Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1304: Hemlari

Among the remaining contestants, there are still very few unscrupulous like a sword crazy demon, there are only dozens of them, most of them are still very kind, and will not deliberately attack the killer, only the strength is not much different. At that time, the two parties will not have enough control. At that time, who really died is a pure accident. In this case, the host will still take action most of the time.

After all, they are all classmates, and even most of them can still know each other until now. It is not that there is any deep hatred, and it is not good to hurt the killer.

The most important thing is that if you are seen as a deliberate killer, it will leave a murderous impression to the people who see it. If you have not killed it, you will have endless troubles after the game is over. No one likes to be targeted by an enemy who is not much worse than himself.

That is to say, the strength of a knife madness dare to be so blatant, everyone can't help him! It was Huang Ama and Shi Fei, Xu Fantu was not afraid of it anymore. At most, he was injured. Xu Fantu could still escape if he couldn't beat him. As for the other old students, going to him was nothing but food.

The Chaos Sovereign has the strength to clean up Xu Fanatics, but they disdain to take action against the True Saint, unless Xu Fanatics are too arrogant to provoke them.

No matter how arrogant Xu lunatics are, they dare not provoke the Emperor of Chaos! In addition, Xu lunatics are not without the background, and the death of some true sages who can't even become the Chaos Emperor has no effect at all.

I didn't see that Xu Kuangtu was only the first fierce one. As long as he had the strength to take the next one, Xu Kuangtu would leave time for the opponent to surrender. He was actually sensible.

"We met. Two consecutive victories met. One of the winning streaks is destined to be ended. It is the rookie Wang Yi Shuihan and the veteran Sagittarius Hemlari. Hemlari is competing for the top ten. Strong, rookie Wang Yi Shuihan is in danger."

The rookie king is the nickname given to Yi Shuihan by many audiences, because he is the youngest among the remaining contestants, and even he is the only one who can make it to the fourth round. At the same time as him, there is even a difference of 2 million years. None of the students have also entered this fourth stage.

There is no reason why everyone is not optimistic about Yi Shuihan, because this Hemlari is one of the dozen strongest old students who are suspected of being the pinnacle of the quasi-emperor, and the strength shown is far from that of Yi Shuihan. This is only two. The basic conditions are comparable.

Yi Shuihan's strength is very strong, but he has not reached the level of dealing with the peak of the quasi-emperor, because he knows that Yi Shuihan has not yet borrowed the power of the portable world.

The Dao of Thunder and the Dao of Time are both more powerful Dao in many Dao Dao, but the perception of Dao reached the seventh floor of Tongtian Pagoda. No matter what Dao shows, the strength is not weak, and Yi Shuihan’s Dao is stronger. It is very limited. The most important thing is that the opponent has reached the seventh floor of the Tongtian Tower early, and if he cannot continue to improve, he will definitely spend a lot of time studying tricks and skills. Yi Shuihan is at a disadvantage here.

At the moment when he saw his opponent, Yi Shuihan knew that this was a bad fight. It was impossible to fight with the mentality of playing before. Without the state of borrowing the power of the world, Yi Shuihan learned from Hemla. Rui felt a lot of pressure on her body, and it seemed that the opponent had at least the same strength as him.

"It is a tough battle without using the power of the portable world."

After making this judgment, Yi Shuihan’s most worry-free approach is to use the power of the portable world to quickly solve the battle. In this way, even if the strength is exposed, the consumption can be minimized, which can prevent the power of the portable world before being used. Injured.

Anyway, if Yi Shuihan wants to compete for the first place, sooner or later, he wants to expose the power of the portable world, and the difference is not very big. The blessing power of the portable world is not that you can target it once you know it, it is not true sage The power that levels can deal with.

"Forget it, let's try a game without blessing the power of the portable world. Even if it fails, there is still a chance to continue to challenge in the fifth stage."

I don’t know how many thoughts he has turned in his mind. In the end, Yi Shuihan still did not immediately bless the power of the portable world. Hemlari has not yet reached the gap of crushing against him. He just realized that there is a greater danger and was empty. This is not the mentality that a strong man should have. As a strong man facing the same strong man, he should find ways to defeat the opponent, grow in the battle, and defeat the strong with the weak.

Having the mentality of wanting to use absolute power to crush as long as he encounters a strong enemy is not good for Yi Shuihan’s growth. The portable world is indeed Yi Shuihan’s power, but if he is too dependent on the portable world, this is right. His subsequent growth will also cause certain obstacles.

"Humans, good fighting will, I hope we can have a wonderful battle."

Seeing Yi Shuihan's war spirit, Hemlari of the Centaur tribe also admires Yi Shuihan a little, and nodded slightly to Yi Shuihan.

The same nod is a response to Hemlari, the rare Yi Shuihan made a first-hand attack. In the previous battles, he was generally late.

The body was divided into dozens of entities under the Way of Thunder, and they lined up and rushed towards Hemlari. From Hemlari’s perspective, only one Yi Shuihan could be seen.

"Ferocious impact."

The four hooves stepped on the ground regularly, and Hemlari's figure instantly began to accelerate, getting faster and faster, and the acceleration was getting bigger and bigger, much more exaggerated than the super-electromagnetic gun.

Obviously it was a back move, but when he finally collided with Yi Shuihan, Hemlari moved a lot longer than Yi Shuihan, as if the distance between the two sides was 10, Yi Shuihan walked 3. Hem Larry is 7.

The physique of the Centaur race is definitely better than that of the human race, even if it is the same as the body of chaos, Yi Shuihan was knocked into the air, but Yi Shuihan's body changed rapidly while it was hitting. The hood turned to Hemlary.

There are thunder nets forming around, front and back, and even up and down, encircling Hemlar in all directions.

A strange color flashed under Hemlari's eyes, and a pair of front legs were raised, covered by the power of the world, forming a pair of knives, and then began to rotate.

"There is this kind of operation?"

Seeing his thunder net being torn, Yi Shuihan looked slightly surprised at Hemlarina having transformed into a pair of front legs with a fan spinning constantly.

This thunder net is not an ordinary thunder net, it is full of power, even if the body of chaos is touched, it will be paralyzed, unable to get out, and it can be recovered after being cut off. Obviously Hemlari's fan is weird. ,, ..

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