Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1208: Life Source Liquid

When I saw Dong Ming again, Dong Ming was talking and laughing with Yi Shuihan’s senior brothers, but I could see that Yi Shuihan’s senior brothers were a little in awe of Dongming, the Dao emperor, even if they had a good relationship before. It also changed because of the huge difference in cultivation.

Dongming had just become a Dao Emperor, and he still couldn't retract and unwind as freely as their master, even if he deliberately controlled it, this incarnation would leak a trace of the pressure that belonged to the Dao Emperor.

With such a trace of coercion, the Emperor of Chaos who can't be cultivated at his level probably doesn't even have the right to be sober in front of him.

Yi Shuihan was a creative power who was not even afraid of the pressure of a real Dao Emperor. Naturally, he was completely immune to this pressure, and even Ye Dongsheng was almost unaffected.

"Junior Brother Yi, you are back."

"Junior brother, it's been a long time since I come back this time, I must have a good chat."

"I said that Junior Brother will definitely come back. Look, isn't this just coming!"

Seeing Yi Shuihan, all the brothers were very happy and greeted them one after another.

Seeing Yi Shuihan's face, Dong Ming also showed a smile, greeted Yi Shuihan to sit next to him.

"Brother, congratulations on your successful breakthrough."

"I'm just one step ahead of you. I believe you will follow up soon. By then, we will be one of the three emperors, and the only one of the heavens and ten thousand realms."

"Now it's the only one, okay? Isn't there one and two emperors besides us?"

"You don't know that, besides us, there is really a double emperor. There is a Jinfeng Emperor under the Five Elements Emperor, and the Speed ​​Emperor under the Time Emperor, and so on."

After Dong Ming said this, Yi Shuihan was also a little surprised, but after thinking about it, he figured it out. There is a high probability that a master can be a Dao emperor, and a genius who is qualified to become a Dao emperor will definitely do. There are Dao emperors who are interested in accepting disciples. If Yi Shuihan is not a master of good fortune, it is estimated that many Dao emperors will throw an olive branch.

In the next few years, the brothers who went out returned one after another. Yi Shuihan's master Salama will soon return to the world of good fortune. This time, the emperor of good fortune will gather together like never before.

Dongming became the emperor of the Dao, and all the powers of the heavens and all realms, and powerful abilities with a face, came to visit. Yi Shuihan also met many emperors of the Dao, and the good fortune world was very lively.

In order to welcome these Dao emperors, Yi Shuihan, the pioneering Dao, became a coolie, and he was busy for a while.

"Lao Long, your apprentice is good! I have received so many apprentices, but there has never been a Dao emperor, and you have received two at once. One has succeeded, and the other is not far away."

It must be a good relationship to be called Salama Laolong, and it is true. It is his few friends who compliment Salama, who is also the emperor of the Dao, the emperor of life, majoring in the Dao of Life, and his strength lies in the Dao. Ranked 7th among emperors, but the life-saving ability is among the top 3.

"You old tortoise, you only have 3 apprentices in total, and you sleep all day long. It would be weird if you can teach a great emperor."

The life emperor, known as the old turtle, is a basalt body, very lethargic. Sleeping time is more than ten thousand times that of being awake. Each sleep is ten billion years, and the longest being awake is several hundred years. It's not that Dongming's breakthrough is too loud, he may still sleep for billions of years.

"Why don't you give me this apprentice? I want to be the master of the Dao Emperor!"

The Emperor of Life suddenly pointed to Yi Shuihan on the side and said, what he said made Yi Shuihan startled.

"The beauty you want, no way."

Salama looked at her old friend with a bitter smile, and asked the apprentice to think of it, if someone else talked like this in front of him, he would have to rub him on the ground.

"I mean he adds another master. You are his master, and I am his master too. I only need one title. When he breaks through, let me be powerful."

The emperor of life said eagerly, as if thinking of something good, his face was full of excitement.

"That's not good either."

"Neither does it, nor does it, Lao Long, I won't get up if you don't agree."

The emperor of life didn't rely on it, and he was lying on the ground and rolling.

A grand Dao emperor actually did such a naive thing, and Yi Shuihan was stunned, and Salama looked at the sky with his forehead and looked speechless.

"Holy Spirit, is this Nima really the emperor of Dadao?"

"Back to the host, the other party is an out-and-out emperor of the Dao, please don't be deceived by him on the surface."

The atmosphere was a bit awkward, and Yi Shuihan could only turn his attention to his master.

"Well, his state will continue for a while, let's go out first."

With that, Salama walked outside, but every few steps he took, the emperor of life on the ground suddenly stood in front of him.

"Fast speed."

Yi Shuihan's pupils shrank slightly, and he hadn't noticed the movement of the Emperor of Life.

"Lao Long, you are not authentic! In our relationship, you can't let me show the limelight. The big deal is that you promise me and I will give him a drop of life source liquid."

When talking about the life source liquid, life emperor sovereign's face flashed a trace of flesh pain.

"Life Source Liquid?"

Looking at the emperor of life in surprise, it was obvious that this life source liquid made Salama's heart uneasy.

"The deal, but you have to give three drops."

"No, at most one drop, you don't know, it will take me at least tens of billions of years to condense a drop of life source liquid."

"Two drops, otherwise there is no need to talk about it, you have to think about it, if others know that you have a Daowang apprentice, how envious you will be when you go out, Beier will have a face!"

The emperor of life stopped speaking, standing still thinking, and it took a while before he made up his mind.

"Well, two drops are two drops."

In this way, with Yi Shuihan's bewildered expression on his face, he had one more master, although only in name.

Originally, Yi Shuihan wanted to refuse, but he stopped talking after he knew what the life source liquid was.

The life source liquid is a magical treasure that can only be refined by the emperor of life. Its function is very sky-defying. It is equivalent to a resurrection cross. It is effective for the emperor of the great road. .

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