Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1294: Slap and kill

Something big is about to happen! This is the common thought in the hearts of people who heard what Yi Shuihan said before.

The originally lively and harmonious banquet suddenly became quiet.

Everyone looked at Viscount Lan Rose and Yi Shuihan, of course, more people wanted to see what Viscount Lan Rose would say next.

Viscount Lan Rose did not speak, but looked straight at Yi Shuihan, with shame and surprise in her eyes. She really didn't expect Yi Shuihan to give her face so much.

Obviously, he just inherited the title and power. Not long ago, he was in danger. Even a small baron dared to attack. Now he should be better and better. Don't offend the talent, let alone her.

Viscount Blue Rose couldn't help but think of what had been discussed with Viscount Mifaso, Viscount Caddy, and Viscount Gini a few days ago, taking advantage of Yi Shuihan's unsteady foothold.

At that time, Viscount Blue Rose did not express his position, saying that he wanted to see it before he said it.

"In that case, don't blame me."

After paying attention, Viscount Blue Rose said to Yi Shuihanhan, "If you take it back, kill this little **** again, I can consider not pursuing this matter."

Of course it is impossible not to pursue it. Now she just said that she wanted to paralyze Yi Shuihan. If Yi Shuihan did what she said, it would be better.

With a smile on his face, Yi Shuihan walked naturally in front of Viscount Lan Rose, and then slapped her naturally.

With a "pop", the voice was abnormally loud, and Viscount Blue Rose quickly appeared with a red slap print on his face, as if mocking something.

There was an uproar. The people at the banquet looked at Yi Shuihan dumbfounded, not expecting that Yi Shuihan not only did not compromise, but also directly moved his hands.

That slap felt painful, and they also felt Yi Shuihan's coldness. They thought that if they were replaced by themselves, they would definitely not be able to get this hand. Viscount Blue Rose’s face is beautiful, so Who can ruthlessly destroy Mei's face?

The cruel label was affixed to Yi Shuihan's body. It is estimated that no one would dare to underestimate the new Viscount Yi Shuihan, provided that Yi Shuihan can withstand Viscount Lan Rose's revenge.

"You hit me?"

Blue Rose stared at Yi Shuihan blankly, as if she hadn't recovered from the concussion.

"So what? Just hit it! If you want revenge, come, I'll follow."

This remark made Viscount Blue Rose into a short sluggishness.

However, Viscount Blue Rose did not respond, but someone did. Jack, behind Viscount Blue Rose, drew out the dagger that cut off his finger before and pierced towards Yi Shuihan.

"Be careful!"

Hill, who had always put his heart on Yi Shuihan, almost uttered a sound, and at the same time, his body rushed towards Yi Shuihan involuntarily, and did not even consider waiting for her to pounce at their distance. The knife had already reached Yi Shuihan's body.

Jack's attack was very sudden. It can be said that there is no sign. It is estimated that he has done this before. What is even more shocking is that his speed at this time is actually faster than the average baron bloodline heir. I am afraid that becoming an ordinary viscount is at best evading the point, and bleeding is for sure.

Unfortunately, in Yi Shuihan's eyes, Jack's movements were completely slow motion. Yi Shuihan discovered that Jack's movements were even earlier than Hill's.

A faint blue flame ignited in his hand, and Yi Shuihan directly grabbed the dagger.

There was a flash of surprise in Jack's eyes, and then he was excited. He thought that Yi Shuihan had made a mistake in the panic. He didn't believe how much Yi Shuihan could exert in the panic. He really tried hard, naturally it was Yi Shuihan's hand. The ending of being pierced by a knife barrel.

Naturally, Yi Shuihan’s hand was not pierced by the bucket. The result of the contact between the knife and the hand was that Yi Shuihan held the knife, and the flame in his hand passed along the knife to Jack’s body, and Jack was burned in a scream of fear Became ashes.

Everyone on the scene watching this scene was terrified. A big living person disappeared in front of him so strangely, and even the cowardly screamed.

The other viscounts who were close by subconsciously stepped back. Watching Yi Shuihan vigilantly, for fear that Yi Shuihan would suddenly attack them. They didn't know whether they could handle the strength Yi Shuihan showed now.

Regardless of other aspects, with Yi Shuihanlu's hand, it is enough to see that Yi Shuihan's strength is above the old Viscount.

"I killed him, everyone should have no opinion!"

As if doing a trivial thing, Yi Shuihan asked like the people around him.

"Of course there is no problem. This Jack is looking for death directly, and he dared to attack him. It is more than guilty."

"Kill it well, and it's really cheap for him to die like this."

"Fortunately, the Lord Viscount killed him, otherwise it would be worth it if he hurt the Viscount."

Regarding Yi Shuihan’s killing of Jack, everyone did not support it. After all, no one likes to encounter sneak attacks. If they let this behavior go, wouldn’t they have to face sneak attacks often in the future? This is everyone. I don't want to see it.

Originally, Viscount Blue Rose was still a victim. She received a lot of sympathy points because she was slapped in the face by Yi Shuihan. Now, as soon as this Jack shot, everyone's sense of her was immediately bad. There is such a person under her, and she herself It won't be any good stuff.

At this time, Viscount Blue Rose had also realized what had happened, and she kept cursing Jack in her heart.

"This rubbish, you can do your own thing without my order. It hasn't succeeded. It's just rubbish."

Staying beside Yi Shuihan, Viscount Lan Rose felt that he was very insecure, and his spirit was tense. Finally, when he looked at Yi Shuihan head-on, his footsteps quietly moved back.

"Don't worry, I won't deal with you."

Seeing Viscount Lan Rose’s nervousness, Yi Shuihan said “friendly”. It’s not that he was soft-hearted, but that Yi Shuihan wanted to put a long line on the big fish. From Viscount Blue Rose’s reaction, Yi Shuihan had already seen him With allies, he intends to catch them all.

"Perhaps the death of my father in name cannot be separated from them."

Yi Shuihan is not a fool, so naturally seeing the eye contact between Viscount Mifaso and them, there must be something tricky in it.

After being told, Viscount Blue Rose's originally ugly face was even more ugly, but she did not dare to fight Yi Shuihan, she was afraid, afraid that Yi Shuihan would kill him directly.

In the eyes of people with different minds, Viscount Blue Rose walked out of the banquet hall. ,, ..

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