Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1233: Preparation before leaving

"Owner, here you are."

Styx was the first to discover Yi Shuihan, and there was no second one, because Donghuang Taiyi was not in the store at this time. After so many years, Yi Shuihan's restraint on the two of them was also released. Someone does it, there is no need to be both at all times.

Now it is Styx and Donghuangtai who stay in the store for a month and take turns to look at the store. Styx is in the store, which means it is his turn this month.

For Styx, Yi Shuihan obviously didn't like Donghuang Taiyi, which has absolutely nothing to do with Donghuang Taiyi's being slightly better-looking.

Yi Shuihan found a wife for Donghuang Taiyi, and Styx is no exception, but Styx’s personality is too unique, and the wife he finds is actually the Asura clan he created himself, and he is not afraid of combining with his descendants. Give birth to a strange flower, I don’t know about eugenics!

"Yeah." Nodded, Yi Shuihan asked, "How's your business going?"

"It's not very good. Basically, it's hard to see someone coming in a month."

Styx shook his head, his expression was not very good, he looked at Yi Shuihan with a little nervousness, and some was afraid that Yi Shuihan blamed him.

"Don't be so nervous, I won't blame you, this is also normal. Many people can afford the system, and in the current situation, the benefits of completing the tasks on the heavenly merit list are not worse than those of the system. "

Indeed, the existence of the Heavenly Path Meritorious List has merit as long as the task is completed, and merit can play the role of panacea, which is not bad compared to the system, so naturally it does not need to spend a lot of resources to buy the system.

"I came here today to inform you of something, you can not use it in the future."

"Wait, why didn't I use it? I did something wrong, please don't drive me away."

Stygian was very excited and said that perhaps he refused to become the clerk at the beginning, but now the identity of the clerk has become very important to him. It is precisely because of such an identity that he has been in the entire prestige. Among the quasi-saints, they are special, and they are very confident even facing the saints.

Losing his identity as a clerk is not a good thing for Styx. On the contrary, if others know that he has no identity as a clerk, his status will plummet, and someone may even be able to target him because of this.

"You didn't do anything wrong, and I didn't drive you away, but I don't plan to continue to open this shop. I am leaving Honghuang."

Yi Shuihan’s explanation silenced Styx. If it was because of his mistake, there would be a turning point. Now that the store is not open, what else can he do? He can only silently accept the result. As for persuading Yi Don’t shut down Shuihan. This thought just flashed through Styx’s mind. He also knew a little about Yi Shuihan. He knew that all the decisions Yi Shuihan made would not be changed easily. That said, it means Yi Shuihan. Shui Han has made up his mind.

Besides, when Yi Shuihan was leaving Honghuang, Styx remembered that this one was from another world. After all, Honghuang is not Yi Shuihan's hometown. Isn't it human nature to want to return to his hometown?

"The shop owner's hometown must be a very powerful world! There must be a realm after the saint."

Yi Shuihan didn't know what Styx thought, but he had a vague guess.

I chatted with Styx for a long time, and finally gave Styx a sage-level system, which cost Yi Shuihan 500,000. Yi Shuihan can be regarded as the most righteous to Styhe.

After sending the Styx away, Yi Shuihan sat in the store for a while, closed the store, wrote a notice to close the store, and went to Donghuang Taiyi's house.

After another explanation, Yi Shuihan left with tears from Donghuang Taiyi.

In the following days, Yi Shuihan placed Honghuang's friends one by one, expressing the intention to leave.

Regarding this predecessor, there are reluctances and surprises, but in general, most of them are reluctant. This makes Yi Shuihan more pleased, at least as a person, he is still more friends than enemies.

If you want to leave the prehistoric land, the position of members of the Anti-Invasion Alliance is naturally no longer needed, and resigns decisively. On the day of leaving office, the Anti-Invasion Alliance also held a farewell meeting for Yi Shuihan to announce the news of Yi Shuihan's departure. Quan Honghuang, so if Yi Shuihan didn't leave, he would be unreasonable, and would be treated by colored glasses.

Yi Shuihan’s departure still has a big change in the pattern of the prehistoric. With Yi Shuihan, everyone dare not attack Yi Shuihan’s friends. It seems a little restrained. People in the two worlds are afraid to counterattack easily. Yi Shuihan stepped in.

A little Yi Shuihan is gone, and many people in Honghuang lack a great **** on their heads, and they can do what they want to do without worry, and the situation between the three realms may also change due to this.

Of course, all of this didn't matter to Yi Shuihan. Yi Shuihan didn't particularly care about what fate would be in the future. His heart was not in the predecessor and he flew to an unknown Ten Thousand Worlds United College.

"Holy Spirit, the time for the company is not up. If I go back early, there should be nothing wrong with it?"

"If the host does not reach the true sage, such early return will require a fine of 100,000 contribution points. If you reach the true sage, you will not be punished. On the contrary, after you return, you can apply for a promotion and get more resources."

"That's good, there is one thing left to do next, and that is how to arrange the Witch Clan well."

As Yi Shuihan’s wife, Hou Tu would naturally follow Yi Shuihan. There is no doubt about this. Before leaving, Yi Shuihan had to arrange for the Witch Clan, and then cut off the connection between Houtu and Heaven. Tu is now a false saint, and Yi Shuihan wants her to become a true saint.

In order to break the connection between Houtu and Honghuang and let the Wu Clan retain a certain strength after Yi Shuihan and Houtu left, Yi Shuihan and Honghuangtiandao entered into negotiations, and finally transferred the holy position of Houtu to Dijiang. On his body, Yi Shuihan paid something for this, and there were millions of contribution points, but Yi Shuihan was not heartbroken.

Houtu fell to the holy position and became the pinnacle of the quasi-sage. It became very difficult to break through. Houtu did not regret this, and Yi Shuihan was not very worried. There will be opportunities for Houtu to recover in the future. He believes in the heavens. There must be a solution, and if it really doesn't work, Hou Tu can be sanctified in his portable world, the same. ,, ..

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