Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1092: Indecent movement

"You should be here for a quota under one billion years!"

Ba Ling said with certainty.

"Not bad."

Yi Shuihan nodded slightly.

"Then you need to pay attention to the little guys over there, they are all your competitors."

"Is it true? The white-haired man, known as the White-Haired Emperor, has passed the critical point of one billion years in a few hundred years. It is also the largest emperor of Chaos in this one billion years. He has a master of Taoism. The strength can be considered in the seeking realm."

"There is also that, with two tails, Shattered Emperor, it is very good to destroy the avenue with one hand."

"Especially that one, right? That's the little princess from our company. She has a very hard backstage. My mother is the emperor of the Dadao. Although she came to participate in the selection this time, it was actually agreed long ago. You met her. It’s better to relax, and besides..."

Tyrant Ling was like a few Jiazhen’s introduced to Yi Shuihan. What surprised Yi Shuihan was that he seemed to be able to say a few words and comment on each of the Chaos Emperor.

Yi Shuihan listened to Ba Ling's words silently, and he also wrote down his words in his heart. It did have some effect, at least for now, Yi Shuihan would not be blackened.

About 2 hours later, Ba Ling left Yi Shuihan's side. He went to participate in the qualification contest. There were many Chaos Emperors who went with him. In the end, only 9 Chaos Emperors remained. , These are all competing for those three places like Yi Shuihan.

"The ratio of three to one is relatively easy."

Yi Shuihan had a calm mind with a large number of his competitors calmly.

It seemed that because the other Chaos Kings left, and the rest were all competitors, the scene became very quiet, all showing a vigilant look.

"Hey, who are you! I haven't seen you before."

The little princess of the company who was introduced by Ba Ling before came to Yi Shuihan, and her emerald green eyes looked at Yi Shuihan curiously.

"Yi Shuihan."

Slowly spit out his name, neither appearing cold nor overly enthusiastic. Yi Shuihan currently holds a respectful attitude towards the little princess. From Ba Ling's mouth, he knows that this little princess is a The character of the little witch, because she has a strong mother, is lawless outside, afraid of nothing, everything follows her own mind, rampant.

"I haven't heard of it." Tilted her head and thought, the little princess finally shook her head.

"Yi Shuihan, right! The name is not bad, I remember it. Then do you know who I am?"

Before Yi Shuihan could answer, he continued.

"I am the second youngest beauty in the heavens and the world, the first is my mother, hum, this second youngest beauty is recognized by the entire company."

The fragrance of flowers is indeed very beautiful, but it is definitely impossible to say that it is the second in the world. At least there are a few beauties that Yi Shuihan has seen that are comparable to her, such as Shi Fei and Yi Ling'er, and even his own wives don't need her.

Yi Shuihan can't deny the self-selling boast of potpourri, as if you are acting at will.

"You're so boring, it's not fun, it's not fun."

Yi Shuihan's plainness caused Bai Huaxiang to lose interest, and she hopped to the other side to harass other Chaos Emperors.

"Gray hair, I heard that your hair is very strong and can be used to refine treasures. If you give me half, OK, I want to use it to refine a collar."

"Daily, why are your clothes so dark? How long have they not been washed? Oh, why are there so many small holes on it, do you want me to make up for it?"

"You are the ultimate Chaos Lingbao, how about three tricks I will let you later so that you won't be so happy."

"I have internal information here, do you want to know, do you? Humph, I won't tell you."

Basically, I can hear Baihuaxiang talking there all the time. Yi Shuihan can see that everyone has endured very hard, but he dare not really do anything to Baihuaxiang. At most, he can only use his eyes to resist protest.

Fortunately, the person responsible for the qualification competition came soon and finally calmed Baihuaxiang.

"Little guys, come with me! Don't let anyone down. If you don't keep up, you will treat it as elimination."

This is an old woman with half-white hair. The aura on her body is very weird, strong for a while and weak for a while.

After the old woman finished speaking, she immediately turned on the rapid mode and disappeared from Yi Shuihan's eyes.

Looking at each other, a group of chaotic emperors followed with their magical powers.

The speed of the old woman is very fast, and Yi Shuihan has to use half of the speed to keep him from falling behind, and most of the other Chaos Kings are also serious.

Of course, it is not without light, such as Potpourri Fragrance, White Hair Emperor and Shattered Emperor.

"Is it to test endurance?"

A few hours later, when Yi Shuihan had just such an idea, the old woman stopped.

"You, you, and you are eliminated."

Suddenly, Old Ou ordered 3 Chaos Emperors in turn, and said in a cold tone.

"Why? I want a reason."

"That is to say, why I was eliminated? Hasn't it all started yet?"

"I'm not convinced."

Being eliminated so vaguely, it is naturally not so easy to accept, and the three chaotic emperors shouted.

"Why? Just because your posture is not good-looking, you are going to Chaos City, and every move represents the face of our company. The posture is not good-looking, how would people think of us?"

This reason is very powerful, and even Yi Shuihan is a bit dumbfounded. He was originally an old woman and was eliminated only when he saw that these few strengths were not good. He didn't expect it to be this reason.

"Look at it for yourself. This is the posture of each of you just now. The worst is the three of you."

Nine small virtual screens appeared in front of the old woman, showing Yi Shuihan and the others' previous moving pictures. Let alone, a closer look at the three named moving postures are really the worst.

"I still don't..."

Before he could continue to speak, the old woman waved his hand casually, and the three eliminated chaos emperors disappeared.

"What a strong spatial attainment."

Seeing this scene, Yi Shuihan's pupils shrank. What he could see with this hand was the power of the way of space. He could understate it so that all three Chaos Kings could be removed without resistance. It was beyond Yi Shuihan's imagination.

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