Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1205: Know your brand

In fact, Yi Shuihan doesn’t think what he can do to the Emperor of Poison Heart this time. After all, the strength of the other party is there. It is the company’s senior management. Compared with his pioneering path, the Emperor is more important to the company. In addition, Emperor Poison Heart stays in the company The time is longer than Yi Shuihan, the old man does not say, there are some supporting his existence.

The Poison Heart Emperor decisively exploded the puppet, so that the evidence against him was erased. As long as he insisted that he did not come to fight for the big world, the company could not force him to convict him.

The fact is also true, the handling of the Poison Heart Emperor has not been finalized, it seems that major issues are going to be reduced to minor issues.

Even if the Xuxu Emperor knew that there was something wrong with the Poison Heart Emperor, that is, he beat the Poison Heart Emperor a few times, punished the Poison Emperor, and restrained the Poison Emperor, but did not cause substantial loss to the Poison Heart Emperor.

If this continues, maybe the Poison Heart Emperor will be found again in a few years, so that Yi Shuihan's arrangement in the Great World of Fortune will probably be ruined.

In order to buy time, and considering that he had almost completely torn his face with Emperor Poison Heart, Yi Shuihan gave the Emperor Poison Heart brand out of the bucket.

Over the years, Ye Dongsheng and the others did nothing. They found out many people who were suspected of being branded and made a long list.

The branding matter spread from the Chaos City, and quickly spread to the entire world of the heavens, becoming the headline event of the world of the heavens and the world.

The dark hands of Poison Heart Emperor are all over the major forces. Those forces will naturally not ignore the things that are branded. They have carried out a thorough investigation of those on the list. When they find out that there are branded things, all the forces will Together, they attacked the company and asked the company to hand over the Poison Heart Emperor.

Emperor Poison Heart has become a character that everyone shouts and beats, even if he is the emperor of the Great Dao, he cannot hold it.

After internal discussions, the company directly issued an announcement, expelling Poison Heart Emperor from the company, and planned to permanently seal and suppress Poison Heart Emperor.

When the company moved to capture the Poison Heart Emperor, the Poison Heart Emperor erupted, broke out of the hands of the two Dao Emperors, and finally disappeared.

The Poison Heart Emperor ran away, but the Little Poison Emperor did not run away. He became the target of everyone's venting. If he didn’t think he could still act as a decoy, he might have been killed, but even if he didn’t die, he was actually better alive. It was painful to die, and he was suffering from the criminal law all day long.

When things got here, just when Yi Shuihan thought he would usher in a period of peaceful development, something happened suddenly.

The Brander controlled by the Poison Heart Emperor carried out a terrorist attack, and many forces suffered self-destructive attacks.

"If I don't want to continue, I'll hand Yi Shuihan out, otherwise those who have been branded don't want to live."

It stands to reason that this threat will not be supported. Once agreed, it will be a bow to the Poison Heart Emperor.

In the beginning, no one agreed to this ridiculous request, but as time passed, one after another was branded suicide and dragged down some innocent people, and the wind gradually changed.

"Take Yi Shuihan out! It's worthwhile to exchange his life for many people."

"Although it is a bit unfair to Yi Shuihan, but only in this way can the loss be minimized. When he is dead, the heavens and all realms will remember him, and he will be a hero."

"It's better to die alone than countless people,"

What makes Yi Shuihan feel gratified is that when the outside world is clamoring to let Yi Shuihan go to the fore, the company still spares no effort to support Yi Shuihan and withstand external pressure.

In particular, Emperor Xuxu has contacted Yi Shuihan many times, to relax, don't feel pressure, they will take care of the outside affairs.

If Yi Shuihan has absolutely no way to deal with the branding, then naturally he can only sit back and put his hope on the company, and he has a method to remove the branding, the situation is naturally different.

Although it is not easy for Yi Shuihan to get rid of the brand, he is still willing to use his own power to reduce some pressure for the company.

The news that Yi Shuihan could get rid of the brand was not immediately known to everyone. After all, if the Emperor Poison Heart knew about it, he would directly let all the branded persons blew himself up, and then the loss would be lost. Big.

The matter of removing the stigma can only come secretly. Yi Shuihan first removes the stigma inside the company secretly, and then he comes into contact with those forces that are closer to the company.

One by one, the branded persons were brought to Yi Shuihan to remove the brand. The outside world did not know at all. On the surface, it was still the clamorers who made the company hand over Yi Shuihan.

"Emperor Poisonous Heart is really well-intentioned, and there are so many people he admires!"

Once again successfully removed a brand mark, Yi Shuihan thought of the recent days and hated Emperor Poison Heart.

These days, Yi Shuihan has lived a 24-hour life without rest. In addition to getting rid of the stigma, he basically does not rest in the middle, and he stops unless he consumes too much to do the removal work.

The number of imprints removed by Yi Shuihan has reached hundreds, which is only half of the total, and there are hundreds of others waiting for him to remove.

In addition, there were more than three hundred chaotic emperors controlled by Emperor Poison Heart who had died before. This number was simply against the sky. I really don't know how Emperor Poison Heart did it.

Of course, apart from the Emperor of Chaos, there are even more people under the Emperor of Chaos, it is almost innumerable, but only those with particularly high status will be sent to Yi Shuihan.

Yi Shuihan’s luck was good. Before the Emperor Poison Heart found it, 80% of the Chaos Emperor’s stigma was removed. The best 20% was naturally a suicide attack under the command of the Poison Heart Emperor. A smog.

Without the threat of branding, the Poison Heart Emperor could not threaten to surrender Yi Shuihan, so Yi Shuihan became clean.

In fact, when he knew the threat of Poison Heart Emperor, Yi Shuihan was still surprised why he did not use this as a threat to rescue the Little Poison Emperor? Later, after the explanation of Emperor Xushi, Emperor Poxin is afraid of being found out. Little Poison Emperor is different from Yi Shuihan. He can kill Yi Shuihan and run away by himself, but Little Poison Emperor unless he kills directly. , Otherwise everyone's method of staying on the little poison emperor will expose him, at least he will be locked for a period of time.

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