Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1308: Through the sky to achieve the true sage

The audience at the scene could not see the specific battle situation, but in the prehistoric world, the image of the void still exists, and the predecessors can still see the battle scene from the perspective of Yi Shuihan.

This battle that surpassed the quasi-saint level stunned the primordial sentient beings. They couldn't understand what happened. However, even if it was so, many creatures still gained insights somehow.

You can get sentiment if you don't understand, and even have a direct enlightenment. Many creatures have broken through the bottleneck because of this, and become stronger when they can't understand it. Things are so wonderful.

"It turns out that it is, Tao, this is Tao."

Tongtian looked at Void idiotically. If you observe carefully, you can know that his eyes are out of focus, which means that he didn't actually watch Yi Shuihan's battle with Huang Ama.

It was just because of the influence of the fighting aura that Tongtian actually broke through the bottleneck between the quasi-sage and the true sage, and his aura began to change rapidly, moving towards the true sage.

"Tongtian is about to break through!"

I don't know who yelled such a sentence. The powerful and saints in the anti-invasion alliance noticed the strangeness of Tongtian.

Looking at Tong Tian, ​​Zhun raised his eyes and turned straight. He didn't want to see Tong Tian break through. He had a crooked idea in his heart. However, both Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi were watching them, and he couldn't find a chance.

Really want to destroy Tongtian's promotion, then what is waiting for Zhun to mention is He Sanqing immortal, this kind of obstructive behavior will also make the great powers repel and will not stand by his side.

In the end, Zhunti gave up the idea of ​​destroying the breakthrough of Tongtian. Anyway, Tongtian is also one of the Sanqing. Even if the true sage is achieved, it is acceptable, and although the true sage is higher than the sage, in the prehistoric world, it is not necessarily stronger than the sage.

Tongtian had to wait at least hundreds of thousands or even millions of years to get promoted, but because of the competition of Ten Thousand Realms United College, after watching the true saint battle after another, this time was shortened rapidly.

It is very difficult to break through the True Sage. Yi Shuihan almost didn't wake up when he broke into the True Sage, and he managed to break through with his portable world.

The crisis that Tongtian is now facing is no smaller than that of Yi Shuihan, and even bigger than Yi Shuihan. He doesn't have a portable world, let alone a system cheater.

"What's the matter? Why did the breath of Tongtian languish so much all of a sudden."

Tongtian’s original breath is constantly increasing. Everyone thinks that he can break through smoothly. Who knows that when the Taoist aggregate is about to form, his breath rebounds quickly and weakens quickly. In the perception of all the powers, it is now weaker than ordinary The immortal is inferior to the point, this is still not the end, still continuing to weaken.

"Is it going to fail!?"

As soon as this idea was born, some great abilities with ulterior motives were pleasantly surprised, while others were a pity.

Zhun Ti is the one who is pleasantly surprised in his heart. Looking at Yuan Shi with an anxious look, and Lao Tzu who can't keep doing nothing, Zhun Ti is called a comfort.

What is the specific situation?

Tongtian had indeed encountered the biggest crisis of his life. His background was still a bit insufficient. He chose to break through too hastily. Now his consciousness is close to sinking, and it is estimated that he will fall directly if there is no accident.

Just when Tongtian was about to sink completely, deep in his consciousness, the true spirit brand began to shine.

A phantom of a big man holding a giant axe appeared. If anyone saw him, they would exclaim "Pangu God!"

"Finally, it is one of my souls after all, I will help you."

Pangu looked at the sky-reaching consciousness, and finally swung the giant axe, slashing fiercely into the void.

Just like opening up the world, a light appeared in an instant, illuminating the endless darkness, and the consciousness of the sky was refreshed. After realizing his situation, he decisively seized the opportunity and finally returned successfully.

In reality, Tongtian had already fallen so low that it was inferior to ordinary people's aura suddenly, and instantly recovered to the quasi-sage level, and then entered the true sage level without hindrance, the Taoism appeared in him, representing the true sage Birth.

In the prehistoric world, there is no heaven and earth celebration of someone who has become a saint, because heaven is actually unwilling to see a true Christmas born, the true saint is beyond his control.

To break through the true sage, it is necessary to cut off the connection with the original world. This is a great advantage, because his heel is the soul of Pangu, and he does not owe the Primordial World. On the contrary, the Primordial World owes him, so cut off The connection is very easy. If it weren't for this reason, Heaven's Dao was making trouble, and the difficulty of his breakthrough would have to be released.

The Pangu phantom that finally appeared in the depths of Tongtian consciousness also played a very crucial role. It can be said that Pangu still had a chance of resurrection. Just to help Tongtian, he will basically be unable to resurrect in the future because of this breakthrough. The True Sage not only cut off the connection with Honghuang, but also cut the connection with him, and this connection was cut off by Pangu on his own initiative.

"Third brother, have you succeeded?"

Although he was already ninety-nine percent sure, Yuan Shi couldn't help but asked.

"Yes, I have broken through as the true saint."

Tongtian smiled and nodded, the joy on his face is beyond words. He has also persisted in some pain over the years. After all, he has no clue when he breaks through to the true saint. In addition, he has seen how powerful his two brothers become saints. I don't know how many times I have raised the idea of ​​simply giving up becoming a true sage, and now it is finally overwhelming.

"Congratulations to fellow Taoist Tongtian for achieving true sage."

"Tongtian Daoist is the first existence in my primordial realm to become a true sage. Please also Tongtian Daoist to give me some advice in the future."

"I have one more saint-level combat power in Honghuang, which is really the conviction of Honghuang."

"If Tongtian Sage goes out to develop, we must not forget our prehistoric!"

With a sound of compliment or emotion, the atmosphere became very festive, at least on the surface.

Leaving aside the changes that Honghuang has undergone due to its sacredness, the battle between Yi Shuihan and Huang Ama has come to an end at the Ten Thousand Realms United College.

When the blessing of the portable world increased to 80%, Yi Shuihan was already able to beat Huang Ama, and Yi Shuihan was much stronger than when he was in the evil demon lair. At this time, he only blessed 80%. , Not much weaker than the original blessing, it can be seen from this that Huang Ama's strength can really be matched with the Chaos Emperor. After all, there is still such an incomparable peerless in the heavens and all realms. evildoer. ,, ..

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