of the quasi-emperor’s attention has been on the full-belly spring. It seems that if there are enough full-belly springs, they will surely be able to become a chaotic emperor. The more chaotic energy they absorb in the secret realm, the more they will feel that they are separated. The Emperor of Chaos is so close, and the feeling that they can break through in the next second makes them unable to extricate themselves.

Yi Shuihan is a sober minority. In addition to not lacking full stomach springs, the most important thing is to have a system. Soon after entering the secret realm, the system has undergone certain changes.

It seems that something in the Secret Realm has made the system further enhanced. Although it has not reached the level of complete evolution, it has become more powerful. The most intuitive manifestation is the emergence of new functions.

Now Yi Shuihan can check his breakthrough status. In his sight, a progress bar is shining, and it has gone one-third. The meaning of the progress bar is very simple. As long as the progress bar is completely completed, it means that Yi Shuihan can proceed. Breaking through the Emperor of Chaos, the probability of breaking through at that time was basically 100%. You can see the progress bar as the probability of Yi Shuihan breaking through the Emperor of Chaos.

It is very powerful to be able to see the probability of one's breakthrough, especially at the level of breaking through the Chaos Emperor. Even the true Chaos Emperor does not have this ability, and it is unknown whether the Dao Emperor can achieve this level.

Clearly and intuitively know the probability of his breakthrough, which prevents Yi Shuihan from being confused by his senses. He thinks he can break through and messes around at will, and finally fails in the breakthrough.

The Chaos King’s breakthrough failure is not without any side effects. Once the first breakthrough fails, the difficulty of succeeding in the breakthrough will increase greatly. Since the birth of the heavens and the world, there has not been three failures after the breakthrough. It can also break through to the example of the Emperor of Chaos.

"Almost another two thousand years will be able to become the Chaos King."

Thinking about this, Yi Shuihan smiled involuntarily on his face. Yi Shuihan has no doubts about the capabilities of the system. After all, he has come all the way from the very beginning as an ordinary mortal, relying on the system, although he is achieving real success. After Saint, he basically didn't use the system, which doesn't mean that the system is not important.

"Is there a problem?"

Yi Shuihan looked at the "companion" standing in front of him, the sword emperor Jian Wushuang, and the other three who have a good relationship with the sword emperor, compared with the seventh-ranked fire element tribe, Huo Fen, and the eighth-ranked angel tribe Vaal. Na, and the ninth-ranked winged Saint Max.

Sword Emperor is obviously the leader of the four. He smiled friendly to Yi Shuihan and slowly said, "We are all from Ten Thousand Worlds United Colleges, and we are all classmates. Helping each other and supporting each other is the truth. Now..."

"Don't talk nonsense, just talk about the purpose."

Waved his hand, Yi Shuihan interrupted the sword emperor.

"We hope that you can come forward and fight for us more full stomach. Rather than let the quasi-emperors of other forces become the Chaos Emperor, it is better to let me wait for the achievement. If we achieve the Chaos Emperor, we will definitely remember your love. There must be a return."

"You don't need me for this. You can also find Huang Ama or Shi Fei. If they can't figure it out, come find me again."

If it was Hemlari who came to ask for a satiety spring, Yi Shuihan would definitely be willing to help, just these few! Yi Shuihan said that he was not familiar with them. For the sake of being students at the same school, at most it would be impossible to save their lives when they were bullied by other quasi-emperors, and to fight for a full-bodied spring for them.

"We have already found Huang Ama and Shi Fei before, but none of them agreed."

"That's it! Then I don't agree with them either. In fact, I think you are not weak. Together, you should be able to grab enough full stomach, and you don't need help at all."

When I spoke, I was optimistic about your expressions, which made the sword emperor and the others look dumbfounded.

The Sword Emperor wanted to continue to say something. He felt that Yi Shuihan should speak better than Huang Ama and Shi Fei. Even if Yi Shuihan clearly expressed his attitude, he still wanted to keep working hard.

The main thing is that Yi Shuihan usually behaves very kindly, so the sword emperor thinks that Yi Shuihan's tolerance should be relatively high.

Yi Shuihan naturally noticed the look of the sword emperor, his eyes suddenly became cold, and a chill instantly enveloped the sword emperor and the others.

"Do you still want to say something?"

When he said this, the feeling to the Sword Emperor was that if he really spoke, Yi Shuihan's thunderous blow would be waiting for him.

"No, no, since you don't want to, we definitely won't force it. Excuse me."

The sword emperor left dingy.

Not far away, I saw a madman Xu madman in this scene, laughing, obviously in a very happy mood.

Yi Shuihan still prepared to stand still, but the situation on his clone side was slightly different.

Among the 10 reincarnations from the main **** space including Yi Shuihan clone, Yi Shuihan clone's strength is not the first, but ranked fifth, which is considered medium. There are 4 people in front of him who are stronger than him, think The strength is still a bit short to be alone.

The reincarnations are all cruel and cruel people. This is not for the full-bodied spring. I am preparing to start some hands on some weak background backgrounds. The top ones agree and want to take other reincarnations together. If you do too much, you can get more full-bodied springs. Yi Shuihan’s clone won’t work if you don’t do it. If you don’t do it, you will even be rejected by other reincarnations.

Of course, as Yi Shuihan's clone, he can completely lift the table. He is not strong enough, but Yi Shuihan's deity is strong enough, even if he faces all Samsaras alone.

It's just that Yi Shuihan doesn't want to expose the clones for the time being, so the clones are still involved in the collective activities of the reincarnations. Anyway, they don't have to be a killer. As long as the other party gives up the distribution of the full-bodied spring, it will also achieve the goal. As for not to give up, That's the blame for not being physically and mentally cruel.

They are all the existence of the quasi-emperor. If you don't recognize the form at this time, you can only say that you die in vain.

"You are from the natural alliance! I am from the main **** space, Tai Yi, and want to discuss something with you. In the future, your full stomach will belong to our main **** space. What do you think?", ....

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