Myriad Realms Skill System

Chapter 1033: Territory is invaded

A few minutes after Yi Shuihan entered the pool, he walked out of the pool again. It was not that he could not persist, but that his goal had been achieved and he had realized a skill.

Said it is a comprehension skill, in fact, this skill Yi Shuihan can do it himself. That is fire control. After comprehension, it only makes it easier for Yi Shuihan to use the power of fire in this world, without having to fight against the whole world.

how to say? In fact, this bloodline inheritance is equivalent to a right, the right to use some unconventional forces in this world.

In other words, in fact, the so-called nobles are senior members of this world. Ordinary people are tourists who have not paid, and there is no privilege if they do not charge up.

For students from Ten Thousand Worlds colleges and universities who come to this world to compete, the only thing that bloodline inheritance is really useful is to strengthen the body. The so-called skills can only be used in the current world. For Yi Shuihan Those who are super strong are useless.

"The inheritance of blood can be seen as part of the rules of the world, it is so inexplicable."

Yi Shuihan wanted to collect some blood for research, but when he had this idea, the blood disappeared inexplicably.

There is no doubt that this is someone deliberately operating this, Yi Shuihan couldn't help but look at the top, as if he had penetrated everything and saw a certain host outside the world.

"It's a pity that the Great God Taiyi took a bath and put on clothes. He didn't see the capital of the Great God."

"It is indeed possible, and it only takes a few minutes, and the time is too short."

"Everyone is too dirty, shouldn't the focus of attention be thinking about the bloodline inheritance?"

Somewhere in Honghuang, when the young man's words were uttered, the girls around him quickly moved away from him, leaving him with a dazed look.

The ground rose, the pool had disappeared, and the door of the room had been opened, indicating the end of blood inheritance. Yi Shuihan thought about the possibility of removing the stone sculptures to get those special blood, and finally he simply dispelled this idea.

"My son, why did you come out so quickly? Did the inheritance fail?"

When the maid saw Yi Shuihan coming out, she was first overjoyed, and then said desperately.

"No! The inheritance is over, of course I will come out."

"How come? I heard the master say that the inheritance usually takes a few hours! Even if it is fast, it can't be completed in an hour."

"I am more talented."

Yi Shuihan's answer obviously did not satisfy the maid, and the maid wanted to ask again. Yi Shuihan silently raised his hand, spreading his palm, and a cloud of faint blue flame was suspended above his palm.

"It's You Mingyan, son, you really succeeded, that's great."

Seeing the flame, the maid finally believed Yi Shuihan's words with a look of excitement.

"How is this going?"

Yi Shuihan pointed at the guards on the ground.

The maid's face suddenly became tense, and it was even slightly pale.

"They were all ordered by me to kill. You can punish me whatever you want, but don't drive me away."

The maid said pitifully.

What the hell?

Yi Shuihan's mind is a bit white, and he doesn't understand what the other party is doing. One thing Yi Shuihan can feel is that this maid really cares about his thoughts.

"Why order them to be killed?"

In fact, Yi Shuihan didn't care much about this. It was the guards of the Viscount Mansion who died, but to him it was just some npc-like existence. After all, the whole world was like a game to him.

"Because they have all passed news to the outside world, I am worried that there will be spies among them that will interfere with the inheritance of the son."

The reason was valid and far-fetched, but Yi Shuihan didn't continue to ask, and nodded his head to reveal the matter.

"I should be the real Viscount now, right?"

"Yes! The son is going to hold a declaration meeting? Every nobleman will do this after he inherits the title. The son also needs to contact the nearby nobles."

"Then follow the rules!"

Yi Shuihan didn’t immediately order the maid to find clues for the imprints. It was mainly because he came to this world. He hadn’t fully figured out some things, so he decided to wait and see for a while before talking, and it’s also just to find out if it would be a surprise Questions.

It was stated that the meeting had not been fully convened, Yi Shuihan encountered other problems, and nobles attacked his territory.

"Baron Ahab is really hateful. A baron in a small area dare to offend us, son, we must teach him severely. He must think that the master is gone, even if the son inherits the blood power, he will not be too strong for a while. , That's why he came to hit us."

In front of Yi Shuihan, the maid Hill's indignation was even more anxious than Yi Shuihan's righteous master.

"How many people came from Baron Ahab?"

"He brought three thousand soldiers, and three knights with blood power."

"How are we here?"

"Now there are only two thousand soldiers, but adding the guards in the mansion, we also have two thousand and five. The strength of the guards is no problem with one enemy and two. It is completely enough to resist Baron Ahab, but..."

"But what?"

"If we lose too much this time, other nobles may take advantage of the fire and rob."

"Then minimize the loss, let me go, let me talk to him personally."

Yi Shuihan finally set off with only two thousand soldiers, leaving behind the guards in the Viscount Mansion.

As a Viscount, Yi Shuihan's territory is actually not too big, only a 2,000-mile radius, including a medium-sized city, three small cities, and the others are small towns and villages.

When Yi Shuihan met Ahab, Ahab and his army were burning and looting in a small town called Huorong, which was already full of flames.

"Oh, isn't this the successor of our Viscount? How come you have time to play here!"

Baron Ahab didn't panic when he saw Yi Shuihan and the two thousand soldiers behind Yi Shuihan.

"Kill me!"

There was no idea of ​​talking to Baron Ahab. Yi Shuihan gave an order and rode towards Ahab. At this time, it was more important to do than to say.

"Courageous and inexorable stunner! Kill you, everything about you belongs to me."

Baron Ahab saw Yi Shuihan rushing over, his eyes flashed with disdain, took the knight's gun in his hand and greeted him.

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