Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1044: Lightning Chain

"I will stop here for the reward. Now I will explain the rules of the fourth stage. The fourth stage is what I call a **** battle. Everyone will compete with other participants, and finally based on the number of wins. Ranking, the more wins, the higher the ranking, which means that each of you will play 9999 games. Of course, if there is a death, then you don’t have to fight against the dead contestant. The first one to die is the last. Ten thousand, the second is 9,999, and so on."

"There is no rest time in the fourth stage. There are only two or more contestants who are not fighting. Unless they have already fought, they will continue to fight."

"After determining the ranking in the fourth stage, in the fifth stage, there will be an opportunity to challenge a player who is no more than a hundred above him and replace the opponent's ranking. This opportunity will move forward from the last 10,000 and you can give up."

Having said so much, in fact, the most important stage is the fourth stage. The fifth stage is equivalent to checking for omissions, mainly for a situation, that is, losing the game due to an accident in the fourth stage, or else Nor does it stipulate that you can only challenge those who rank no more than one hundred, rather than directly challenge all.

The fourth stage is the real climax of the school competition. There is no rest time in the midfield, which also tests the judgment of the contestants.

If you encounter a close opponent at the beginning, it is best not to lose both. In that case, the subsequent games will be very disadvantageous.

There is no rest time. Naturally, the school will not guarantee that every time you start a game, you will be in a state of victory.

With the announcement of the completion of the rules, the game immediately entered the starting state, the ten thousand contestants in the hall began to disappear one by one, and their battle screen appeared in the void.

It took only ten seconds, and there was no one in the hall.

The fourth stage of the battlefield is the inside of the school. There are a total of 5,000 stable spaces. Watchers can now directly enter the special space they want to watch. You can feel the battle at the closest distance. The aftermath of the battle is under special rules. It will not reach them.

Of course, the audience cannot influence the game. They will be shielded from the perception of the fighters. This shielding can only be done by the Chaos King.

As a contestant, Yi Shuihan also met his first opponent.


The breath of Meizu is easy to recognize, and there is another Yi Ling'er in the harem of Yi Shuihan, which is not surprising at a glance.

"The little brother is very face-to-face! Seeing you are so handsome, I can't bear to fight, or else! You surrender, and after the game is over, I will accompany you well. Do whatever you want!"

A very strange wave radiated in the void, causing Yi Shuihan to lose consciousness for an instant, and wanted to answer the party's request in his heart.


Yi Shuihan reacted as soon as he said the word, and understood what had happened before. It was obvious that he was charmed by the other party's spirit.

"Meizu's charm is really powerful, even I almost got it."

From Yi Ling'er, Yi Shuihan also learned about some things about Meizu, knowing that because of the racial characteristics, most of Meizu’s charms are along the way. This way has a great effect on the spirit and soul. Unconsciously control people, change people's thinking, and even soul.

"Has it been discovered?"

Huangfuyin still smiles like a flower, but the eyes looking at Yi Shuihan are a little dignified. She is a quasi-emperor whose charm has reached the level of the 7th floor of the Tongtian Tower. Even if the same quasi-emperor is not prepared, she will mostly be given Enchanting, like Yi Shuihan getting rid of the influence so quickly, only a small part of the Quasi-Emperor can do it in her memory.

Any quasi-emperor who can get out of her charm so quickly is not easy to provoke. Huangfuyin knows this. Originally, she did not regard Yi Shuihan as her opponent, but now she does not despise Yi Shuihan at all. Thoughts.

"Sister, I have a suggestion. How do we determine the outcome with one move. If I can't beat you with one move, then I will give up."

It is obviously not a good thing to fight for a long time with an opponent whose strength is close to or even stronger than herself. Therefore, Huangfuyin will propose a trick to determine the outcome. She must avoid excessive consumption at the beginning of the fourth stage. Anyway, her The goal is just to hit the top 100, not to lose.

Once in the top 100, she will be eligible to challenge all the contestants in the top 100. At that time, if her strength allows, she can still move on.

It can be said that in the fourth stage aspiring to the top ten, even higher ranking contestants are playing similar ideas, really meet the strength of the same, it is acceptable to admit defeat several times, they only need to ensure that they do not fall out One hundred will do. Of course, to be honest, one hundred and ten are also acceptable.


Yi Shuihan saw Huangfuyin's thoughts, but he didn't mean to stop him. He and the other party didn't have any deep hatred. They couldn't deliberately target each other. The previous charms were within acceptable limits. After all, when they entered the battlefield, The game has already started, and the opponent is not considered a sneak attack. The main reason is that Huangfu's voice is high enough, and the small problems can be forgiven.

"The little brother is going to be ready, I'm going to go."

Huangfuyin's face changed, from charming to extremely cold.

Around Huangfuyin, women appeared one after another. Some of these women are familiar with Yi Shuihan, while others are strange.

"Illusion? No!"

When Yi Shuihan thought that these women were all illusions created by Huangfu Yin, the women attacked one by one, which could really hurt Yi Shuihan's attack.

These attacks are varied, with magical powers, secret arts, and pure physical attacks, and they all have the power of Tao, but most of them are on the sixth floor of the Tongtian Tower, and only a few have the power of the seventh floor of the Tongtian Tower.

"It's already possible to do this step, blurring the reality."

With this trick, Huangfuyin was not an ordinary quasi-emperor, especially when Yi Shuihan discovered that the attacks from these women who had been transformed by him didn't seem to consume Huangfuyin's physical strength.

In other words, in addition to directly cracking this trick, you can't win by resisting it. Once you can only resist, then only defeat is waiting.

"Then try this trick of mine, Lightning Chain."

A flash of lightning suddenly appeared in front of a phantom woman, penetrated the past, and then seemed to trigger some kind of mechanism. When the woman's body flashed with lightning, many other places also appeared on the scene. Lei Guang.

The thunder light disappeared, and the scene became empty again, leaving only Yi Shuihan with a faint smile on his face and Huangfuyin with a dull look in his eyes.

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