Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1310: Treasure hunt

"It's them, you should know what I'm here for, and prepare to open the door!"

"Old rules, secret order."

Clan, a race that is very rare in the entire heavens and all realms, is best known as the Gate of Truth, and it is the strongest gate of the Clan, and its strength has reached the first level of the Dao Emperor.

Speaking of it, Yi Shuihan has also seen the Split Gate of the Gate of Truth. In the world of Harry Potter, helping Harry Potter's world out of the main **** space, even now Yi Shuihan has Still fresh in my memory.

I didn't expect that it was the door clan guarding the treasure house of the school, but I really thought about it and found that this was normal. After all, the Ten Thousand Realms United College really had a big backing, and it is not surprising that there is a Chaos King-level door clan.


After a while of language that even Yi Shuihan could not understand, the door to the treasure house began to open.

The Emperor of Chaos who brought Yi Shuihan and the others here, Yi Shuihan also knew his name in the process of coming here, True Eye Sovereign. Hearing the name, he knew that it had something to do with the eyes, but he just didn’t know that it was his own. Eyes, there is still some magical secret technique related to eyes.

The King of True Eyes did not introduce Yi Shuihan and the others about the meaning of guarding the treasure house. The family who guarded the gate did not continue to pay attention to Yi Shuihan and the others. After the gate was opened, they disappeared completely, but Yi Shuihan could faintly perceive it. Occasionally mysterious fluctuations to the void.

"Follow me, don't use any force, or even I might not be able to save you."

Real Eye Sovereign said seriously.

At this time, Yi Shuihan and the others would naturally not antagonize the Emperor of True Eyes. If what the Emperor of True Eyes said was true, even if it was false, they would not be able to fight against the Emperor of Chaos!

In Yi Shuihan’s perception, True Eye Sovereign is very powerful. It should not be an ordinary Chaos Sovereign. At least it is much stronger than the main wind army that Yi Shuihan saw on the battlefield of evil spirits. Shui Han Zhenyan Huang has such a strong breath of death.

The treasure house was shrouded in a mysterious thick fog, and the visibility was less than one meter. Even Yi Shuihan and the others couldn't fully read this line. They followed the one in front of them.

In this environment, Yi Shuihan felt very awkward. When he wanted to explore the foggy area, Real Eyes warned him and had to dispel this idea.

In fact, Yi Shuihan also understood that even if he wanted to probe, he would definitely not be able to detect it. This is the treasure house of the Ten Thousand Realms United College. The gates are all family members of the chaos emperor realm. It would be strange if the treasure house was simple.

Yi Shuihan and the others didn't fly, but used them to go. As for why they didn't fly, True Eye Emperor didn't explain.

Even if it is used to walk, Yi Shuihan and the others are still very fast, after all, their strength lies there.

"Isn't this going to be a few days away?"

After walking for a day and a night, Yi Shuihan realized this and smacked his tongue secretly in his heart. The treasure trove was indeed large and surprising.

After walking for seven days and seven nights, on the eighth day, True Eye Sovereign finally stopped.

In a place that Yi Shuihan could not see, True Eye Sovereign seemed to have triggered the mechanism. After a few small noises, Yi Shuihan found that the surrounding fog had dispersed some, as if he had found a catharsis.

After a while, the visibility has changed from one meter to more than ten meters. What you see is a door on the mountain wall, and a mountain in front of them.

And farther away, you can faintly see the outlines of some mountains, that is to say, here is a group of mountains, but the treasure house is hidden in one of the mountains.

"It's really secret!"

After Yi Shuihan and the others entered, the door that appeared re-closed, as if it had never appeared before.

"Yi Shuihan, Huang Ama and Shi Fei, you can look around and choose the treasures you want. As for the two of you, come with me, and I will get you the Cang Mang Fruit and the Emperor's Golden Pill."

The sword emperor and Yi Dao Kuangmo left in one direction following the True Eye Emperor, leaving Huang Ama, Shi Fei and Yi Shuihan on the scene.

"I'm going here."

"Then my side."

Huang Ama and Shi Fei chose a direction one after another, and in the end only Yi Shuihan remained in place.

"That's good, it's just as embarrassing if you choose to save it."

Thinking this way, Yi Shuihan also started his own treasure hunt, and of course he was looking for another direction.

Along the way, Yi Shuihan can be considered to have seen the wealth of the Ten Thousand Realms United College. Chaos spirit treasures are randomly placed, at least they are medium-grade. Like wild grass, high-grade chaotic spirit treasures are also very common. As for the best products, just look for them carefully. It was possible to find it, and within a few minutes of effort, Yi Shuihan discovered several superb Chaos Lingbao.

The ultimate Chaos Lingbao, which is a Lingbao that has a certain effect on the Chaos Emperor, was actually placed in this true holy area.

However, although the best Chaos Lingbao was good, Yi Shuihan just swept away, and he didn't get too excited.

The purpose of Yi Shuihan’s trip to the treasure house this time is very simple. To find treasures that can accelerate the power of his world, it is best to allow him to fully step into the peak of the quasi-emperor in ten years, and then enter the secret realm to break through the chaos. King.

Regardless of whether it is a pill, a Lingbao or a magical power secret method, as long as it can help Yi Shuihan increase the power of the world, that is what he wants. On the contrary, even if it is precious, Yi Shuihan will not take a second look.

"This is the crystallization of the power of the world? It can be directly absorbed, increasing the power of the world by 20 to 40."

An hour later, Yi Shuihan found the first treasure that met his requirements. It was a silver-white spar. When he picked it up, an introduction to the spar's function automatically appeared on its surface.

"It's just slightly better than Cangwangguo. Let's see if there are any other good things before we talk about it. It's a candidate."

Putting the crystallization of the power of the world on his hands, Yi Shuihan continued to hunt for treasure.

"Spirit Refining Tower: A supplementary type of high-grade Chaos Lingbao, which can increase the strength of the soul, has a great effect on the true sage, and is useless for the Chaos Emperor."

"Three Emperors Danlu: It is a Danlu made by the combination of the three chaos emperors. The healing sacred product can heal most of the injuries of the true sage level. It is a regular healing medicine for the chaos emperor."

"Freedom Order: The token required to open the Freedom Secret Realm, which can open the Secret Realm of Freedom Emperor's inheritance, and have the opportunity to obtain the inheritance of Freedom Emperor."


Yi Shuihan is dizzy looking at all kinds of treasures. There are many things, even if they are not on the company's exchange list, they belong to that kind of exquisite product. What makes Yi Shuihan look a little uneasy and cost the boss. Only then did the child dispel the idea of ​​bringing the treasure to the portable world. ,, ..

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