Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1202: Emperor puppet

Even if he expected that the little poison emperor would definitely not let it go, Yi Shuihan did not expect that the opponent's revenge would come so soon.

Only a few years later, the little poison emperor went and returned, and beside him were two puppets exuding the aura of innovation.

Yi Shuihan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the puppet. Even if the puppet's aura was much stronger than that of ordinary creation, Yi Shuihan thought he could deal with it.

Just when Yi Shuihan was about to taunt a few words, the aura on one of the puppets suddenly changed.

"this is……"

Upon sensing the familiar breath, Yi Shuihan's complexion changed sharply, and a terrible guess was born in his heart, and the guess was confirmed the next moment.

"Has it arrived?"

"Yes, father."

The father in the mouth of the little poison emperor is naturally the emperor of poison heart.

The puppet with a changed breath completely changed its appearance at this moment, becoming the appearance of the Poison Heart Emperor that Yi Shuihan had seen before, and the breath exuding from his body was completely beyond the wound.

If it were not for Yi Shuihan to see the end from the beginning, he would definitely think that the real Poison Heart Emperor was in front of him, and then turned around and ran.

"Does the poisonous heart emperor use a certain method to descend the will! I don't know how much power he can display the real Dao Emperor?"

The Little Poison Emperor retreated behind the Poison Heart Emperor, and another puppet stayed beside him. He looked at Yi Shuihan with a cruel look, with a sickly smile on his face.

"I don't know what is important to the emperor?"

Yi Shuihan asked pretentiously.

Emperor Duxin looked at Yi Shuihan with a scrutinizing gaze. Yi Shuihan only felt a brutal consciousness exploring him, without considering Yi Shuihan's feelings at all.

Even if the person in front of you is not the real Poison Heart Emperor, it is only part of the consciousness of Poison Heart Emperor, and still possesses some of the powers of the Dao Emperor. The life level that belongs to the Dao Emperor is overwhelmed by the coercion, Yi Shuihan will have I feel that my body is not moving.

While fighting for the heart of the universe, Yi Shuihan felt the difference between the Dao Emperor and Chuangdao for the first time. It was the gap that made Chuangdao unable to resist. Just standing there, there was no momentum to target, so let Yi Shuihan didn't kneel down very hard.

Now Yi Shuihan is under more pressure than it was at that time. What he is in front of is not the real Daowang emperor, but the other party deliberately targeted him this time.

Of course, Yi Shuihan was only enlightened at the beginning, and now he has stepped into the realm of creation, and his strength is much stronger than before. That is to say, he feels a little immobile. This is an illusion, and it is okay if he really wants to act.

Using the power of the system, Yi Shuihan blocked the investigation of Emperor Duxin from his body, which caused Emperor Duxin to let out a somewhat unexpected "Huh".

"I underestimated you, but the more secrets you have, the more interested I will be."

Emperor Poison Heart was indeed very surprised. The power that blocked him was no longer part of Chuangdao in terms of level, and it was obviously not something Yi Shuihan could possess.

"What do you mean, Lord Emperor? Do you still have to do something against me? I have to ask, what did I do wrong? Is this the way the company treats the hero?"

While speaking, Yi Shuihan took out the liaison device, which was a special liaison device issued by the company to Chuangdao to contact the company headquarters.


Sparks sounded, and the contactor exploded without warning and turned into ashes.

"Can't let you report it! You still stay here obediently, if you cooperate, after tens of billions of years, I can consider letting you go."

Before the words fell, a golden prison formed, trapping Yi Shuihan in it.

"Father, is this too cheap for him? What if he goes to sue him in tens of billions of years?"

"Don't worry, he will belong to us in tens of billions of years."

The poisonous emperor said something strange, the little poisonous emperor didn't understand, so he knew his father and knew that no matter how much he said, his father would not change his mind, so he stopped talking.

"What does he mean? Can it be said that he can still use the brand to control me? Isn't the target of the brand controlled under Innovative Way? Or is he one step closer."

Guessing the meaning in the words of Emperor Poison Heart, Yi Shuihan was testing the jail at the same time, he wouldn't just be caught like this.

When his hand touched the prison, a tingling sensation caused Yi Shuihan to retract his hand subconsciously, only to see that the fingers that touched the prison had become scorched.

The scorched area quickly repaired itself, but the tingling sensation lingered, and it took a while to weaken.

Judging from Yi Shuihan's eyes, he actually couldn't see the operating mechanism of this prison at all.

The power of time is also completely unable to act on the prison, but it makes the prison stronger.

"You don't need to waste your energy. Unless you have the power to surpass creation, you don't want to break this golden hell. All your attacks on him will be absorbed by it and make it stronger. If you don't believe it, you can try it. "

The golden prison that seems to be created at will is not simple. To make an analogy, he can use this puppet body to perform such tricks at most 3 times.

If Emperor Duxin had not discovered the power of Yi Shuihan's system, he would not have used the Golden Prison, but would directly wound Yi Shuihan seriously, leaving only a breath.

Yi Shuihan didn’t know that Emperor Duxin had a great interest in him or the power of the system. At this time, Emperor Duxin’s deity had already begun to rush towards this place and wanted to study Yi Shuihan. .

The so-called tens of billions of years to spare Yi Shuihan is actually to deceive Yi Shuihan, but the real plan of Emperor Duxin is to refine Yi Shuihan into a puppet.

Yes, it was a puppet, just like the puppet whose consciousness descended on him now.

This puppet's body was also the body of Chuangdao before, but it was caught by him, and after being killed, only the shell was left behind.

For the Poison Heart Emperor, such a puppet is also relatively rare, because only such a puppet can carry part of his power, display the invincible strength of Innovative Dao, and can do certain shameful things.

Emperor Duxin’s plan was to imprison Yi Shuihan’s consciousness, and then use his body to make puppets. Of course, this was after studying the power in Yi Shuihan that interested him.

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