Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1290: The so-called blood lineage

Entering the gate of Zongdang Ancestral Hall, what appeared was a dark, narrow passage that did not know how long it was. When Yi Shuihan walked out a few steps, the walls on both sides suddenly lit up. It was a torch, as if in welcome. The torch burns suddenly every few meters.

The darkness disappeared, but still unable to see the end of the passage, Yi Shuihan smiled weirdly and continued on.

If you look carefully, you will find that Yi Shuihan's distance and time are exactly the same every step, and there is no error of one micron.

"Fuck, flick..."

Except for the sound of burning flames, Yi Shuihan's footsteps are the clearest. If you are not brave, you will definitely feel scared in this environment.

When Yi Shuihan was walking in the passage, outside, the maid who led Yi Shuihan looked indifferent. Next to her, there was a body hidden in a black robe, completely unable to see his face and even gender. People.

Nearly one-third of the guards who were guarding nearby have fallen to the ground. Most of their faces are distorted, and their eyes are filled with fear. It is obvious that they have experienced unimaginable pain before they die.

"Does it need to do this?"

The voice was neutral, as if he was speaking like this deliberately.

"Anyone who may threaten the inheritance of the son's blood will have to die. They have more or less sold the benefits of the mansion. I can't believe them."

"How can the kid, Ho De, have such a loyal maid like you? I think you should just be his wife, and you can become a viscountess on your terms."

The words of the black-robed man made the indifference on the beautiful maid's face disappear, and replaced it with shyness and longing.

Seeing this, the black robe man sighed, and the figure gradually disappeared from the place and merged into the shadow of the maid.

There is only one explanation for such a mysterious scene in this world, and that is the power of blood. A person with the power of blood is related to the maid, or it is the maid who has the power of blood. Either way, it shows the maid. Is not simple.

When Yi Shuihan met the maid, he perceives the maid’s strength. It is a very ordinary true saint, and the quality is similar to that of an ordinary guard. If he perceives it again, he will find that the maid’s breath is different from the previous one. The natural difference is at least dozens of times stronger.


"It seems to be here, who is so boring, designing such a long total passage, it should be 2 kilometers!"

Because he was walking at the speed of ordinary people, it took Yi Shuihan more than ten minutes to finish the passage. The feeling of this passage was boring except for boredom.

Yi Shuihan didn’t know that the person who designed this channel originally designed this channel to be so long with the idea of ​​letting the successor pay attention to inheritance. In fact, this channel also has some functions to resist foreign enemies, only because of Yi Shuihan. That cheap old man died too fast, and Yi Shuihan didn't know many things.

What catches Yi Shuihan's eyes is a stone sculpture of an unknown beast, which looks like a lion, but with a single horn on its head.

It is said that it is a stone sculpture, but it gives people a feeling that the stone sculpture has life and is still alive, especially the eyes are very smart, as if they are really looking at Yi Shuihan.

"So what are we going to do now?"

Yi Shuihan looked at the stone sculpture with a dazed expression, and looked at it affectionately. He didn't know what to do next. He said it was for blood inheritance, although in fact he didn't need any blood inheritance power at all. , I really come here for a cutscene, nothing happens, I always feel stupid.

In his heart, Yi Shuihan still didn't believe that there was really nothing here. He just came to see the stone carvings, because his identity was arranged, so did the so-called blood inheritance? The school shouldn't do this, and it's too low.

The key lies on this stone sculpture, which is easy to see.

I touched the stone sculpture with both hands, but found nothing.

"Should it be a drop of blood to recognize the Lord?"

Yi Shuihan laughed as soon as this idea came into being. This is not a magic weapon. The bloodline must be passed on from generation to generation. What is the matter of dripping blood to recognize the Lord and not let the offspring survive?

"Well, we should change our thinking."

Looking at the stone carving Yi Shuihan, a golden light flashed in his mind.

"Introduce myself, I'm Yi Shuihan, I'm here to carry on the bloodline inheritance, if you understand, please hurry up, don't blame me for smashing you if you don't understand!"

That's right, Yi Shuihan was talking to the stone carving and also used threats.

The truth is naturally not that the stone sculpture came alive or something, but the moment Yi Shuihan said about the inheritance of blood, the eyes of the stone sculpture began to change, and after Yi Shuihan finished speaking, the original eyes had become scarlet.

Some crystals condensed in the eyes, and then flowed out, looking like a stone sculpture weeping blood.

Yi Shuihan felt that the blood had huge energy. Although it had no effect on him now, it was very useful for ordinary true sages, such as improving the physical quality.

"Blood" began to flow out continuously. Yi Shuihan wanted to catch it with something. As a result, the door at the back slammed shut, and the ground also changed. The ground surrounding the stone sculpture began to sink, forming in the blink of an eye A pool.

This kind of adjustment is easy to guess what is going on. It should be for the inheritor to soak.

The pool was soon filled with "blood", and the eyes of the stone sculpture no longer shed "tears".

Yi Shuihan stretched his hand into the pool, feeling a slight burning sensation, and found that energy was flowing into his body, strengthening his body, and there were some special changes that seemed to be guiding something.

"It's really amazing. If I guess correctly, the real bloodline inheritance is to use these energy to strengthen the body while comprehending something similar to bloodline skills."

Curious about what he could comprehend, Yi Shuihan immediately jumped into the pool and started the so-called blood inheritance.

"That's me, if I change to a general true saint, I can't stay sober here at all!"

A burst of pain passed from the whole body to the nerve center of his mind. For Yi Shuihan, it was just a small pain that could be tolerated, but for ordinary true sages, this pain would definitely make them want to die. ,, ..

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